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Last day of sub


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I canceled my sub 30 days ago and this is my last day. I am saddened by this, but I cannot subject myself to the warzones as of late without being able to make a premade 8 man. I originally cancelled my sub because i was upset without the ranked warzone addition. But now that I can still only do 4 man premades and are at the mercy of russian roulette warzone pugs, it's time to hang it up.


I can only take so much when it comes to the questionable decisions of pugs. I lost 2 warzones today and 3 yesterday to pugs, and that's only just the past 2 days. 4 people that work as a cohesive unit cant take on 8 people doing the same thing. It's frustrating working so hard only to have your own teammates ruin it for you because they don't care nearly as much as you do.


I will definitely be back when ranked and 8 man premades are in play, whether thats in 1.3 or even a later patch, but I will be back when that is in place regardless. Until then.....I have no reason to play. I have a 50 with full WH gear, why put myself thru the high blood pressure, stress inducing matches that is brought with pugs that don't play the objective, but only play their own personal death matches. To each their own, so I decided to remove myself from the torture of pug ridden warzones. I hope to see you all in a short period of time, but it's all up to Bioware.




Corragio <Crescendo> - 50 Guardian: The Bastion, formerly of The Swiftsure

Edited by Vedano
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Good luck, tolerance and effective communications can help but if you are not enjoying warzones as you can not yet play as an 8, you likely should drop subs until it arrives.


I also hope the ranked warzones enjoy success

Edited by Elkirin
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'tis frustrating, especially when the pugs turn around and try to throw blame on you. Hopefully your back for ranked though, I've seen that Crescendo tag around and you guys have been good competition. /salute


Thank you very much Squidkidz, it is much appreciated. The imperial community has been quite a challenge and a joy to play. I love the competition and sportsmanship. It indeed is frustrating to have pugs try to throw blame on you when you know exactly what happened and why and who did it. And I most definitely will be around for ranked, again thank you sir =) Hope to see you out there.

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Yea, I quite a week after 1.2 hit, and just came back a few ago. Needless to say, my sub has been canceled again for a while, and I have perhaps another week left or so.


Its amazing how much I can try in a WZ to actually win then have several people (mostly pugs, but some aweful PM's) on the team troll me to no end when I criticize theirs or anyone's gameplay, all while they ask "umadbro?"


Am I mad I am losing? Damn right I am. I like to win. Sorry you never played competitive sports, or were involved in competition of any type. I try to win in what ever I do when ever I do it.

Edited by Humankeg
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Am I mad I am losing? Damn right I am. I like to win. Sorry you never played competitive sports, or were involved in competition of any type. I try to win in what ever I do when ever I do it.


That is called being "overly competitive" and it isn't a good thing. It actually is a very bad thing. TOR isn't a competitive sport, it is a game. You aren't being payed to play it, and you cannot expect others to take the same viewpoint as you do. Are you one of those guys who will go to the "most optimal spec" just to gain an advantage as well?

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That is called being "overly competitive" and it isn't a good thing. It actually is a very bad thing. TOR isn't a competitive sport, it is a game. You aren't being payed to play it, and you cannot expect others to take the same viewpoint as you do. Are you one of those guys who will go to the "most optimal spec" just to gain an advantage as well?


I played hockey for 18 years of my life, ice, roller and dek. I paid to play most of them because I enjoy the game. Did I pay to lose? Hell no I didn't. I also had control over who I let on my team. I wanted to win, I paid to play just like everyone else on that team. We all practiced, we all showed up for team meetings, we all tried our best. I don't have that luxury right now with ranked warzones, and yes, I am paying to play this game.


So do I want to win? You're damn right I want to win. I don't care if I am playing for free or paying to play or if someone is paying for me. I am a competitor, always have been and always will be. To bring the "most optimal spec" into question is kidna silly as well. No, I don't spec optimally, I like to make things as difficult as possible for myself. When I swim I attach cinder blocks to my legs and put duct tape around my ankles. What kind of question is that?


Do you see a wide receiver playing in turf shoes when hes on grass? Do you see a center using a butter knife for a stick? Why is doing something to the best of ur ability a bad thing now? Oh you're a cookie cutter, blah blah. I know, I am at the spec that optimizes the class/spec to the best it can be by devs, I am such a terrible person to want to be the best that I can be. How awful of me. I should make myself work harder for something for no reason......


If you don't want to play pvp seriously, then thats cool, but don't mess with people that do. We don't care if you want to be mediocre you're whole life with everything you do, but don't expect us to do the same, kthx.

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I played hockey for 18 years of my life, ice, roller and dek. I paid to play most of them because I enjoy the game. Did I pay to lose? Hell no I didn't. I also had control over who I let on my team. I wanted to win, I paid to play just like everyone else on that team. We all practiced, we all showed up for team meetings, we all tried our best. I don't have that luxury right now with ranked warzones, and yes, I am paying to play this game.


So do I want to win? You're damn right I want to win. I don't care if I am playing for free or paying to play or if someone is paying for me. I am a competitor, always have been and always will be. To bring the "most optimal spec" into question is kidna silly as well. No, I don't spec optimally, I like to make things as difficult as possible for myself. When I swim I attach cinder blocks to my legs and put duct tape around my ankles. What kind of question is that?


Do you see a wide receiver playing in turf shoes when hes on grass? Do you see a center using a butter knife for a stick? Why is doing something to the best of ur ability a bad thing now? Oh you're a cookie cutter, blah blah. I know, I am at the spec that optimizes the class/spec to the best it can be by devs, I am such a terrible person to want to be the best that I can be. How awful of me. I should make myself work harder for something for no reason......


If you don't want to play pvp seriously, then thats cool, but don't mess with people that do. We don't care if you want to be mediocre you're whole life with everything you do, but don't expect us to do the same, kthx.


And this is one reason why I wished I rolled a Vanguard instead of a PT on the Swiftsure. Crescendo is mostly full of high quality pvpers that are also mature, well thought out, and classy.


That is called being "overly competitive" and it isn't a good thing. It actually is a very bad thing. TOR isn't a competitive sport, it is a game. You aren't being payed to play it, and you cannot expect others to take the same viewpoint as you do. Are you one of those guys who will go to the "most optimal spec" just to gain an advantage as well?


Wanting to win at anything I do vs peers is not a bad thing. I am overaly competitive, but I LOVE being that way. I love to win and be the best. Yes its an e-peen thing, but oh well.


Most things people do in life is based on their real life "e-peen". I am just the type of person to embrace wanting and being the best at what I do and not hiding it, and bringing that into every aspect of my life.

Edited by Humankeg
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Lol worth its weight in gold (if letters were 100lbs each).


It really is lol. I put that on my favorites. And thank you also Humankeg, it is much appreciated, and we woulda loved to have you in Crescendo ranks =), but I am sure you are worthy adversary on the imperial side as well. I hope to see you out their, no matter what side you pick, when ranked warzones come out. GL to you and yours sir =)

Edited by Vedano
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Agreed, with the OP, and I totally sympathise with you, and for you. I feel very much likewise about this, and have all but decided to give up on Warzones until 1.3, I will try out a few matches with the changes they made and see how it goes,. I really hope there is some way I can continue to play on my Level 50 Shadow Infiltration spec.


Some hope ! - but we'll see.

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Agreed, with the OP, and I totally sympathise with you, and for you. I feel very much likewise about this, and have all but decided to give up on Warzones until 1.3, I will try out a few matches with the changes they made and see how it goes,. I really hope there is some way I can continue to play on my Level 50 Shadow Infiltration spec.


Some hope ! - but we'll see.


Thank you Dronepilot, and yeah, I will definitely be trying out warzones in 1.3 as well, and I hope shadows are still worth playing as well for you =) I hope some balance comes out of the 1.3 changes as well. I will hope with you lol

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We know that our PvP community is eagerly awaiting Ranked Warzones and premades in 1.3. We do already have a thread dedicated to this discussion, so you might want to continue your discussion there:




We will be closing this thread now. Best wishes to you in all your future gaming adventures!


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