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SW:TOR - Star Wars: Tired of Running


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The world doesn't feel real. It's full of fictional aliens and laser swords.


People talk about "realness" a lot when complaining about the size of a game world.


It doesn't make a whit of difference to me.


When WoW cut down on the pointless running around, it only served to improve the game.


The most immersive game this year, Skyrim, has fast travel that basically lets you teleport around the world at will. It still feels like a massive and realistic place.


There's nothing realistic about having to run this much. You'd drop dead of exhaustion before you turned in your third quest.


Real, as in as real as a game world can be. Quit your ******** about 'hah! lazor swordz not real. An I see alien too! Not realz man!' You know perfectly well what I meant.


They wanted to make the cities and such feel like you're actually walking through a ship. Not just stepping through doors from room to room.


Wow cut down on the running, and it did NOT improve the game. Rather, it only drew in more 'casuals' (read: lazy asses) and it received a TON of complaints.


In Skyrim you have to often walk a lot further than in swtor. Sure you can fast travel the second time, but the first time you still have to run.


What the hell is it with gamers these days? Everything has to be right here, right now. Nothing should take time and everything should give instant gratification. Otherwise things take too long and they complain. I remember my ragnarok online times back in the day. where it took a full week of hardcore grinding (quests didn't exist in that game back then) to get to level 40. Max level was 99, which would take a very fast leveller well over a month to get. Did people complain? NO! It was fun because the journey still mattered more than the end back then.

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You do have to buy the driving skill for 40k as well. Still not insurmountable, though.


Ahh like that. Well still, like I said, they probably did that to make it a bit of a CHALLENGE to be able to afford one. These days in the 'number one' mmo to compare to, mounts can be bought by anyone once they reach the needed level. You don't even have to try to earn money for it.


Back in vanilla and TBC, when mounts cost 20, and the riding skill 80, and money didn't come as quickly, you actually had to save up and be smart with your cash/professions to buy one at lv 40. But people don't remember that any more of course.

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Real, as in as real as a game world can be. Quit your ******** about 'hah! lazor swordz not real. An I see alien too! Not realz man!' You know perfectly well what I meant.


They wanted to make the cities and such feel like you're actually walking through a ship. Not just stepping through doors from room to room.


Wow cut down on the running, and it did NOT improve the game. Rather, it only drew in more 'casuals' (read: lazy asses) and it received a TON of complaints.


In Skyrim you have to often walk a lot further than in swtor. Sure you can fast travel the second time, but the first time you still have to run.


What the hell is it with gamers these days? Everything has to be right here, right now. Nothing should take time and everything should give instant gratification. Otherwise things take too long and they complain. I remember my ragnarok online times back in the day. where it took a full week of hardcore grinding (quests didn't exist in that game back then) to get to level 40. Max level was 99, which would take a very fast leveller well over a month to get. Did people complain? NO! It was fun because the journey still mattered more than the end back then.


I did not hear a single complaint about WoW cutting down on the pointless running. I think you're mistaking complaints about the easiness of heroics and raids for complaints about the streamlining of the questing experience.


I think that a game should always strive to be fun.


I'm trying to mentally put myself in the shoes of people who are claiming that running back and forth from Point A to Point B a half-dozen times is fun or fulfilling for them, but I just don't understand it.


I've been playing MMOs since the days of Ultima Online, Everquest, and FFXI. Traveling back in those days was awful but you put up with it because there was nothing else out there.


MMORPGs have been replacing more and more timesinks like travel times and having to sit down to rest after every mob with actual content, so it comes across as strange and outdated that TOR has such revolutionary storytelling but it plays like WoW circa 2005.


A lot of MMO players seem to have this strange and slightly disturbing belief that it's okay for MMOs to have aspects to them that are a chore, because if you make it through without giving up, it's some sort of badge of honor. I never understood that in my 12 years of being a huge fan of the genre.

Edited by carnac_fett
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First of all I haven't really seen the running from A to B that much. Mostly I go to a area get all quests I can and then make them, turn them in and move on. I do love seeing new stuff when I run and sometimes I meet elites that I take down just because its on my path, or partially.


It gets better when you get to 14 and get sprint, but has never been a major problem for me. I see more of the game with the way its build now and don't see any reason to change that. ofc it will be faster with my own speeder, but I will still explore the areas to find loot and treasure.


Datacrons are hidden on each planet, maybe some of you "not running" people could make it a personal quest to find these while you run?


I don't see the big problem and truly hope that they don't fix it.

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Wow cut down on the running, and it did NOT improve the game. Rather, it only drew in more 'casuals' (read: lazy asses) and it received a TON of complaints.


Yes, it did improve the game. Waiting forever to be able to get anywhere was so boring I tried playing with a couple of friends several times and didn't buy it until they dropped the mounts to 20 because I didn't want to spend hours walking...


Now, the only people who complained were the ones who spent a lot of money (for the time) and had to wait and think it added to the game in some way. These same players are perfectly fine with teleporters and taxis. Somehow a player owned and controlled mounts/vehicles are less immersive than TAXIS and PORTALS.

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No one is wishing the computer would play the game for them, what a ridiculous assertion. I just think that the standard run speed is too slow for the maps they've developed at levels before 14. Especially Corsucant/Dromund Kaas, which are huge.


Get past level 25 and complain about movement and I might be worried. Planets like Coruscant/Dromund Kaas are NOTHING compared to the later planets size. Don't fix what isn't broken, and this definitely isn't broken.

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Yes, it did improve the game. Waiting forever to be able to get anywhere was so boring I tried playing with a couple of friends several times and didn't buy it until they dropped the mounts to 20 because I didn't want to spend hours walking...


Now, the only people who complained were the ones who spent a lot of money (for the time) and had to wait and think it added to the game in some way. These same players are perfectly fine with teleporters and taxis. Somehow a player owned and controlled mounts/vehicles are less immersive than TAXIS and PORTALS.


The only people who complain about not being able to travel anywhere unless they have a mount are the people that need to save up money and get to the appropriate level to get said abilities.


It's not about immersion, it's about progression.


Level 14, Sprint+ Taxis and Quick Travel = perfectly reasonable until level 25 for your speeder. Just because you All mounts are, are shinies, shinies you don't need to play the game with. Yes, they have a use, faster traveling speed. No, you don't need faster traveling speed at level 14, grow some hair and press the num lock button.

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The long run distances are compounded by developer's inability to have a reasonable quest progression. Run 20 minutes, spend 2 minutes killing someone, run 20 minutes back for a turn in.


For Korriban or Tython, sure. Any planet after that, I bid you good luck in finishing your quests in 2 minutes flat. Do not hyperbole.

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You mean like Skyrim, winner of over a dozen game of the year awards?


And already put in the back of my shelf because it's a beaten game that now is only useful for memes?


I once played skyrim.


Then I took a RUS ROH DA to the knee.

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