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Epic... then not


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Last night on Jung Ma, people in the Fleet were announcing a Republic attack on Dorn Base on Hoth. About to log for the night, I figured I'd check it out before bed. I fly to Hoth, go up the elevator and head toward the base exit, only to be met with....


horrendous frame rates.


Ok, granted, my comp is a couple years old. A certain capturable neutral base area in another fantasy-based MMORPG that will go unnamed consistently had at least two full raid groups of 40 on either side and the same computer still got 20+ fps at the worst times. It was at least playable.


Last night, there were about 40-50 per side (that I could tell) but it wasn't even funny how bad the fps was. Is the Hero engine just that bad? Anyone with a new comp ever encounter that type of melee? Was the framerate really low for you too? One of the primary reasons I wanted to play this game, and the sole reason for going through three PVP servers was the idea of world Empire vs Republic PVP. I know people were complaining about Ilum but I haven't experienced it personally. Was this one of the main gripes?


The Epic part was the fact that 100ish people were all killing one another. That part was beautiful. Well, what I could see of it anyway. :(



Edited by ColonelM
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