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[Guide] The Jedi Sage's Handbook


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It's not, it's just the easiest to solo boss enemies with. TK/Balance will destroy it for speed every other time. He cites interrupts for why TK sucks for PvE leveling... I think I was literally interrupted a grand total of 3 times before doing Ilum dailys with those stupid droids while leveling as TK.


It comes from Telekinetic Throw, project and such :) & your companion. For PvP is the easiest because your companion almost never dies. The first one you get is a tank, he agroos everything anf kills. :)

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It comes from Telekinetic Throw, project and such :) & your companion. For PvP is the easiest because your companion almost never dies. The first one you get is a tank, he agroos everything anf kills. :)


This is a mostly confusing statement because I suspect you mean PvE instead of PvP.


Regardless it doesn't matter because I still stand by my statement. Early on everything levels the same because no spec has any distinguishing talents. With each level though the DPS specs pull away from Seer. They simply kill far faster and have numerous tricks to negate any downside from downtime for healing in between fights. DPS specs are still capable of healing the companion in the few instances they need to too.


Seer might be better for soloing heroic quests and the like, but it doesn't matter as those are largely a waste of time if you have to solo them. True leveling efficiency simply comes from chaining normal quests in an area. Now this isn't to say that Seer is horrible for leveling as levels far better than healing specs in other games, but claiming it's the fastest would be completely wrong.

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It comes from Telekinetic Throw, project and such :) & your companion. For PvP is the easiest because your companion almost never dies. The first one you get is a tank, he agroos everything anf kills. :)


Don't you mean for PvE?

Edited by Shiroie
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Around level 41 or so, should my Seer Sage move away from Crit Rating, and towards Power? Honestly, if Crew Skills made mods that buffed Power, then Crit Rating, with a teensy bit of Endurance, that would be perfect. Not really seeing much use from Surge Rating really, but it's got a death-grip on Crit Rating's leg. Edited by BarGamer
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A lot of words in this guide, some new opinions/viewpoints not found in the codex or by reading the skill trees.


A few constructive criticisms:


Regarding Crew Skills:

-I would be extremely leery of jumping on the Biochem bandwagon.

-You have seriously underrated Synthweaving, unless you don't like having the best available gear (until endgame). Synthweaving, as you alluded to, will help a Consular more than any other craft, as you can craft 7 pieces of gear that you can use at the same time, all of which is better gear than modded oranges (until endgame).


Regarding Skill Trees:

-I would very carefully consider speccing into anything that doesn't have a 31. I would also be very hesitant to level any other tree besides my 31 tree, until I have that top tier talent. Perhaps a philosophical difference, but the people reading this thread would do well to look at the trees and decide for themselves.


Otherwise, nice and wordy.

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Dear OP or anybody kind enough to answer this question. After reading the Handbook paragraph dedicated to the Sage seer a dozen of times, I must admit that I can`t understand a few sentences from it. There are two possible reasons for this lack of understanding: it`s either because English isn`t my native language or I don`t understand some basic gameplay mechanics. Since these sentences are used to describe what seems to be one of the most powerfull tools in seer`s arsenal, I feel like I really need some help. So...



Under Conveyance, it is very simple to get 50% crit with Healing Trance, which greatly improves the average healing which you can expect from Healing Trance, as there are four chances per each cast of HT to critical.
50% and four chances? I don`t get it at all... :(


It gets better. Resplendence allows any of these criticals to cause your next Noble Sacrifice to have absolutely no negative effects. You heard right. Once you get Resplendence, there is only a one-in-sixteen chance that a Healing Trance will not allow you to have a free + 48 FP.
"These criticals"? I think of it like that: when we use HT it`s either critical and free NS or not. What is the second critical? Consequently I don`t understand why is it one-in-sixteen (that`s roughly equal to 93%, right?) chance?


Thanks in advance for your help.

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Healing Trance is an initial heal + 3-second-channeled ability, so any ONE of the FOUR ticks has a chance to proc Resplendence. 1/4*1/4*1/4*1/4=1/16


The math is probably a bit more complicated than that, depending on what your Force Critical Chance is, but you get the idea.

Edited by BarGamer
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I'm a level 22 seer sage and for now I only have benevolence (rarely used, as per this good guide suggests) and delivrance.


Force Potency is not mentioned much in the guide. It just says it's not affected by the GCD and the guide makes no recommendation on its use (or not)


Are two crit heals worth using Force Potency?

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Healing Trance is an initial heal + 3-second-channeled ability, so any ONE of the FOUR ticks has a chance to proc Resplendence. 1/4*1/4*1/4*1/4=1/16


The math is probably a bit more complicated than that, depending on what your Force Critical Chance is, but you get the idea.

I finally get it now, nice! I actually didn`t know that each of these "ticks" may have a critical on its own. By the way 1/4*1/4*1/4*1/4=1/256, but (1/2)^4=1/16, as it was mentioned in the previous paragrph that with rejuvinate and bonus from gear critical chance should be around 50%.

Thanks a lot!

Edited by Zeratulr
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I'm a level 22 seer sage and for now I only have benevolence (rarely used, as per this good guide suggests) and delivrance.


Force Potency is not mentioned much in the guide. It just says it's not affected by the GCD and the guide makes no recommendation on its use (or not)


Are two crit heals worth using Force Potency?


Potency is only a 1.5 minute cooldown so you can use it pretty liberally. I've never been a Seer myself, but I've been told that Potency doesn't work on healing trance at all, and I have no idea about rejuv. The good news is you can use it to get two big crits pretty reliably on your long cast time heals. Potency is more about getting the best bang for your buck.

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Potency is only a 1.5 minute cooldown so you can use it pretty liberally. I've never been a Seer myself, but I've been told that Potency doesn't work on healing trance at all, and I have no idea about rejuv. The good news is you can use it to get two big crits pretty reliably on your long cast time heals. Potency is more about getting the best bang for your buck.


I can confirm that it does not work with HT or with HoTs / DoTs. It is for TT or Direct sources of damage or healing. (Not sure if it works with direct heal on Rej. I never used it for that. It should since it is a direct heal.)

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I can confirm that it does not work with HT or with HoTs / DoTs. It is for TT or Direct sources of damage or healing. (Not sure if it works with direct heal on Rej. I never used it for that. It should since it is a direct heal.)


It does, I've had a charge consumed by casting Rejuv but it is only the initial heal that gains from this (making it a bad choice) and not the HoT portion.

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It does, I've had a charge consumed by casting Rejuv but it is only the initial heal that gains from this (making it a bad choice) and not the HoT portion.


Sounds like it functions similar to Mind Crush then where the initial nuke will crit but obviously not all subsequent dot ticks.


Again, Astral can we please get accuracy removed from this guide. It's getting annoying trying to explain to every single person why it's totally and utterly useless to slot in your gear.

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Sounds like it functions similar to Mind Crush then where the initial nuke will crit but obviously not all subsequent dot ticks.


Again, Astral can we please get accuracy removed from this guide. It's getting annoying trying to explain to every single person why it's totally and utterly useless to slot in your gear.


I think that is the wrong way to go. You will get even worse questions about accuracy. Just have a short paragraph included that states that "for PvE it is not worthwhile since targets have no mitigation to speak of and it scales poorly. PvP it has uses against persons who have defensive talents. But those tend to largely be 'tanks' that you would rather not target if possible. For more info look elsewhere." (Or you can direct them to my post / reply a few pages back.)


Covers your butt, takes care of most questions, and helps them learn more if they want to on their own.

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I think that is the wrong way to go. You will get even worse questions about accuracy. Just have a short paragraph included that states that "for PvE it is not worthwhile since targets have no mitigation to speak of and it scales poorly. PvP it has uses against persons who have defensive talents. But those tend to largely be 'tanks' that you would rather not target if possible. For more info look elsewhere." (Or you can direct them to my post / reply a few pages back.)


Covers your butt, takes care of most questions, and helps them learn more if they want to on their own.


Eh but even that gives the wrong idea. It either needs to be outright ignored so that it can be answered truthfully when asked or it needs it's own write up detailing how you would never want to waste any of your itemization on it.


To my knowledge now there are only even 2 things that effect it in PvP. 1.) Shadow/Assassin tanks can gain 3% resistance (not worth wasting the itemization to counter as a DPS sage, and is already countered by an upper tier Seer talent). 2.) Shadow/Assassins can pop resilience to increase their resistance to force and tech attacks by 100% for only 3 seconds, which no amount of accuracy rating can effectively counter, just smack them with a saber while kiting for 3 seconds.


Even saying it's useful situationally in PvP would be lying to people. Honestly I would make a giant post explaining it again (and I have before) but I'm not going to bother if Astral isn't updating the guide.


Aw :( Was so looking forward to a Balance Sage (thinking it was a melee/caster hybrid) and going for the eldar farseer kinda style


The melee/caster hybrid would be the Shadow.

Edited by Khadroth
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Sounds like it functions similar to Mind Crush then where the initial nuke will crit but obviously not all subsequent dot ticks.


Again, Astral can we please get accuracy removed from this guide. It's getting annoying trying to explain to every single person why it's totally and utterly useless to slot in your gear.


What i did find about accuract is only good for your companion nadia because i bosted her accuracy to 120 and have little crit but load of defence and she still kill really fast like she have more crits. so i think those with shadow build should at least accuracy pass 100. am going to have my guildmate test that to see the effect.

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What i did find about accuract is only good for your companion nadia because i bosted her accuracy to 120 and have little crit but load of defence and she still kill really fast like she have more crits. so i think those with shadow build should at least accuracy pass 100. am going to have my guildmate test that to see the effect.


It's absolutely great for a Shadow, but absolutely useless for a Sage.

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What skill tree do you recommend I want to have strong attacks but also be able to heal really well? What should I choose?


There is no single tree that offers something like that in one.


The best you can hope for would be to hybrid the Seer tree with one of the dps trees, but honestly then you'll just be a mediocre healer and a mediocre dps. However if you go Balance you can do great dps with some minor self healing abilities, but I suspect that's not the type of healing you mean (i.e.- flashpoint healing).

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This is a fantastic guide! I'm playing a Seer Sage, and it's really helping me learn how to be the best healer I can be. :D


I'm reading some conflicting opinions around the forums about just how much crit to stack, however.


According to the guide:


As with all Consulars, Willpower is your primary stat, and Critical Strike Rating greatly improves the reliability of your Healing Trance triggering a free Noble Sacrifice, so it should be your most important stat until you have 20% crit rate from gear. After that, it becomes a matter of preference:


I've read other posts that state the soft cap is actually higher, and that you should take your gear-granted crit up to 30%.



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I've read other posts that state the soft cap is actually higher, and that you should take your gear-granted crit up to 30%.




Diminishing returns from crit rating cap out at 30% (this does not include crit gained from willpower, talents, or abilities). You'll never want to try and hit it, as you'll get to point that taking other stats like alacrity will flat out be better for you.

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Diminishing returns from crit rating cap out at 30% (this does not include crit gained from willpower, talents, or abilities). You'll never want to try and hit it, as you'll get to point that taking other stats like alacrity will flat out be better for you.




I've actually been following this guide while leveling. Good to get confirmation. Watching the cast time shrink on Deliverance is definitely a good thing. :D

Edited by Rowyne
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