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Help with Act III Final Mission


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My level 50 Sentinel cannot beat the final boss. He has to take the robot (I completely ignored the robot from the very beginning, so he he completely undergeared, and I've had a difficult time getting better gear for him), and the robot is completely outgunned on this mission with his average level 15 gear.


Now that I've transfered my character to a new server, I want to finish this Act. My question is, can I reset this quest and maybe use a different companion? Has anyone tried that? Otherwise, I have to continue to hope I can find gear for the droid. Mind you, that may be a little easier on this new server, but my hopes aren't getting too high.

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I do not understand the trouble with the final fight. I had half recruit, and level 49 blue green gear, and this fight was a joke as a watchman sentinel. At first, I didnt know which was the real guy, and couldnt target him, and I didnt start fighting him until 10 seconds had expired. Then, I went to town on him, but it seemed like I did hardly any damage before he died. I assumed he had around 32K hp, because he was an elite, but it was super easy, and I know I didnt do that much damage. His one shot (force blast), was 4 or 5 seconds, and was super easy to interrupt that and his other ability I could handle too. The clones did nothing to me.
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I do not understand the trouble with the final fight. I had half recruit, and level 49 blue green gear, and this fight was a joke as a watchman sentinel. At first, I didnt know which was the real guy, and couldnt target him, and I didnt start fighting him until 10 seconds had expired. Then, I went to town on him, but it seemed like I did hardly any damage before he died. I assumed he had around 32K hp, because he was an elite, but it was super easy, and I know I didnt do that much damage. His one shot (force blast), was 4 or 5 seconds, and was super easy to interrupt that and his other ability I could handle too. The clones did nothing to me.


I think it falls to just how well you can follow which one is the 'real' him vs. attacking the clones, and if you're interrupt-savvy. I know I braced for what I had read to be a pretty rough fight, only added to by the fact that T7 had all of 7.5k health from not bothering to do much with him.


After I completed it I felt a bit let down on what was supposed to be the among the toughest Act III finales in the game (maybe I'm just getting accustomed to how they work/feel the knight one being my third one now).

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The thing that made it tough for me was that I'm not interrupt savvy, nor did I initially even recognize the fact that I could easily follow the real one and ignore the clones. With no companion, the clones become a very serious threat, especially since they seemed to ignore AoE damage. When I went in, T-7 had just around 5k hp. He died within the first ten seconds of every attempt I made to beat the emperor. That, plus the fact that I'm only a marginal gamer is what gave me fits for this fight. The only other final act I've completed was the Sith Sorceror. I found that one difficult too, but I did beat it at level 50.
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Or you could do what 2 others have...invite a healer, pref. one with lots of CC. I'm a sage seer and have the "Throne Breaker" title because I helped 2 others. It was much less difficult that way. for them.
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Or you could do what 2 others have...invite a healer, pref. one with lots of CC. I'm a sage seer and have the "Throne Breaker" title because I helped 2 others. It was much less difficult that way. for them.


He is referring to the Jedi Knight final battle with

Emperor Vitiate

. Throne Breaker comes from the False Emperor Flashpoint.

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I have heard that about 3/4 on the way to the final boss when you enter the temple there are red beams of light on the floor. If you click on them and rearrange them into the Imperial Insignia a box will appear giving out level 50 gear for T7. Look for the light beams on the floor, it should help you a lot with the gear problem. Edited by Sangrar
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