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Warzone Scoring and MVPs


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There is a real need for a revision or complete overhaul to the scoring and MVP system in warzones. For the simple fact that MVP is for Most Valuable Player, it seems mishandled in all of the warzones.


I haven't figured out how to apply a change in relation to every aspect of the various warzones, but I do know that I can show the need for new scoring directly in relation to Huttball. This is an example based on what actually occurred to me (and happens often) when I played a match of Huttball. The final score was 4 to 2. In this game my character scored 3 out of the 4 points and intercepted the ball as well. At the end of the match...no MVP, not one point (vote). This completely defeats the designation of a MVP in a match. Without the push for the 3 points scored it would have been 1 point scored. Could there have been someone else that could have scored 3 points, possibly, but in my game there was no one else making a drive like this. So, by application of the name, my character should have been the MVP.


I'm not trying to come off self-centered, I've had PLENTY of horrible matches, but I'm sure others have experienced this as well.


Part of the issue, which I'm guilty of as well, is that when a guild or group goes in a warzone, they tend to vote MVP for their group and not particularly for a player. This is great for points by grouping, but not so great for people that are in there solo and out-performing the group(s). Which was also the case in my Huttball match. Two guild groups were playing on my team, and, in the end, they nominated themselves for playing.


Again, that is just a issue that will occur with groups in warzones.


I'm suggesting that there be something that also recognizes the legitimate play(s) that are made in the match. Interceptions, scores (continual), etc. should be applied in the end on the score boards. I'm only thinking this should be applied, because the MVP voting augments the amount of reward bonus you get at the end of the warzone as well.


Maybe the MVP is still there, but instead of it being something that can be selected on any player, it is just next to the top two offensive and defensive players on the team. From those 4 players, all the members of the team can select which was the MVP of the match.


Too many times, there is someone that just did nothing...not even defending a turret...absolutely nothing...and they still get a point. I could understand if that player is standing and defending a turret, that is a needed thing, and some people do it REALLY well. But I think people know the type of players I'm talking about.


So, to me, if the system took into account the things actually accomplished in the match and THAT gets the possible one of the four players to select as MVP, then great.


Groups can still get some sort of group bonus, but this suggestion is strictly to find some way to help out the individual player that REALLY contributes to the game (regardless if they are in a group or not). I think something like this would really make the the competition more intense on people actually playing through the match instead of just /sit-ting for a percentage of the game...and STILL getting a MVP point.


Thanks for your time to just read this.

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I agree with a lot of this, particularly the idea of limiting the amount of players that can receive an MVP.


Personally my biggest issue is that classes have a separate maximum amount of medals they can potentially receive. An MVP really isn't worth a whole lot but it's annoying knowing that your gimped from the get-go :mad:

Edited by ABene
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remove it


ANY MVP voting is nothing more then a popularity content or a fixed vote that was pre planed!


Its like those stupid best poster threads in the old off topic


The people picked were not the best posters, they were just the most popular at the time


Remove it


Want a MVP, give it to most damage, most kills, most healing, what ever. A target that doesnt rely on people bias.

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I'm sorry but, for the most part I vote for the person who did the most healing. For the simple fact that I have rarely won a warzone without at least 2 healers. But I do understand where you are coming from. In Voidstar, I can get over 40 kills and have defender medals and still no MVP votes. Again, as I see the MVP votes add up, its usually the healers that get them. Equally deserved IMO. Perhaps have different MVP votes, in other words Healer MVP DPS MVP maybe a defender MVP (though that really doesn't work for Huttball). I would like to see a more diverse MVP system.
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I'm sorry but, for the most part I vote for the person who did the most healing. For the simple fact that I have rarely won a warzone without at least 2 healers. But I do understand where you are coming from. In Voidstar, I can get over 40 kills and have defender medals and still no MVP votes. Again, as I see the MVP votes add up, its usually the healers that get them. Equally deserved IMO. Perhaps have different MVP votes, in other words Healer MVP DPS MVP maybe a defender MVP (though that really doesn't work for Huttball). I would like to see a more diverse MVP system.


I think I dig where you're coming from here: MVPs for X role style.


In all honesty the current MVP system is truely pointless....saw a healer with 500k healing get no votes once (he left before I voted for him though :( )..that is wrong in my opinion. Hell I'm not even that good in pvp but I had the highest or second highest in 3 categories...0 votes makes me laugh at times. Yeah the MVP votes give 1 com more but still, love how the person who did virtually nothing gets 4 votes while others who did work get 0. Same problem happening to a family member too.

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I'm sorry but, for the most part I vote for the person who did the most healing. For the simple fact that I have rarely won a warzone without at least 2 healers. But I do understand where you are coming from. In Voidstar, I can get over 40 kills and have defender medals and still no MVP votes. Again, as I see the MVP votes add up, its usually the healers that get them. Equally deserved IMO. Perhaps have different MVP votes, in other words Healer MVP DPS MVP maybe a defender MVP (though that really doesn't work for Huttball). I would like to see a more diverse MVP system.


Unfortunately I see this far less than necessary.


I guess I'm not seeing the point of different MVP (as for DPS or damage), because that is something that is sort of done already. You have a column that notes damage and healing points done in a match. But this goes beyond that. In relation to the example I gave, you HAVE TO score points in Huttball, so as a healer, you heal, not saying you can't score points, but in general you heal. Now could that be something that would fall in a Defensive MVP category, likely. Since the player is keeping the team or other players going by essentially helping them continue going by healing and protecting them (or their life; in a sense).


It just seems that if there are different and/or more specific MVP awards, then you get into the group role mentality, and then people leave because it is not a certain "team makeup".


With a Offensive and Defensive MVP you pretty much can apply that in every Warzone. There is bound to be two that were better than the rest of the team in offense and two in defense. They would get the selections people could vote on (each player could make a vote for each category), and that be that.


It makes no sense to see someone come in, the last 15 seconds of a match, and get a MVP vote. For what? Seeing the board at the end with your name on it??


I just think it could make some of the different warzones a little more competitive both for the team you're against and the team you're on. The dynamics of it would work a little differently per warzone, but that would be the strategy behind it. Say you pop in a Huttball match, and all of the players are Inquisitors (which has happened to me). Well it is either going to be an all out offensive blast or there are going to be some that switch to a more defensive role, because they can or that is what they like.


This would work differently on Novare Coast, because then you're defending and taking turrets. But why not recognize the fact that this one player is going in there and trying to take a turret several times? That they actually get to converting the turret, but gets dropped right before doing it. I mean, that seems to get some recognition, other than someone getting to a turret and just doing /sit. Right?

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I think people who stand next to a turret looking for incoming attacks (and report them in the chat, so that reinforcements can arrive in time) can be crucial players. Also, players who never touch a ball in Huttball, but defend the Ball carrier or heal him or pull him closer to the goal or just out of harms way should also be able to get the MVP vote. Otherwise everyone just would like to be the Quarterback, but that's not how team sports work.
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I think people who stand next to a turret looking for incoming attacks (and report them in the chat, so that reinforcements can arrive in time) can be crucial players. Also, players who never touch a ball in Huttball, but defend the Ball carrier or heal him or pull him closer to the goal or just out of harms way should also be able to get the MVP vote. Otherwise everyone just would like to be the Quarterback, but that's not how team sports work.


They are given way to much so much so that if it gets half way usually the losing side just parks on their one turret/bunker, counting the medals etc

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I agree. Just take the MVP out of this. There have been several matches where I was the only one to get the door open, extend the bridge, flip the node, etc and we would win in a very tight match, and yet I got ZERO MVP votes. Meanwhile the throng of folks on my team were off in the distance nowhere near the objective and just trying to rack up kills. The 3-4 player sub-groups on our team are just voting for each other most of the time.


After the server transfer, there are a massive number of players experiencing PVP for the first time in the game on more populated servers and they have NO idea what they are doing. Several of us try to coach them to focus on objectives, rally numbers to a location, and so forth. They just seem to queue up with their 2-3 buds in their transferred guild and just run around the middle going for kills and ignoring any strategy adjustments, objectives etc. Then they vote their MVPs to each other at the end, which is usually a loss.

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My only issue with the current system is that there are not enough medals supporting DPS and healers but a tank just needs to walk into the warzone and it is a free 10-15 medals. There needs to be more medals to help even the playing field for competent DPS and healers. At the very least if, 4 DPS were at the bottom of the winning team's scoreboard, it was because they had only 1 less medal then a tank or healer, not 4-5.


There also needs to be more medals that give incentives to play correctly. There should be a medal for "pulling a ball carrier 30m towards the goal" and a "pull an opposing ball carrier over a firepit" where the medal is earned if that player dies in the firepit within the next 5 seconds of being pulled, etc.


Besides huttball specifc ones, there should be some for just basic tactics like, "assist killing a player who was attacked by three other players" to encourage focusing to get rid of a healer or tank. There is a lot they can do to encourage players with incentives to actually work for something.

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They are given way to much so much so that if it gets half way usually the losing side just parks on their one turret/bunker, counting the medals etc

Talk with the players on your server about it. I still don't think it is something BioWare should force on us. Stupid players that give people MVPs even though they did nothing to help win the game are sure an annoyance, but it is their free choice to encourage bad play-styles. MVPs do not impact the game in any meaningful way, and even when one can see one day how many MVPs has, I would not sak such a player to join a ranked Warzone team when I don't be sure he know how to play (have seen them in warzones, and the good players are sooner or later on my friendlist, to keep a tap on them), while the really bad players might get on my ignore list, so I don't even have to read their stuff in general chat when they might look for a new guild or players to join them for anything.

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If the MVP votes can be translate to some form of tangible rewards, it is almost certain that it will be abused. But if it is just a vanity system, it does not really matter if it is there or not. I don't take it serious really.


I can however offer some observations. I play mostly as a healer on Po5 these days - all three of them, both sides. I usually heal the most in a match and I don't get enough medals unfortunately because being a range healer cleverly positioning myself safely at a distance where I can contribute the most to the team is not something that merits a medal (I have another post for that). I get tons of MVP votes though. Almost guarantee 1 to 2 at least but sometimes 3 or more. I found it quite laughable until I was told that the more medals meant higher the rewards. I am not laughing any more.


Now when I play as a tanker, I hardly contribute much other than throwing a guard on the nearest person or keep spamming taunt. My sin tank on Fatman is only Valor 18 but she has tons of medal with almost no MVPs.


So I can be the star MVP while not being recognised for a medal or I can be a lazy bugger but sitting on top of the medal counts 7-8 times out of ten. How is it even possible...?


By the way, I only vote when I see a tank who uses guard or scores very high on protection. Or when I am not healing, I vote for the highest healer normally. I don't normally vote for DPSer. Sorry. But I did feel compel to vote for my guild main DPSer for a while against my will. That's why I did not take the MVP system seriously.

Edited by The_Old_One
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Mvp do not represent the Most Valuable Player, a lot of time it's a friend voting for eachother. Or sombody cast a vote an anyone and or see the higher DPS or higher heal and vote. This not necesary represent the MVP player, sometimes he do more for the team sacrificing him/herself to slow others while the team cap, or knows how to delay or stun the healer. I am agains the MVP vote.
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