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hos do you keep yourself alive? lol


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I run around in circles and pillar hump.


That's about it, yes (and knockbacks). You are not a tank.


LOS as much as you can, pop your head out only to tag cappers if you're alone. When backup arrives, kill everyone.


If you have any say in the matter, there are far FAR better suited classes for guarding objectives solo.

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not sure either.. im just pissed .. im getting killed so easily by enemies..


I totally feel your pain! Until...I switched to Assault spec. It's a MUST for PvP imo. Stay at range, keep moving until you MUST cast and LOS LOS LOS! Never be where you can't duck behind something.

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im getting instantgibbed on inc.


Unfortunately commando isn't a good class for watching a point and calling inc. I'll do it if no-one else is being a team player but I generally do not win 1v1 fights against opponents who know what they're doing. Oddly, scoudrel/agent and sage/sorc are my easiest targets in 1v1 thus far.


Consider yourself a fire support class in PvP - stay with a group or at least a friend, stay at range, apply AoE or single-target DPS as necessary to INTERRUPT CAPPERS (play the objective!) support the group or help burn down a focus target. Sure that isn't always possible, but it's when I do my best work. Oh, and don't be afraid to heal people in a pinch.


And yes, I recognise that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy, but the above is a good rule of thumb.


EDIT: Oh, and I use assault spec for both PvE and PvP.


EDIT2: As others have said;

- Exploit line-of-sight.

- Save cryo grenade to act as an interrupt or gain distance (not at melee range if you can help it).

- Concussive round can be cast instantly with tech override.

- Concussion charge aka our knockback also snares. Use it when you're already moving away for optimum distance.

- Speaking of moving, do that alot.

Edited by Rigsta
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