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Mixing & Matching War Hero Mods >>Spreadsheet<<


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Once the WH set is complete, it seems like replacing some pieces (ie gloves) components (ie armoring) with components from another piece (ie feet) might be beneficial. So people who complete the WH set can have another objective in gear to strive for even if it is minimal gains.


Is there a spreadsheet anywhere that lists the stats of all the components of the different War Hero sets? I need the component stats (armoring, enhancement, mod) not that overall pieces stats.

If not should we all team up and make one?

Edited by richardya
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Once the WH set is complete, it seems like replacing some pieces (ie gloves) components (ie armoring) with components from another piece (ie feet) might be beneficial. So people who complete the WH set can have another objective in gear to strive for even if it is minimal gains.


Is there a spreadsheet anywhere that lists the stats of all the components of the different War Hero sets? I need the component stats (armoring, enhancement, mod) not that overall pieces stats.

If not should we all team up and make one?


I don't know if there is a spreadsheet or anything, but one thing I can tell you is that the armoring on WH items is bound to the slot it comes with. You can't rip out the armoring of your WH gloves and put it into your feet.

If I'm not mistaking, there is always the same armoring (stats) on WH pieces of the same set anyways.


For mods and enhancements, it would be nice to have a spreadsheet.

Edited by iphobia
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Use the ask mr. robot website. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/ for Mods and Enhancements.


There really arent that many choices so the choices have minimal impact as far as farming more comms. I mean few chocies when considering everything is equally weighed stat wise so once you decide certain target numbers like 33% crit rate or 75% surge or whatever you feel you need then the rest doesnt amount to much change.


For armoring they are all the same stat wise. The only reason to change them is if you wanted different set bonuses.


You are mostly done once you get full Warhero imho. Maybe 2 more weeks of comms grinding tops.

Edited by LancelotOC
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