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Hacking, still alive and kicking?


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Yes, but if you post about hacks existing Bioware writes you an angry private message and deletes your thread. They prefer to ignore the problems and do nothing about them, hoping that people will just stop fighting them on it and accept the state of the game.


In fact, I am surprised this thread has gone as long as it has without getting closed. They must be busy today with the release of patch 1.3. But yes, they very much do exist. I see Jedi Shadows on my server stealthing then speedhacking so you can't see them doing it. Unless they get close enough for them to be sensed and seen. Then you see them fly by and end up on the other side of the map before a regular player could get a fraction of the distance.


It's just lame. And it's only going to be worse with the 'Free to Play up to level 15' players when everyone decides to make a second account just to grief and speedhack in the WZs.

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i HAVE SEEN, AND EXPERINECED the perma stealth one.....It is deffinately a Bug, since It happened to me. my weapon was there , and name, but nothing else...I had to relog to fix it...so Report it when you see it, it NEEDS to be fixed..

These Speed hacks is (IMO) Bw's fault..they need to remove ALL speed buffs in PVP...and tone down these LONG Crowd Control skills....and personally I think the Wait time to reenter once you died can be a bit too long at times....Ive experienced ones on Void Star where literally the other team ran across bridge, capped door and left to next room all while I watched from above...that doesnt seem right...

But PVP is fun, when most bugs are NOT present....HACKERS need to be punished more severly though too....

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I too would never want to report a player(s) for simply being elite at pvp, but on the Imp side, in level 50 pvp, I have come across a sentinel that seemed just a little "too good." I understand endurance and expertise, but this sentinel was not taking any damage and was completely immune to cc's. We put a target on them and at one time, we had four people on the sentinel, and he wasn't taking ANY damage. My initial thought was that he had a pocket healer somewhere, so I followed him, not dpsing him, just following him watching him two shot everybody while taking no damage and not being affected at all by any cc. He had no healers anywhere around him. He only had around 18K health, and 4 people couldn't get his health below 95%. There's a line between someone being elite, and someone being "too good."
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I too would never want to report a player(s) for simply being elite at pvp, but on the Imp side, in level 50 pvp, I have come across a sentinel that seemed just a little "too good." I understand endurance and expertise, but this sentinel was not taking any damage and was completely immune to cc's. We put a target on them and at one time, we had four people on the sentinel, and he wasn't taking ANY damage. My initial thought was that he had a pocket healer somewhere, so I followed him, not dpsing him, just following him watching him two shot everybody while taking no damage and not being affected at all by any cc. He had no healers anywhere around him. He only had around 18K health, and 4 people couldn't get his health below 95%. There's a line between someone being elite, and someone being "too good."


i had the same experience with a marauder. this was below level 50, so no expertise to speak of, and he ran alone to one of the capture points in novare. at first, it was me (a jugg), a merc and an assassin all attacking at the same time, and in the time it took for him to kill the merc, he was down to 98% health. he then 2-shotted the assassin, killed me within something like 6 GCDs, and ran off. so we, too, put a target on him. at one point, our entire 8man was attacking him and still he didn't die. he killed 4 of us, was down at 75% health, and then his whole team came to help, so we couldn't track his movements as well. but nobody really felt comfortable reporting him because we didn't know what was going on.


this was last week. so yes, hacking is still alive and kicking and bioware probably can't really stop it, given the design constraints of this game. i guess if i were to make a suggestion, since they have the ability to watch a player when prompted to, they should just automatically watch every player that experience two successive unkillables in a row. that should raise an automatic red flag.

Edited by codyr
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Yes, but if you post about hacks existing Bioware writes you an angry private message and deletes your thread. They prefer to ignore the problems and do nothing about them, hoping that people will just stop fighting them on it and accept the state of the game.


Quite the cynical view. Here's another perspective though, maybe they don't want threads that detail the hacks so as to not perpetuate them.


See, a thread which contains what the hack is and how to replicate it is not useful and should be deleted - an in-game report would be the way to address this. However a thread that nebulously talks about hacks in general and their effect on the game, like this one, is a proper way to discuss the issue. I've seen some of the detailed threads, and quite reasonably, they were shut down. I've also seen threads such as this that continue on as long as the participants wish to discuss the topic.


Basically, the way to combat this is through reports, not through forums. We can commiserate here and talk to each other about the effect these hacks are having on our game, but the only way to combat this is through a good old fashioned report. BioWare has the metrics, they can review the report and see if, indeed, someone is hacking.

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It is hard to determine whether or not the OP just encountered a good group of players. The majority of "hacks" that people use in the MMO world are client side. I.E., you are unable to "hack" an opposing player directly. Anything server side is impossible. By server side I mean it is impossible for me to magically cause Player A's health to diminish since their information is on the server. So unless someone is hacking the actual SWTOR server then this is impossible. That isn't to say that one could not "hack" the client side. These are limited though to what you can do to your own PC. Why you would do this is beyond me. What is the point in playing if you know you're going to win? Just to grief other players? Speed hacks are client side. Anyone who knows anything about the clockwork of a PC should know this.


Without logging the events and instances where someone is presumed to be "hacking" it is quite hard to convict them of wrongful doing.

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I definitely have zero trust that bioware is handling hackers correctly and I assume everyone Im facing in warzones is now hacking. Sometimes it appears they are lagging but then I realize its a teleport hack as their bouncing buzzing looks like they ran off the edge of walkway in huttball appears suddenly at my goal line with no one to pull them and no one to charge. I see it a ton in huttball near obstacles. When the transfers went through I thought at first ti might be the usual warzone combat lag but noticed only certain folks doing it. It is really disheartening to see that bioware is taking its sweet time to get rid of all the cheaters. I'm about ready to just give up entirely on pvp in this game.
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So this is a general question to the community and the devs. Are there still hacks in the game, because in wz lately on Ebon Hawk I feel like I've seen many premade teams that are crazy fast and immune to stuns and force push( or other knockbacks) . Before I start reporting people on my server, I want to make sure tht the hacks are still possible.


I havent ran into what your speaking of but did report a pretty obvious immunity hack other night!


Didnt matter if it was 1-2-3-5 people on this one guy, he took no damage and routinely wiped all he faced!


Wasnt masterful healing because if it was healing you would still see his health drop and rise, he simply didnt take damage.


But the kicker was when I went 1 on 1 with him and unloaded all my abilities, vented heat and did so again, to find this player (playing a non healer class) had 100% health.


So yeah, Id say there is definately hacks in TORs PVP right now.


As others said, if you suspect someone, report them.

Worst case is EA inspects player logs and finds him/her innocent

Best case is they find the logs showing the said hack and are now aware and hopefully take steps to correct it.


No one else need know if you reported or not (cause we both know there is a whole camp of pvpers who will harrass you if you come out and admit reporting).

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i HAVE SEEN, AND EXPERINECED the perma stealth one.....It is deffinately a Bug, since It happened to me. my weapon was there , and name, but nothing else...I had to relog to fix it...so Report it when you see it, it NEEDS to be fixed..

These Speed hacks is (IMO) Bw's fault..they need to remove ALL speed buffs in PVP...and tone down these LONG Crowd Control skills....and personally I think the Wait time to reenter once you died can be a bit too long at times....Ive experienced ones on Void Star where literally the other team ran across bridge, capped door and left to next room all while I watched from above...that doesnt seem right...

But PVP is fun, when most bugs are NOT present....HACKERS need to be punished more severly though too....


so true on the cc

PVP feels and plays like Stun-a-lot rather then combat based pvp


But this is Mythic and Mythic LOVES CC.

They did the same bad design in DAoC regarding CC.

The player mass complained and ultimately quit with CC playing a huge role

And Mythic never did anything reasonable to diminish the CC effects


Someone at Mythic likes 1 button win all abilities, thats pretty clear!


My two biggest complaints are the CC and the jumping through people

What makes me laugh is when I read mad jumpers posting about how good they are in PVP

"yeah dude, your really not and everyone thinks of you as a exploiter, not a pvp god as you claim"


Both are fixable though


The CC just needs a minute or 2 minute immunity timer from chain ccs, after being cc'd. Problem solved right there.

The jumping through people is a 2 part fix that I know already EA will NOT DO

1) Either add a auto follow feature so it doesnt matter if someone jumps through you, you always have los because of auto follow or penalize players that do jump through opponents as Rift tried to do.

2) Watch ongoing warzone matchs and BAN (not suspend for 2 days...BAN) known jumpers who continueally exploit the lack of collussion in PVP.


Neither will get done though sadly.

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Just make sure you know FOR SURE before you report them. You dont wanna get any players banned just because they are well geared and have good skill playing they're class.


The only way to know is to be looking over their shoulder.. Report them for suspected hacking and let BW figure it out.

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