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My take... on the TOR community


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My server is dead!!! We want merges!!! Don't transfer us!!! GIVE US MERGE!! Oh, it's a multi-server merge but you're calling it transfers? CALL IT MERGE or I unsub!!!


All classes other than mine are OP!!!! Nerf them all except mine and I could use a buff thanks. Oh, you have factual proof in numbers that they're not OP? Well, watch as I twist your words and take one sentence from a paragraph to make it look like you further proved my point that you are OP and I am not. NERF THEM NOW or I unsub!!!!


We need more content!!!! Oh, it's coming in 2-3 weeks... Give it to me NOW!!! Or I'll unsub!!!


I'm better than all of you and all of your ideas and tactics are bad.... you are wrong and I am right. It doesn't matter if I've never played the class up for discussion... I know more about it than anyone else including BW so that must make you bad, because you're arguing with me and I'm the best ever.


We need cookies or I unsub! GW2 haz cookies!!! D3 has cookies I can buy with real $!!! Cookies or unsub!!!

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my server is dead!!! We want merges!!! Don't transfer us!!! Give us merge!! Oh, it's a multi-server merge but you're calling it transfers? Call it merge or i unsub!!!


All classes other than mine are op!!!! Nerf them all except mine and i could use a buff thanks. Oh, you have factual proof in numbers that they're not op? Well, watch as i twist your words and take one sentence from a paragraph to make it look like you further proved my point that you are op and i am not. Nerf them now or i unsub!!!!


We need more content!!!! Oh, it's coming in 2-3 weeks... Give it to me now!!! Or i'll unsub!!!


I'm better than all of you and all of your ideas and tactics are bad.... You are wrong and i am right. It doesn't matter if i've never played the class up for discussion... I know more about it than anyone else including bw so that must make you bad, because you're arguing with me and i'm the best ever.


We need cookies or i unsub! Gw2 haz cookies!!! D3 has cookies i can buy with real $!!! Cookies or unsub!!!



lol :D:d:d

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I actually like the swtor forums compared to other games. Zero tolerance makes the forums much more enjoyable.


OP, if you think this is bad visit WoW forums :D


No, really do it. It'll make you appreciate this community that much more.

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My server is dead!!! We want merges!!! Don't transfer us!!! GIVE US MERGE!! Oh, it's a multi-server merge but you're calling it transfers? CALL IT MERGE or I unsub!!!


All classes other than mine are OP!!!! Nerf them all except mine and I could use a buff thanks. Oh, you have factual proof in numbers that they're not OP? Well, watch as I twist your words and take one sentence from a paragraph to make it look like you further proved my point that you are OP and I am not. NERF THEM NOW or I unsub!!!!


We need more content!!!! Oh, it's coming in 2-3 weeks... Give it to me NOW!!! Or I'll unsub!!!


I'm better than all of you and all of your ideas and tactics are bad.... you are wrong and I am right. It doesn't matter if I've never played the class up for discussion... I know more about it than anyone else including BW so that must make you bad, because you're arguing with me and I'm the best ever.


We need cookies or I unsub! GW2 haz cookies!!! D3 has cookies I can buy with real $!!! Cookies or unsub!!!


ROFL XD. A great nutshell description. It seems like most of these people are the same people that go to a fantastic restaraunt and do nothing but complain about their waitress and then babble in disgust about how terrible their meal was, all just to make themselves feel superior. Not only that, but they do it unnecessarily noticeable way so that the people around them will see. It really makes me shake my head.


I for one am having heaps of fun. I know you are too Ugly as you and I have backed eachother up on a few other QQ threads. Hopefully there are others that feel like they're getting more than their 15 dollars' worth too.

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I actually like the swtor forums compared to other games. Zero tolerance makes the forums much more enjoyable.


OP, if you think this is bad visit WoW forums :D


No, really do it. It'll make you appreciate this community that much more.


I normally don't do the forum thing but it hasn't been since planetside 1 that I've been so addicted to a game. Those forums were VERY different. very few perf threads adn complaints and maybe that's why this is so annoying to me. I can only imagine what the WoW forums look like.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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Most people are too busy playing the game to QQ on the forums. Sometimes I try to start intelligent discussion, it never ends well.


Slow day at work, which is why I'm on the forums XD. I would be more than happy to participate in an intelligent discussion thread in the PVP section. Let's start a revolution.

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ROFL XD. A great nutshell description. It seems like most of these people are the same people that go to a fantastic restaraunt and do nothing but complain about their waitress and then babble in disgust about how terrible their meal was, all just to make themselves feel superior. Not only that, but they do it unnecessarily noticeable way so that the people around them will see. It really makes me shake my head.


I for one am having heaps of fun. I know you are too Ugly as you and I have backed eachother up on a few other QQ threads. Hopefully there are others that feel like they're getting more than their 15 dollars' worth too.


LOL that's exactly it! Some people just love to complain and wouldn't know how to go a day without complaining about SOMETHING! It really is baffling but to each his own... I'm just far too optimistic and positive to understand it. Yes it still is frustrating to see so many people complain about something that I personally think is awesome!


I think $15 a month is a deal... I haven't touched BF3, Skyrim, Tekken 6 (big tekken junkie since 3), or any of the other games I've been on regularly. It's crazy to me that people can have so many complaints. The potential of what I already consider to be a great game is impressive to say teh least.

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Most people are too busy playing the game to QQ on the forums. Sometimes I try to start intelligent discussion, it never ends well.


Nerf intelligent discussion!! :D


EVERY post I've seen that has actually started as a constructive discussion always gets ruined with the marauder guy.... and then his 18 friends follow and no one even knows what the original post was. It's insane. I just watched it happen on a thread about sages. :rolleyes:

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My server is dead!!! We want merges!!! Don't transfer us!!! GIVE US MERGE!! Oh, it's a multi-server merge but you're calling it transfers? CALL IT MERGE or I unsub!!!


All classes other than mine are OP!!!! Nerf them all except mine and I could use a buff thanks. Oh, you have factual proof in numbers that they're not OP? Well, watch as I twist your words and take one sentence from a paragraph to make it look like you further proved my point that you are OP and I am not. NERF THEM NOW or I unsub!!!!


We need more content!!!! Oh, it's coming in 2-3 weeks... Give it to me NOW!!! Or I'll unsub!!!


I'm better than all of you and all of your ideas and tactics are bad.... you are wrong and I am right. It doesn't matter if I've never played the class up for discussion... I know more about it than anyone else including BW so that must make you bad, because you're arguing with me and I'm the best ever.


We need cookies or I unsub! GW2 haz cookies!!! D3 has cookies I can buy with real $!!! Cookies or unsub!!!


I bolded the one I'm usually guilty of. : P


Pretty accurate, but you're describing the forum community. : )

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