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Buying 670s right now is just a waste, wait another 5-6 months to let the prices drop. Besides, if you have anything from a 560 to a 590, it's going to be a waste to upgrade it. You won't notice any difference. Depending on your card, now that the 690 is out it's time to keep an eye out for an upgrade, but no need to purchase anything yet. Wait until the next games get released in 2013 (Crysis 3, Far Cry 3 and all that), then you could upgrade it, but only if you're actually one of those people with too much money and too little social life to spend it differently.
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Evga 670 FTW edition here... Comes from factory around the same speed as a gtx 680. This game is somehow a pc game that is poorly optimized for the pc at least on higher end systems with fps stuttering and what not. I normally run around 100+ fps with uber sampling and all setting to highest but stutter to mid 40's every once and awhile primarily on fleet. If you have the money to put out for a card in the top the fastest made right now and you want the best do it. Or if you have 1,000 dollars just get the Gtx 690 nothing compares to that card... (It has 2 680's built in one PCB.)


P.S. I personally do not think $400 is expensive to spend on a primo card.

Edited by Lord_Of_Hunger
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