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chapter 4 ideas


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I want to know what you guys would think would be a good idea for each characters chapter 4 story. Personally these are the best ideas for some of the classes.


JK-following the legacy of revan ultimateley leading to the death of satele shan in a clash with a highly charismatic and dangerous revanite who claims they are the heir of revan.


JC- a series of quests that leads the Consular to becoming grand master of the jedi order in the place of satele


BH-challanging mandalore for his seat of power


SI-uniting the empire under 1 ruler, themselves. this is in direct competition with Darth Marr who is making a subtle bid for power after discovering the body of lord vitiate


trooper- taking out the newest threat to the republic a millitary division of entirely sith


smuggler-dealing with the choices they have to make in their new position as admiral (granted they diddnt decide to throw the fleet away


IA- tracking a rouge element of star cabal that survived the end of chapter 3


SW-carrying out the will of the emperors hand as they try to revive lord vitiate before 1 of the two upstart council members assumes the thrown of the empire.


wow wow wow wow. after rereading your post again you are absolute wrong in so many ways. Satelle shan already stated that she is not who she once were thus making her to go into a fight highly unlikely. She barely leaves Tython. so for someone trying to go kill shatele shan i dont see that happening soon. And even if shes not who she once were. i dont think a Revenite would stand a chance against satele shan. also if he did manage to kill her then you as a JK failed at your job protecting her. if he kills her then you are no match for that person. makes sense i must say


for a jc leading to becoming a grand master. Do you even think that BW would give a player so much power. have you heard about the title"The Emperors wrath" yeah theres only one of a kind. first it was lord scourge. and after that it was the sith warior. they removed the title cuz it wouldnt make much sense for 100 of sw running around with the tittle. the means of it would be lost for ever. we do become the emperors wrath but we dont get the tittle to equip it. as is the same for being a grand master. now you can say well we still can become one, just not getting the tittle still would be lame. your like how many years in the game maybe 20, 25 are so?. there are smarter, older, stronger memebers on the council i think they make a better chance to step in line for becoming a grand master instead of some freshly jedi who just happens to pass by. the jedi council wont let you become grand master for you dont understand the force as they do. they have spent years wielding it. you not even half of your life.


for the BH its a 50/50 but once again BW wont give you that power in a players hand. ans also again with thousand mandalores running around.


for your SI and SW. did you even do your home work on lord vitiate? lord vitiate is the EMPEROR him self. hes body is not dead laying around somewhere. he still posses his own body. not because you see someone else as the emperor does not mean he dispose his old body. that body houses his reall dark side powers thus making it impossible to revive him at all cost cuz hes not dead. lord vitiate is the emperor who is at hiding cuz the JK damaged him greatly when he killed his voice. then you already know by now that the emperor cant say go take my body while he already obtains his own body. just read a lil wiki about Lord vitiate and i'll advice you to read the Reven's Novel.


for Smugg i havent play the story but as far as "I" known the life of a smuggeler is not in the controlling an entire fleet and command 100's of people. a smuggeleres life is that of an thief you can say. small group fast ship and steal what ever they can to sell it to a higher bidder. thats that imo.


AI i dont know nothing about. you could be right here but then again i dont know.


Look your stories seem great but without much sense. You think that after stopping people with there schemes and plotting and saving the world or the galaxy automatically positions you as the greatest of all time. you didnt do this alone your still growing in power your still looking for answers. your way to young and to early in the stage of already wanting to claim immense power for your self. this would make a perfect story for "fan fiction" otherwise then that it sounds great but like i said not to much sense in it.


Im not trying to ***** or something. just trying to state facts as i know them, For any typo's my bad. and if someone sees a wrong claim of me then please feel free to correct me

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Expansion Pack: The Empire Strikes Back


JC- Master Syo vanishes, many believe the First Son has returned.


Nice ideas. But do you think the Emperor should really be defeated in already in chapter 4? I like the idea of the Empire striking back and chapter 4 ending with a major imperial victory.


But Master Syo


could be dead. It's unlikely that they force the LS ending on the consular.


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BH: I'm not sure. Maybe something with conflicting bounties between Hutts and Mandalorians. (Bounty on the same target, later on each other.) Mandalorians are the more LS path, Hutts the DS path in this case.


Damn. That's a real dilemma. Which side does Kalah hate slightly less than the other?! D:

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Adding my 5 kopecks to the topic.

Since my main is a neutral assassin and SI story is the only one i care for (at least for now), i'll write a bit just about his possible future.


At the end of Chapter 3 SI becomes a member of the Dark Council, but it's just a step to his real goal.

The next step will be seizing the Emperor's throne for himself, as well as collecting enough power and allies in order to keep the Empire together in his new role.


The most major obstacle on his way would be the current Emperor. The Emperor is not just a mere mortal being, not a common dark side user. According to master Tol Braga, he's a void himself, who wields a massive amount of power from the countless beings he murdered.

In order to defeat such a monstrocity, SI:

1. Follows Revan's path, learning to handle both Light and Dark sides, which eventully leads him to the mastery over the Force in balance.

2. Develops the spirit binding ritual in such a way that he can bind hundreds, if not thousands spirits to himself.

3. Remakes his body on Belsavis once again in order to maintain such power.


The ultimate SI's goal is to completely reshape the Empire in his vision.

The sith will remain a ruler class, but not in their current form. SI is going to create a new breed of Sith, the ones who will use both sides of the Force. These new Sith will use their emotions like their predecessors, but won't let emotions to overcome them.They will be strong willed enough to not let the Dark side twist their minds, make them cruel and merciless monstrocities. Undoubtedly not everyone have the will to become such a Sith, so the new Sith Order will have much less members then the one of today. Those of the old-style Sith who refuse or have no ability to change will be either banished or destroyed.

With the change of its rulers, the Empire and its politics will also change. A peace treaty will be signed with the Republic. Considering the fact that the new Empire will no longer be at war, there is no use of mandalorian allies anymore, so they will also have to part their way with it.

At the very end, the new Emperor realizes that the lasting peace with Republic is impossible. Sooner or later one of the sides will provoke the other one to start a new war. So, with that in mind, the Emperor leads his Empire away from the Republic space. Noone knows where - to the far edge of the galaxy, or maybe even to some other galaxy. The fact is that noone ever heard of the renewed Sith Empire ever again.


Hmm, it seems i went a bit too far for Chapter 4 :D Oh well, consider everything written above just as my vision of how the SI and the Old Empire stories should conclude.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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I think it would be hilarious and awesome if Chapter 4 entwined the characters. So...


Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight trying to kill each other...

Inquisitor and Consular trying to kill each other...

Agent infiltrating the Republic and being hunted by Trooper...

Bounty Hunter bounty-hunting Smuggler (who either fights back at every opportunity or runs away)...


Or some other combination.

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Sith Warrior:


The Sith Warrior continues to follow the instructions from the Emperor. Starting with assassinating a Sith Lord who is plotting against the Emperor. Then another Sith Lord who is likewise the same. This repeats a couple of times. Eventually, however, one of the Sith Warrior's companions picks up on a pattern... All the Sith assassinated were the rivals of another Sith Lord. Investigation leads to a horrible truth... The Sith Warrior has been doing the bidding, not of the Emperor, but of a usurper who is masquerading as the Emperor.


It is revealed that the Sith Emperor truly is dead and this pretender has been taking his name in vain. The Sith Warrior doesn't like being used and is now ready to unleash the Emperor's wrath one final time as he takes on this would-be Emperor. Following the destruction of the pretender the Sith Warrior is visited by the spirits of powerful Sith past... Including the Sith Emperor's...


The Sith Warrior is told that there are Sith who are undeserving of the name and they have wormed their way into positions of power. In the name of the true Sith the Warrior is tasked to do what he must to assume the position of Emperor and crush the Republic once and for all.


Jedi Knight:


Rumors persist of the Emperor's continued existence. The Jedi Knight is tasked with learning the truth, and if the Emperor is found alive to bring him before the Jedi Council. The Jedi Knight goes planet to planet following leads. The Emperor is indeed found alive, but weakened, and is rebuilding strength to retake control of the Empire.


The Jedi Council informs the Knight that he is to remain away from the Emperor for now. They inform him that there will be a time for him to strike, but that time is not yet. Instead they order him to instead track down the Emperor's true body while they make plans.


Finally the Jedi Order gives the word to move once the Emperor's true body is found. On a hidden cloaked station the Jedi Knight confronts the Emperor's body. The Emperor's spirit resettles in the body and a terrible battle is waged. Just as the Jedi Knight is about to strike down the Emperor the Emperor boasts about how he will survive in another body, how he is immortal... He closes his eyes but then opens them wide with terror... Something has gone wrong, he looks up with his mouth agape as the Jedi Knight ends the Emperor's threat once and for all.


The Jedi Counselor:


The threat of the still living Emperor is too great to ignore. The Jedi Council has learned that the Sith Emperor is still alive. The Jedi Counselor has been given a mission of high importance.


The Jedi Counselor must travel and find the last descendent of the Sunrider bloodline and learn the secret to the Wall of Light. Once they learn the secret the Jedi Counselor will have to travel to the Emperor's secret hidden base and be prepared to act. The Jedi Council informs the Counselor that the Emperor will return to his body soon... When he does the Counselor must trap the Sith Emperor's spirit within the Wall of Light and prevent it from ever leaving its body again... Only then can the Jedi Knight, who is destined to destroy the Emperor, truly succeed.


Once at the base the Counselor must fight through the Emperor's most powerful Sith Sorcerers and then be prepared to use the Wall of Light. Once this is done the Emperor becomes trapped within his own body and can finally be defeated once and for all.



Basically the JK and JC story lines take place before the SW does in my examples.


HAHAH i dont know if you was serious but this actually made me laugh, i could see it as comedy of some sort or bloopers

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wow wow wow wow. after rereading your post again you are absolute wrong in so many ways. Satelle shan already stated that she is not who she once were thus making her to go into a fight highly unlikely. She barely leaves Tython. so for someone trying to go kill shatele shan i dont see that happening soon. And even if shes not who she once were. i dont think a Revenite would stand a chance against satele shan. also if he did manage to kill her then you as a JK failed at your job protecting her. if he kills her then you are no match for that person. makes sense i must say


for a jc leading to becoming a grand master. Do you even think that BW would give a player so much power. have you heard about the title"The Emperors wrath" yeah theres only one of a kind. first it was lord scourge. and after that it was the sith warior. they removed the title cuz it wouldnt make much sense for 100 of sw running around with the tittle. the means of it would be lost for ever. we do become the emperors wrath but we dont get the tittle to equip it. as is the same for being a grand master. now you can say well we still can become one, just not getting the tittle still would be lame. your like how many years in the game maybe 20, 25 are so?. there are smarter, older, stronger memebers on the council i think they make a better chance to step in line for becoming a grand master instead of some freshly jedi who just happens to pass by. the jedi council wont let you become grand master for you dont understand the force as they do. they have spent years wielding it. you not even half of your life.


for the BH its a 50/50 but once again BW wont give you that power in a players hand. ans also again with thousand mandalores running around.


for your SI and SW. did you even do your home work on lord vitiate? lord vitiate is the EMPEROR him self. hes body is not dead laying around somewhere. he still posses his own body. not because you see someone else as the emperor does not mean he dispose his old body. that body houses his reall dark side powers thus making it impossible to revive him at all cost cuz hes not dead. lord vitiate is the emperor who is at hiding cuz the JK damaged him greatly when he killed his voice. then you already know by now that the emperor cant say go take my body while he already obtains his own body. just read a lil wiki about Lord vitiate and i'll advice you to read the Reven's Novel.


for Smugg i havent play the story but as far as "I" known the life of a smuggeler is not in the controlling an entire fleet and command 100's of people. a smuggeleres life is that of an thief you can say. small group fast ship and steal what ever they can to sell it to a higher bidder. thats that imo.


AI i dont know nothing about. you could be right here but then again i dont know.


Look your stories seem great but without much sense. You think that after stopping people with there schemes and plotting and saving the world or the galaxy automatically positions you as the greatest of all time. you didnt do this alone your still growing in power your still looking for answers. your way to young and to early in the stage of already wanting to claim immense power for your self. this would make a perfect story for "fan fiction" otherwise then that it sounds great but like i said not to much sense in it.


Im not trying to ***** or something. just trying to state facts as i know them, For any typo's my bad. and if someone sees a wrong claim of me then please feel free to correct me

Firstly i guess i diddnt ask for people to be light in their criticisms. Secondly some of these options are very concurrent with the class stories. First of all right at the beggining of the story th JC was claimed to be highly force profficient at age 4. The Si has several dialogue options that state that they have ambitions beyond the dark council. Personaly i thought that Satele vs a revanite would be an interesting story option because she is the true heir of revan, maybe you could throw sateles son in the SIS in the fight but i think Satele is the most dramatic choice. Trooper i admit was just throwing ideas out. I cant exactly think of something there. IA makes sense because

several members of star cabal escape in the chaos of the fight with the prince.

Sm is something i think would be a logical step forward from earning the title of admiral from the pirate fleet. SW, and BH were also just ideas i threw out there.

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Also, sweet ideas for flashpoints and operations guys! I personaly stick to torheads FP idea Titans of industry. Basicly, a rougue element of Czerka has taken a factory of workers hostage in response to a republic takeover that began with the ending of the Tatooine storyline.
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Firstly i guess i diddnt ask for people to be light in their criticisms. Secondly some of these options are very concurrent with the class stories. First of all right at the beggining of the story th JC was claimed to be highly force profficient at age 4. The Si has several dialogue options that state that they have ambitions beyond the dark council. Personaly i thought that Satele vs a revanite would be an interesting story option because she is the true heir of revan, maybe you could throw sateles son in the SIS in the fight but i think Satele is the most dramatic choice. Trooper i admit was just throwing ideas out. I cant exactly think of something there. IA makes sense because

several members of star cabal escape in the chaos of the fight with the prince.

Sm is something i think would be a logical step forward from earning the title of admiral from the pirate fleet. SW, and BH were also just ideas i threw out there.


true that at some point but like i always said. both council are skeptic about letting people in their ranks. if both the SI and JC would be on the council it would take a long run and plus they wouldn't be the head of the council due other members who have more knowledge and age of how to run things . and like i said bw wont allow such not by long shot. the council decides how things go around here. then the story with the JK would collaps if a player was grand master and he could decided 3 things go to war, withdraw or move to different plannet how would the Jk story know which one to follow when there are a thousand of jc as grand master. that was my point


and like i said im not ************. its just that if people are throwing out ideas it should kinda resemble the game like their should be a connection to it. i mean you should rule out problems to it. cause bw does read the forms like this and if the too high for something to reach they might be like oke f it but if its something like hey he came up with good idea lets use it. then it could work

Edited by Rakugo
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Also, sweet ideas for flashpoints and operations guys! I personaly stick to torheads FP idea Titans of industry. Basicly, a rougue element of Czerka has taken a factory of workers hostage in response to a republic takeover that began with the ending of the Tatooine storyline.


This on the other hand could work. like that object we found from rakata lets say we did send the items too other research team and they began to being mind controlled id like to see a fp for this

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JC- The Barsen'thor and his companions uncover a secret cult who seek to unleash the ghosts of long dead sith and destroy both the Republic and Empire, and you must stop them from accomplishing their goal. Basically you track down the leadership of the as of yet unamed cult and prevent them from raising as of yet unamed ancient Sith (with the option to purify or purge them) and culminating in a battle against Exar Kun or Naga Sadow on Yavin IV Edited by andreagfelos
misspelled The
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Nice ideas. But do you think the Emperor should really be defeated in already in chapter 4? I like the idea of the Empire striking back and chapter 4 ending with a major imperial victory.


But Master Syo


could be dead. It's unlikely that they force the LS ending on the consular.


The Emperor's death can make room for Emperor Malgus to return with an Infinite fleet of the foundry rolling forth to crush the republic. And if Syo is dead, make the first son reappear. If the Emperor is the immortal, his first child also having that ability makes sense.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Darth Nox learns of the tombs on Malachor 3. and head there to study the ancient rituals, Upon entering a tomb he encounters the Dark lord Morrhage. Morrhage is looking for assisstance to destroy the jedi consular. Nox binds Morrhage and channels Morrhages power to spread a refined plague that drains the living force from force- sensitive and non sensitive alike.
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Darth Nox learns of the tombs on Malachor 3. and head there to study the ancient rituals, Upon entering a tomb he encounters the Dark lord Morrhage. Morrhage is looking for assisstance to destroy the jedi consular. Nox binds Morrhage and channels Morrhages power to spread a refined plague that drains the living force from force- sensitive and non sensitive alike.


I would like this if there wasn't any choices, but I don't like it because my Sith is Light Side. Darth Sevance only wants to end the war by either destroying the Republic and Jedi or bringing them to their knees, he doesn't want innocents to suffer.

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