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maruder getting weaker


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hey everyone, a friend of mine who is really good at swtor says than in the new update marauders are going to be weakened. is this true? any information is useful :)


Absolutely not true, this is the only change listed for marauders in 1.3:


The responsiveness of Retaliation and Gore has been increased.



Gore: This ability now costs 1 Rage and is no longer limited by the global cooldown. Its damage has been reduced, and the duration of its armor penetration debuff has been reduced by 1.5 seconds to ensure the effective duration is the same.

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There is going to be less overall burst. In 1.3, you don't get a damage increase from WZ adrenal and you can't use PVE adrenals in warzones. Also, relics aren't activatable for a big buff anymore, now they give a smaller passive buff. This means less burst around the table for pretty much everyone. This might be the global "weakening" that he was referencing.
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