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if your toon/comps could furnish thier own rooms


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what would they be like? Lets just headcannon it for a second your comps don't have to share cramped bunks, and had their own rooms, or you could furnish your own room/your ship. What would you have?


My agent ship would probably be the least decorated, as it already is stylish. It would have a large, functioning bar with a more defined lounge area. Oh, and a jacuzzi. Definitely would have one.

Her own room might have collectibles from each of the planets she visited, unique crystals, tasteful local arts, a tea set from a certain voss she will never forget...

Kaliyo's room would probably be a mess, even with 2V taking care of it ( he has learned certain things just don't get touched unless he wants to get deactivated ) expensive interior paints and panneling would have graffiti painted and carved into it. A couple stray baby killiks that wandered out of vector's room would skitter out of a snack bag after cleaning it of crumbs. Trophy items from nameless men and women she bagged on the side would be placed around, cheap gifts, underwear, morning after letters, ect.


well darn my bf just aggroed and wants to take me back to my house, will finish latter.

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ok continued:


Lokin's room would probably have his non-medical keepsakes. Gifts from friends of old, sophisticated luxury items like aged brandies ect, and the odd boobytrap here and there. The medbay would have a shelf or two of caged lab animals and plant specimens, a cabinet of biological curios, holocollections of lectures and biological encyclopaedia.


in the agent ending, you see him dissecting a 'ghoul, with a random person in the kolto tank...i want to know who the heck that was



Vector's room would double as his office. Exotic alien native crafts would hang from walls and rest on his desk. You would probably have to take off your shoes at the door as to not step on any little hatchlings skittering underfoot. Lush potted plants would compliment a natural looking fountain to add a sense of tranquillity. Somewhere well hidden would probably be an old undershirt that my agent somehow lost in the laundry awhile ago for him to be reminded of her scent while she was out on long raids.


Temple would have her instruments she practices with in one corner, and maybe a few tutorial books. Maybe some letters from her old friends from the ascendancy on a billboard. Her room would probably be the tidiest of the bunch. Maybe some girlish things like decorative cushions and a wardrobe of some finer clothing. Maybe one of those vanity desks with a big mirror on them. Don't even bother trying to pry open that chest hidden under the bed, it won't budge.

Edited by Crezelle
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My smuggler's room wouldn't be much. A trunk to keep clothes and keepsakes in (locked VERY well), a holoterminal so she can plug her datapad in to a bigger "screen"... that's about it. (Crap, did I just describe my own bedroom? I think so...)


I know you said no crew quarters, but I bet Corso's bunk has lots of pictures of home, and Bowie made himself a warm, dark nest to sleep in by hanging up blankets around his bunk. My smuggler threw Risha off her ship at the end of Chapter 1. They never got along anyways. She can go

manage her kingdom.

That's as far as I've gotten.


My bounty hunter threw out all the original owner's stuff and just bought a bunch of heavy blankets (space is cold!) and nothing else. But she loves helping underdogs without taking payment, and they always want to give her stuff to say thanks, so she has little tokens tucked away on a shelf. She will never in a million years admit she treasures them.


I think Mako just dragged a cot into the computer room and sleeps there. My bounty hunter shot Gault in the head, so no need for him to sleep anywhere except three feet under (what? Tatooine's hot! She wasn't gonna dig a six-foot hole). Torian's probably got holos of his buddies and small trophies- bounty hunter refused to let him bring anything big (like a bunch of skulls) onto her ship.


My Sith Warrior is seventeen and Vette is her BFF (their words). So she gave Malavai the big quarters and sleeps in the bunks with Vette so they can giggle all night long. Quinn probably has some Imperial memorabilia... recruitment posters or something. Vette's got all kinds of little shiny things. I haven't gotten Jaesa yet, but she probably hangs with the Sith and Vette, listening and occasionally surprising them with a bawdy joke. Not sure what will happen with Pierce... he can sleep in the armory. ;)

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My smuggler would share his room with Risha, now that they are married:D His room would be clean, with maybe a few jackets on the chair, and a holster on the floor. A huge holoterminal would be inside, but locked. We would keep our treasures in a locked truck! Art would line the walls, but nothing over the top. And there would be a weapon wall as well!


Corso would have a extremely clean room, with a poster of some damsel he is in love with on the wall. Country music would always be playing, and he has flashy and torchy in locked mandalorian iron cases.


Bowdaar would sleep in a hammock he made with twigs and moss from Kashyyyk. It would have shelves full of trophies, and of course have a buffet in it.


Akaavi would have Imperial flags and banners, along with all things mando. Her weapons would sit in the corner, and her armor polished and hung up.


Guss, would have the messiest room,, with technology and wines everywhere! Anything he stole would be in a closet, and his lightsaber would sit on a desk.


We would have a bar, and gambling area, along with a clean cargo hold. In the hidden compartments would hold the hot tub and firing range.

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My trooper's ship: My trooper's room would be neat and clean with a wardrobe full of armor and a few girlie things. A couple nice prints up on the walls, very understated. Jorgan doesn't care what she does with the place as long as there's space for a couple blasters on the bedside table.

Elara's space would be unexpectedly luxurious, fine rugs, plants, elegant furniture, books, a collection of rare wines and liquors.

The rest of them...I don't think they honestly care, the bunk is fine for Yune and Vik and 4X just shuts down wherever he happens to be.

Their communal rooms would have a few posters, some gaming tables for long trips, and that pool table I'm sure they have stashed somewhere.


My jk's ship: It's a good thing my jk has that ship droid around because she's not the neatest person. Her room is comfy, warm blankets, paintings in bright colors.

Kira's space would be full of memorabilia from people she's met, letters, holos, etc. She holds on to a lot of silly little things that mean something to her.

Doc's space has medical texts, a rack of wine bottles, and every news article that has ever listed him. Ever. Framed. And laminated.

Scourge has set up a work bench in the cargo room where he makes fixes to our light sabers. There's a cot tucked away, and access to ancient texts which he reads in his spare time. It's a plain room, like that would bother him.

Rusk doesn't need a room because Rusk never sleeps. He stands at his post all day every day. The freak.

T7 fiddles with the engine and scans the holonet and is a happy little droid.


My bh's ship: My bh is in a bit of a funk lately so she hasn't done a dang thing with her ship.

Gault has been hauling in the rare and exotic from all over, and his space is opulant. Fine...everything.

Blizz's space is knee deep in "stuff". Piles of it are all over the place. Tools, weapons, whatever.

Torian's space is neat but he's started to hang trophies on the wall so it's beginning to resemble a hunting cabin.

Mako's room is comfy and has a number of inventions that Blizz has given her lying around.

Skadge doesn't have a space.

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My bh ship would have that ******** ******* ******** lighting changed, and repainted to be more bearable to live in. In one room there would be a sparring ring set up. My crew would make a big banner of their company logo on it, featuring a fierce chimera ( my legacy name) and hang it on the wall.


Mako's room would be the girly kind. Plush bedding and stuffed animals, posters on the wall, a hamper filled with DIY spa supplies. The room would probably be the best smelling in the ship too.


Torian shares his wifey's room, so his room would be transformed into a man cave. Every husband needs a man cave, even if they are married to a tomboy like my BH. Weapons, trophies, girlie magazines, pics of him and his buddies posed beside impressive fallen beasts at the end of a hunt, ect.


Gault's room would look like any normal lavishly decked room, but nobody enters on fear there may be booby-traps.


Blizz's room would look like any pack rat nest. He probably would even fashion a nest to sleep in instead of a proper bed.


Skadge kinda just hunkers down wherever he feels like. Most material possessions of his don't last long.


My bh's room would have trophy beast heads mounted on the walls, plush fur rugs on the floor, her clan's banner hung somewhere, and an abundantly stocked bar. In one corner would be a little cage of small pet insects she got as a present from her dad, little does she not know they are bugs in more than one way: little dwarf killiks meant to relay what they see to Vector via hivemind in order to reassure her parents that she is doing fine. There would be an equivalent of a bookshelf with tutorials for learning mandalorian language and culture, as Torian gets too distracted when he tries to give lessons.

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in the agent ending, you see him dissecting a 'ghoul, with a random person in the kolto tank...i want to know who the heck that was




Temple would have her instruments she practices with in one corner, and maybe a few tutorial books. Maybe some letters from her old friends from the ascendancy on a billboard. Her room would probably be the tidiest of the bunch. Maybe some girlish things like decorative cushions and a wardrobe of some finer clothing. Maybe one of those vanity desks with a big mirror on them. Don't even bother trying to pry open that chest hidden under the bed, it won't budge.


Yeah, I would pay for that info on Lokin, too.


I agree with you as far as the agent companions go. Although Temple totally has one of those corkboards people got in college with pictures of every last friend she's ever had (billions) pinned up on it. And I see Vector's as a wreck. Like, it's got all these cool knicknacks scattered everywhere, bugs running around, and he just looks totally confused.


I've always imagined that Watcher Two lives in a studio apartment somewhere. With a twin bed. And an empty refrigerator. And one dead house plant.

Hunter's room is probably filled with pictures of the agent, with little hearts drawn on them that have "Hunter + C9 4EVA" written in them.



Elara's room is spic and span. Not a thing out of place. Although in her locker are pictures of her family. And possibly of all the kitten's she's saved.


Risha doesn't bother with her own room. Why care, when you can buy five star luxury?


Tharan *obviously* has a very spiffy lab. If it is not shiny enough, Holiday will redecorate!


Quinn's room is even more regulation perfect than Elara's. No sentimental family pictures there!


Vette's is a mess. And probably has posters of STar Wars boy bands. Mako has something equally silly going on. (Just Mako's also has computer parts *everywhere*.)


Jaesa's is definitely painted black. With like...torture implements hanging from the wall.


That's all I have for the moment.

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Yeah, I would pay for that info on Lokin, too.


I agree with you as far as the agent companions go. Although Temple totally has one of those corkboards people got in college with pictures of every last friend she's ever had (billions) pinned up on it. And I see Vector's as a wreck. Like, it's got all these cool knicknacks scattered everywhere, bugs running around, and he just looks totally confused.


i would think temple would keep as few ties to her past as possible for security reasons. aside from the bugs, im sure vector would keep his place in order, he is of an elloquent upbringing and profession, and has an eye for the more cultured things in life. So maybe not kitchy tourist quality native arts and such, but more defined and meaningful pieces of art, specimens of natural beauty like an aquarium, potted plants, gemstones ect. And of course that little diary he has to keep all his logs in. Lokin is still helping my agent uncrack the algorythms he uses to code his entries in it :cool: course the little hatchlings have free reign of the floor and bed area since he doesn't need that anymore ( except when my agent is away on ops and flashpoints, nobody is allowed in her room when she's not around, NOBODY) and they probably would leave lots of shed carapaces, frass, and silk cobwebs everywhere.

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Trooper ship: My trooper's room would be clean to the point of slight organization but not spotless. He has a desk in the corner for his computer and stacked with fantasy and scifi novels. He has a shelf on the wall above his auto cannon where he keeps all his trophies from his adventures with Havoc Squad. The walls are decorated with pictures of him and high school friends.

Elara Dorne: PERFECTION! Her room is in such perfect condition trooper is afraid to walk in when he wishes to speak with her she must come out for fear of messing something up. Her room includes a HUGE shelf covering a wall full of medical books and history books covering all past wars. She keeps a medical supply kit next to the door for those emergencies. Her walls are bare except for the few medals she has. Pictures of her family from before she left the empire line a shelf in the corner.

M1-4X: His room has no bed for starters just a plug he uses at night. He keeps his room mostly neat cept for a few droid parts here and there. Not much else happening in there.

Aric Jorgen: His room is spotless. The only real keepsakes he has in the room is stuff from the deadeyes. Aside from a small bookshelf he doesn't keep much else in there

Yuun: His room is lined with pictures of his homeworld. He has lots of buggy trophies.

Tanno Vik: His room is trashed (I think C2 gave up) covered in clothes, plates, glasses. He has a safe in the corner where he keeps his part of the cash from our weapons deals.

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My smuggler would have her bedroom decorated like a room in an Old West bordello. Mahogany panelling, damask wallpaper, couple paintings of naked ladies hung in strategic places, glass chandelier, huge fancy rug, and a magnificent four-poster bed with burgundy satin bedding. Of course, there would also be clothes tossed everywhere, assorted bones from exotic animals lying around, some dirty magazines stuffed in the closet, an obligatory can of cube food on the bedside table, and a bunch of toasters in various states of disembowelment lined up next to a wrench and a screwdriver.

My trooper's bedroom, in contrast, would be Spartan. Small bed, in the corner. Shelves for gun and armor, in other corner. Door on the opposing wall. Maybe a table and a chair, if she felt REALLY decadent.

Frankly, I can't see her having her own room unless her companions decided they didn't want to sleep in the same quarters. She'd consider it an unnecessary luxury.

My Jedi Warrior would have a totally cool Zen Garden setup with vines on the walls and a futon in the middle. It would be simple, yet awesome.

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My BH's ship if everyone had their own rooms, I think it would be pretty messed up.


First of all skadge would sleep in the escape pod (we all hope in one of his fits he will throw something and hit the eject button) He decorated it with a bunch of food and trash. We also want to find a professional who is psychotic enough to make sure that Skadge doesn't have too much wrong in the head.


Next Blizz. Despite the look of it, he is very organized. on one side of his room he has a HUGE locker which he keeps all of his crafting material organized in alphabetical order. Also under his Bed which has many inventions in it including a belt in massager. Under his bed and on a shelve or two he keeps inventions and gadgets all sprawled around. The other things in his room are a workbench and a coat rack with a ton of his favorite robes.


Torian has his room which is filled with a ton of weapons and trophies from his hunting expeditions. He has pictures of many clan members and on the floor is his mandalorian clan's symbol. In one corner carefully hidden behind a few sets of his best armor, is a secret compartment with a oven stove-top and a pantry with a bunch of ingredients, for his cooking show MANDOLORIAN FOODS GONE RIGHT He tries to hide this from the other ship mates but I'm sometimes a special guest to try the foods as long as I don't spill the beans.


Gualt has a lavishly furnished room filled with the most expensive and luxurious pleasantries the galaxy has to offer. He has a giant holoterminal and a real fancy pazzak and sabbac table. He also has a his own personal security droid built and upgraded by Blizz who is growing on Gualt. He occasional holds pazzak night at his room and usually ends up getting torian's blizz's and my credits. People don't snoop around his room too much because on several occasions the security droid has tried to attack people who break into his room uninvited.


Now for my favorite girl, Mako. For a while she has her own room which was filled with tech and pictures of here crew-mates (except skadge) But now she shares a room with me and here old room was changed into a hangout room to enjoy while we fly to places in our ship. It is filled with all of the new tech some of Blizz's better inventions. and a jacuzzi. We have a lot of luxories due to my geat pay and its a place to blow off some steam.


Finally Me. (and Mako) We have plenty of souvenirs from our many adventures. We also have plenty of pictures of us together. We also have our own armor racks and plenty of tech. We have our own personal holoterminal, which one it we spend the weekends watching movies together (while sampling some of torian's foods. Oops I told someone) We share a king sized bed that has some of Blizz's tech. With that we also have some of the greatest technology in the galaxy that we enjoy playing with. We also have a closet for mako to try on all of the newest clothes in fashion and in there she has a bunch of girly things.


So there you have it this is how my ship would be if everyone could customize their areas.

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Let's see here...


My main SW girl would have plushies and pictures of kittens and other animals she's rescued from horrible fates, along with thank you letters from beneficiaries of her light-sided goodness. Quinn would try to hide some of the plushies in hopes that she wouldn't notice if some were gone due to there being too many, but his plans always fail during her daily plushie role call.

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