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Havoc Squad Uniforms


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Does anyone have any suggestions for a customizable armor set that could be easily retrieved so that it could be given to all the trooper companions to really give them the uniformed look of a squad?


Preferably a set with the Havoc Squad symbol on it.


Also, no spoilers please.

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Check out the armor sets ending in "-17a". All of them look identical except the colors...and look out for the "Trooper Only" sets, the Phalanx set specifically looks WAY different than the rest. Try checking the Specialty Goods and Commendation vendors on Corellia, and the GTN should have all of the pieces the vendors don't.
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If you don't mind allot of farming, you can farm Cademimu for a full set of (orange) light grey/orange orange.


Otherwise, another good option is the heroics on Tattooine. You can get the Transparisteel Onslaught head, chest and legs there. Then pick up boots and gloves at the dark side vendor (or just boots at the light side vendor).


Keeping everyone in matching sets is harder to do at the lower levels, but once you get in the 40's you'll find more options available.


When I finished my class quest, I had everyone in full sets of the RD-16B Enforcer armor. For that, I had bought 5 sets of the head, chest and legs from the GTN. Then it took 100 Voss commendations for the 5 sets of gloves and boots. I started buying the armor around lvl 20 or so.

Edited by Flying-Brian
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I have been working on this my self, and its actually not to hard to do.


As far as I can tell by the time of the start of the game Havoc Squad was wearing "Orange and White" colored Armor and almost all of the flash points armor drops are are colored "Orange and White". You can Check republictrooper.com for a full list of what each instance drops for Troopers. If you are willing to do a few runs u can have all your companions looking the same after about level 20.


Boots Gloves and Belts are a little harder to find though, you can find low level "Lamanoid" boots and gloves that ate the right color in the GTN but they can be a bit expensive.


By about level 35 you should be able to find some better modifiable Armor, that is the right colors in the GTN. I use to have all my companions matching but I switched it up a bit by using different designs but keeping the havoc Orange and White colors.


I would also not recommend doing armor tech as all the gear is black and white. Cyber tech is better for modifiable gear and u can keep M1-4X geared too.

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When you get [Companion Name]'s gear on each planet, it seems like they have their own distinctive colors - at least for a while. On Alderaan, Balmorra, and Hoth, Elara gets green and Jorgan gets blue, from Balmorra to Belsavis, Jorgan and Yuun get orange, Tanno and Elara get red. I'm not sure after that, but I intend to craft armor for them once I get my Armormech up (I've been neglecting it since, oh, Tatooine :( ), or else give them my orange chest pieces I don't use anymore, buy mods or something. That will be my "uniform" look, though for the sake of a certain endgame cutscene (no spoilers), I will try to craft matching armor for all of us for ceremonial purposes.
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