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How is this acceptable in 2012?


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The one that gets me the most is the shadow issue and even with crappy shadows they still bog down top end machines when on high.


That's ALWAYS been my issue with video games. Any use of shadows in any video game I've ever played has been incredible strain on my video card. I used to only use ATI cards and that could be the reason, but I'm using an NVIDIA card now and even with games like Deus Ex and DDO, shadows just bog down my machine(which is an incredibly fast machine)


Zsaint, the thing about the fanboys - hand them a glass with the star wars logo, filled with urine, and they will say you just have to add some sugar and it will taste like lemonade. Problem is the sugar is not coming. I understand where you are coming from, there are things that were scheduled and announced that have been "put back in the closet", and no one seems to care and they think everything is just great. The love them some lemonade..


hello mr entitled gamer of 2012. it seems you're new here in the world of video games

Edited by FourTwent
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Honestly, there are much bigger issues right now in the game aside from bad shadows and texture.


That's fine, go make a thread about them. This thread is specifically about 3 things that we were explicitly told were coming that have seemingly vanished. I understand that they are not the priority for everyone, however they are to me. You've made your point, but this thread was not made to discuss core gameplay issues. If people want to hijack it and say that these things are not important, well I can't stop them. I'm not sure what causes that point to be missed.

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Zsaint, the thing about the fanboys - hand them a glass with the star wars logo, filled with urine, and they will say you just have to add some sugar and it will taste like lemonade. Problem is the sugar is not coming. I understand where you are coming from, there are things that were scheduled and announced that have been "put back in the closet", and no one seems to care and they think everything is just great. The love them some lemonade..


lawl all the haters man


"they don't agree with me, they're fanbois!"

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Zsaint, the thing about the fanboys - hand them a glass with the star wars logo, filled with urine, and they will say you just have to add some sugar and it will taste like lemonade. Problem is the sugar is not coming. I understand where you are coming from, there are things that were scheduled and announced that have been "put back in the closet", and no one seems to care and they think everything is just great. The love them some lemonade..


Love posts like this. Because someone doesn't agree with your point of view they're either trolling, blind or a fanboi. Get real. So because I feel optimizing performance is much more important over aesthetics and shadow textures I'm a blind troll. You must be a sore loser in real life. A big named company failed to deliver a promise, whoa that's new. Welcome to real life. Deal with it.

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You're right, that totally absolves them.

Way to settle for mediocrity.


Also I don't want to stop paying, I want BW to deliver what they said they would.



You are paying 50 cents a day for this game. If you got what you paid for they would be stick figures blinking across the screen. ;p


I'm sorry OP. I can very much respect your opinion and your right to demand something that you may find important, but I'm really having trouble getting my mind around this complaint. On full setting, for a PC MMORPG, the graphics seem pretty darn good.

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I think the key to this is in the title of the thread.




They may not have met or even exceeded whatever standards they set for themselves, or whatever standards you set for them.


But have they met them to an acceptable level?


If so, keep playing.


If not, and the current game is unacceptable, don't accept it. Quit.


Coaches always say "You go with the players you have, not the players you want."


It's kind of the same here - we play the game we have, not the game we want. You get to decide whether it's worth it or not.


Fair points. I still have enough interest in the game that I want to play but I have to admit seeing those jagged shadows consistently reminds me of the creeping issues that make me disheartened.



On full setting, for a PC MMORPG, the graphics seem pretty darn good.


Perhaps I'm just used to AoC graphics, which are in all honesty, breathtaking.

Edited by zerosaint
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Hi-res textures ARE in the game since 1.2. From close (where it counts and you really are see them) you get the same textures than in cutscenes. Some of them are not too nice thats true, but they are in.

Those who always complain about graphics should check out some videos about other mmos. Of course there are the FF14/Aion/Tera and such korean stuff, but those are a different kind of animal, I think no argue there.


The shadows are weird, that's true. But it's not general, some areas they are clear and sharp, in other places blocky as some 8bit retro. I guess that's some bug in the engine, and let's face it, absolutely not in top of the priority list.


The other parts. Were promised, will be. I can list multiple dozen things I'd like to have in the game, from the start, but what for? The game is only 6 months old for goddess' sake, and it got way more updates in that time than any other mmo in a year. Grow up, and get it into the head: resources are NOT unlimited, there are priorities and work orders.

And the classic: "patience, young one".

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I dont' know... I have a similar rig to yours and things look pretty damn good to me, including the texture mapping. Here is an example.. poor screenshot because of the lighting, but pretty darn good detail. Freaked me out a little when Kira blinked while I was doing this. lol



Edited by Rafaman
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Perhaps I'm just used to AoC graphics, which are in all honesty, breathtaking.


then that's the game you should be playing. or other games with similar graphics quality(if that's what is important to you).


i love how the different gamer generations act towards graphics in video games. Growing up in the 80s I've played some games with really horrible graphics. So even today I can go back and play a 10 year old game and it looks good to me. Show a game from 10 years ago to a gamer of the new generation and they call it crap and wont even give it a second look. . .no matter how epic the gameplay is.

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then that's the game you should be playing. or other games with similar graphics quality(if that's what is important to you).


i love how the different gamer generations act towards graphics in video games. Growing up in the 80s I've played some games with really horrible graphics. So even today I can go back and play a 10 year old game and it looks good to me. Show a game from 10 years ago to a gamer of the new generation and they call it crap and wont even give it a second look. . .no matter how epic the gameplay is.


yea i'll never understand the graphics > gameplay mentality myself lol

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then that's the game you should be playing. or other games with similar graphics quality(if that's what is important to you).


i love how the different gamer generations act towards graphics in video games. Growing up in the 80s I've played some games with really horrible graphics. So even today I can go back and play a 10 year old game and it looks good to me. Show a game from 10 years ago to a gamer of the new generation and they call it crap and wont even give it a second look. . .no matter how epic the gameplay is.


Spot on with this. I am an old gamer... I remember when Doom was cutting edge graphics and game play. Lol! I still love it, but my nephews had no idea why when I showed it to them.

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yea i'll never understand the graphics > gameplay mentality myself lol


I'm curious where I said graphics>gameplay or even insinuated it.


As for "That is the game I should be playing" -- people like you who go tell people to "play another game if they don't like it" are the reason that this game is undergoing massive server transfers six months in. People did just that.



Spot on with this. I am an old gamer... I remember when Doom was cutting edge graphics and game play. Lol! I still love it, but my nephews had no idea why when I showed it to them.


I cut my teeth on Wolfenstein - I understand what you are saying. I think my main thought on the graphics front is that it feels like I've taken a step back, and honestly it doesn't seem - based on what I've seen in the official released videos, that my system should have a hard time putting out that kind of quality if given the opportunity.

Edited by zerosaint
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I'm curious where I said graphics>gameplay or even insinuated it.


#1 that wasn't directed at you, it was a general statement in response to that person's comments about people who don't look at a game specifically because of it's graphics



This thread is specifically about 3 things that we were explicitly told were coming that have seemingly vanished. I understand that they are not the priority for everyone, however they are to me.
insinuates a graphics over gameplay mentality when in response to someone saying there are more important issues (such as gameplay problems) Edited by DarthVenizen
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Spot on with this. I am an old gamer... I remember when Doom was cutting edge graphics and game play. Lol! I still love it, but my nephews had no idea why when I showed it to them.


i know right? it's just a different generation growing up with a different set of games i think.


I can only imagine that's why the older generation loves the harder more challenging games. Because it reminds them of the challenge they got from the arcade games cabinets back in the day. They grew up with them, so for a game, they like a game that challenges them. i mean how many of us would go into a place with an arcade game and be given X number of quarters. And then think to themselves 'ok, i got to level Y last week with this amount of quarters, this week im gonna get further'


The newer generation seems to enjoy the casual games. Games that let you experience the entire aspect of it. no matter how 'epic' the battle looks it's still just a mind numbingly easy game to play. but it looks cool and big and epic. and that's what matters to them.


Neither of them are right or wrong. But it does segment the gamers, which ultimately is bad for the developers since they have to segment out one generation or another(or at least do their best to let both enjoy it)

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I'm curious where I said graphics>gameplay or even insinuated it.


As for "That is the game I should be playing" -- people like you who go tell people to "play another game if they don't like it" are the reason that this game is undergoing massive server transfers six months in. People did just that.


Whether you insinuated it or not, in response to your topic. Gameplay first, then graphics. I agree with your original post which started this thread, however, many feel that before the developers begin making the game more flashy, that performance and gameplay need more work on before aesthetics.

Edited by DjSnazzyduds
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As for "That is the game I should be playing" -- people like you who go tell people to "play another game if they don't like it" are the reason that this game is undergoing massive server transfers six months in. People did just that.


and that's ok. no one is gonna force you to play any game if you dont like it.


as for an impression of you. . .


*clearing my throat* its people like you who go on the forums to cry and whine about minute details in a game, creating this massive negative atmosphere and makes people not even want to be on the forums. . .and sometimes not even play the game at all.

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Oh look at all the fanboys come out of the woodwork to defend great and grorious BioWare.


Oh look, a troll comes out of his cave to give absolutely no constructive feedback, make a snarky remark and runs back to his cave, never to be heard from again.

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and that's ok. no one is gonna force you to play any game if you dont like it.


as for an impression of you. . .


*clearing my throat* its people like you who go on the forums to cry and whine about minute details in a game, creating this massive negative atmosphere and makes people not even want to be on the forums. . .and sometimes not even play the game at all.


Bunt make negative comment after negative comment about individuals in stead of the game somehow makes everything happy happy joy joy.



At least the OP had a thought and opinion about the game. You are just attacking people. In the end that the most appalling thing that goes on in a forum

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I'm curious where I said graphics>gameplay or even insinuated it.


As for "That is the game I should be playing" -- people like you who go tell people to "play another game if they don't like it" are the reason that this game is undergoing massive server transfers six months in. People did just that.





I cut my teeth on Wolfenstein - I understand what you are saying. I think my main thought on the graphics front is that it feels like I've taken a step back, and honestly it doesn't seem - based on what I've seen in the official released videos, that my system should have a hard time putting out that kind of quality if given the opportunity.


Wolfenstein! Lol! A better example. We have come a long way...


Back on topic. Like I said, I have a similar rig to yours and I did see a significant improvement after 1.2. I've been playing the PTS and I see yet another improvement in terms of graphics and game play in 1.3. Perhaps, that is why my view is slightly different. It's not perfect thats for sure. Take a cruise through Belsavis on a speeder and you see the system chug to catch up from time to time. But if you look around Belsavis with detail at max... the grass the trees the textures etc. It looks great.

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Bunt make negative comment after negative comment about individuals in stead of the game somehow makes everything happy happy joy joy.



At least the OP had a thought and opinion about the game. You are just attacking people. In the end that the most appalling thing that goes on in a forum


i dont even know what you're trying to say in your first sentence lol. but man i do miss ren and stimpy :p


but right. he starts with a 'its people like you' insult. yet im the one attacking people. he expressed his opinion about the game, and i expressed mine. just because I didn't agree with him(or you) doesn't mean I'm attacking him(or you)

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It is not or fault for the reactions of this game and here is why on mmorpg.com this game had the highest hype rating at almost a 9. This game built up it's hype to a point they thought they could deliver but they did not reach it. They basically released it and people were saying feels like we are still playing a beta and many do feel this way still those who continue to play. So how acceptable is this i give it a 7/10 for acceptability for companies are only out for money. For customer satisfaction 4/10.
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Wow I can't beleive that people are STILL saying "If you don't like it then leave"


You've already told over a million people to leave and they all did... when will you stop? when you are the only one playing?


right because those people weren't going to leave anyways, clearly it was us telling them to leave that made them leave, not their dissatisfaction with the state of the game :rolleyes:

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right because those people weren't going to leave anyways, clearly it was us telling them to leave that made them leave, not their dissatisfaction with the state of the game :rolleyes:


Have you considered that if the game had delivered on what it's developers had promised that they might not have? I can certainly see that if people were looking for satisfaction being told '****' by their peers wouldn't engender any feelings of wanting to hang around.


Look- I'm going to leave it at this and let it go.


These are three things that to me are important. My earlier statement clearly came out wrong- no they are not more important that core gameplay issues. They are however extremely relevant to me and the way I would like to play the game. Moreso because they were offered by the developers.


If I have been gruff with some people it is largely due to the frustration of the attitude I knew I would receive for even bothering to make this thread.


That said I made it anyway on the off hope that maybe someone from EA/BW might see it and recollect that it was predicated on statements that they- as a service providing company issued.


That's it. Period.

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