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Honest opinion- do you think the game is in trouble?


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Blizzard hasn't had an innovative idea in their existence. Every game they make is a copy of something else. If there is no other "Everquest", there will be no template to make WoW2.


Rehashing Everquest might just be what saves this industry. All it will take is one company to realize that 100 longterm subscribers are more valuable than 1000 short term ones. The MMO's made today will kill the industry, not because they suck, but because they are designed to be "finished", and finished in weeks. Everquest was designed to be a game you never stop playing... and it worked.


Lost Vikings.

Rock'n'Roll racing.

Diablo 1

Starcraft 1

Warcraft 1,2,3

These games were awesome for their times and they each brought something "new" the their genre.

Once Blizzy sold out and lost 3 of 4 of its founders ( the 4 stayed to get paid and desided quantity over quality )

the 3 whom left started arena.net and guildwars. After that happened the quality of all blizzy games went to pure crap. (was a tester for many blizzy games and used to consider myself a fanboi until they bent in to the whole I want it now and be damned what anyone else thinks crowd.)

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Yes the game is in trouble. The subscriber numbers are declining. Here's a billion dollars review for EA and Bioware. You guys had a brilliant idea to make SW into mmorpg game. Unfortunately, you guys hired idiots probably never play a mmorpg game more than a week to design and create swtor. I could be wrong but it sure does seem like it. Therefore, numbers are in decline... If you want to save or ignite swtor, you should hire a really really good writer and make a really good cgi full length movie rated PG. At the same time hire a really hardcore mmorpg to design and improve swtor. There you go... that's what I would do if I were at the helm. By the way, the game lack passion. I can see it miles away.


Please be kind to unfortunate.

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I left after a few weeks. I dont honestly know what made me leave initially, i just stopped logging in and the longer i left it, the less interested i was each time i tried to get past the log in screen.


I came back a couple of weeks ago faction balance be damned determined to play the character i wanted to play (the imp agent) from beta instead of the one i felt i should play (smuggler).


It was all going so well through act 1. I was excited to get back in game and finding myself losing days i should have been studying reading the forums, or should have been at the gym but playing the game.

I could read the story a mile away, but it was nonetheless relatively fun knowing the climax was building.


And now ive just finished my class story quest on taris. Im level 33. Im empire, i hate taris. The only thing that kept me remotely interested in it was the class story. The idea of going back there is just... eugh.


And then, due to being utterly SICK of spam healing to keep kaliyo alive i decided to respec so i could play with teh doc instead. So here i am, an op concealment suddenly incapable of killing a level 34 silver droid and wondering where it all went wrong. Am i doomed to have to grind taris for another two levels? Am i going to have to respec back into medic and suffer painfully slow (but safe) mob grinding?


I dunno. The alternatives are to run warzones. Run space missions and run dungeons. Maybe i need to wait on 1.3 for dungeons. Im bored to death of space missions, and warzones just dont appeal all that much. Somethings fractured, and i think its just mundane gameplay. I was so stoked at the start of this, but i cant help but feel its not me, but the game. Something feels so utterly uninspiring about it. Dont get me wrong, i LOVE the story quests. I love the cut scenes. But the whole rest of it just feels like going through the motions.


Bioware, we need to have a chat dudes. Ive supported you since black isle and baldurs gate. I even bought dragon age 2 and i DID like the idea of making it more poltical and all about factionalism. I bought and didnt even complain about the three colors ending for mass effect (though i cant bring myself to nightmare mode through all three games because nothing i do for the previous three weeks of game time seems to matter). But this, this has seriously compromised my relationship with you. It feels like youre treading water and going through the motions. Get it together. If you cant deliver world pvp at least Make my questing experience both diverse and exciting.


dailies dont cut it. More dungeons dont cut it. Im sick of dungeons. I had my fill in wow, and frankly its your own fault here. If you put as much effort into the later dungeons you put into BT/esseles i might WANT to run them, but hammer and athiss made me realise those two starter dungeons were stand alone and everything else was a grind. Im an unhappy fan.


Loyal though. So im gonna pop back into the game and see if i can re-motivate myself. The problem is, i shouldnt be the one trying to find reasons to come back into the game. I should WANT to play it because its fun. Its not fun. Im not enjoying it. But i want to see that class story (which is amazing) despite all the negativity i get from playing the rest of the game.


Dont get me wrong... the point isnt really the whole 3 level disparity. Thats my punishment for stealthing. The problem is the need to stealth because grinding through 1000 mobs to get to my objective is kinda tedious gameplay. I didnt buy diablo after all.


As a healer role try using Vector rather than kailyo. the companion tanks take far too much damage and deal way to little dps. With vector you'll pull some minor agro but proper use of telling him who to hit will make up for this. And if geared right he is a beast.

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