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Should this game have taken place in the future?


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The Old Republic has literally thousands of years of open story. The Extended Universe is basically the domain of every bad Star Wars mary-sue ever conceived.


I much prefer the OR to the EU.


The EXPANDED Universe is anything Star Wars that isn't in the movies or movie novelizations. That includes Old Republic as well as post-RotJ and anything in between. Can't have the Old Republic without the Expanded Universe.

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We don't know exactly. Everything in the game seems to imply the Second Great Galactic War starts at the end of Trooper Act 2, when the Trooper openly destroys the Gauntlet which throws the factions into full-out war. This happens in 3,641 BBY. Darth Desolous was born in 3,522 BBY. The Darth Desolous conflict(which strongly implies the Republic won), happens at some point after his birth. Desolous was also a Pau'an though, and those guys have like 700 year lifespans.


So basically yea, we don't know the exact period. It's probably around 2-300, but it's still a lot of time for them to work with. The war could still be going on when Desolous is born even, it would take him a while to grow up and turn to the Dark Side.


True but didn't SIth and jedi team up to take him down.


And then there is Darth Ruins (sp?) New Sith Empire, which apparently was formed with/from the remains of an older empire.


So who knows, point is there is just as much freedom in the past as there is in the future, more in fact if you read the old "Tales Of The Jedi" comics. Wish George had taken from them when he made the prequels

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We don't know exactly. Everything in the game seems to imply the Second Great Galactic War starts at the end of Trooper Act 2, when the Trooper openly destroys the Gauntlet which throws the factions into full-out war. This happens in 3,641 BBY.


By everything, you mean just the Trooper storyline? Because different storylines attribute/imply the restart of the hostilities to different incidents.


And where did you get that date? To the best of my knowledge no specific events in any of the class stories have been specifically dated at this time.

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By everything, you mean just the Trooper storyline? Because different storylines attribute/imply the restart of the hostilities to different incidents.

So far, I did the IA, BH, trooper, consular storyline. The trooper storyline directly imply YOU started the war by destroying the gauntlet. In every other storyline I did, NPC just say the war started again. But it was never mentioned it was because of you/anyone else. Usually it comes when you finish the act 1, but sometimes later.

And anyway, there was no real truce, not even a cold war, they kept fighting, unofficially.


What I would like to see though is a Next generation Expansion pack. Something like the kid of the two Sith, kid of the Mando and Agent, Knight and Trooper, Consular and Smuggler. I even have names for their classes:


Alchemist (because who doesn't want to create Sithspawn????) Advance class - beast master (combat) and Spellcaster (who actually casts Sith spells.)

Mandolorian - Haven't decided on advance classes yet... End is becoming Mandalore though!

Diplomat - sounds stupid, but would be very story driven, aka. great dialogue and lots of romances. Advance classes Arbitrator and Negotiator

Elemental- advance classes are Weapons master and Loremaster You have a lot of elemental abilities and end up as Grand master


I'd ove to see this as an expansion. Then we could have a quest where a DS Jedi/ a Sith of opposite alignment would fight their parents in a Luke/Vader type battle...


Diplomat is already in game, it's the Consular. The whole act 2-3 is about diplomacy. The storyline is very poorly done, and you never do any kind of diplomacy, except some conversation (alderaan and the beginning of act 2), but that's another problem.

Mandalorian, you already play one, if you accept the offer, if you play a BH.


Also, you imply our characters have childs, but this assumption is wrong for a lot of players. My character barely know each others, and they are already romancing a NPC, so my legacy tree is empty.

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i'd love to know what you or others, think is a lore breaker in the old republic.


personally i like the game i love the time period, and i can't wait for more old republic, oo can't wait till "annihilation" is released. (are books released? or would you say published? ah well)

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By everything, you mean just the Trooper storyline? Because different storylines attribute/imply the restart of the hostilities to different incidents.


And where did you get that date? To the best of my knowledge no specific events in any of the class stories have been specifically dated at this time.


No, this is from my experience throughout beta and live playing every story to at least the end of chapter 2. The only story I have not completed chapter 3 of at some point is the Consular, and that's because the Consular story is boring and if I wanted to play either of the Consular classes, I'd be a Sorc or Sin for their far superior animations and particles.



Anyway. The Empire makes the Gauntlet superweapon in secret. They're planning to start the war over again and take the Republic by relative surprise. The Gauntlet would have inflicted massive damage and definitely turned the war entirely in the Empire's favor. The SIS finds out about the Gauntlet and the Trooper destroys it. The Empire can no longer be secretive about it anymore and the war begins.


Dates are from various sources including BW directly.



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So far, I did the IA, BH, trooper, consular storyline. The trooper storyline directly imply YOU started the war by destroying the gauntlet. In every other storyline I did, NPC just say the war started again. But it was never mentioned it was because of you/anyone else. Usually it comes when you finish the act 1, but sometimes later.

And anyway, there was no real truce, not even a cold war, they kept fighting, unofficially.


Haven't hit Chapter 3 on IA yet, so I don't know what it says on the restart of the war. Bounty Hunter however directly states what restarted the war.



Today, Corellia's leadership swore allegiance to the Sith Empire. Despite total occupation, the people openly rebel. What should have been a bloodless victory has escalated into full-scale war. The Treaty of Coruscant is no more.

This clearly states that the act that broke the Treaty of Coruscant was the outbreak of the war on Corellia.



The Consular storyline was sort of vague with the only info really being that the Empire launched an offensive.




The Trooper stoyline doesn't really state what the trigger for the war was. It simply goes straight into the war being on again with Rakton invading several systems(quite possibly the same invasion referred to in the Consular storyline). While Rakton does presumably swear to launch the offensive before the Treaty is broken, he lacks the authority to actually veto the Dark Council, so no matter how much he swears he will attack, he is still on the Dark Council's leash.



Sith Warrior:


This is where the SIth Warrior comes in as his entire Chapter 2 is dedicated towards effectively forcing the Dark Council into restarting the war through the murder of the War Trust as Baras wants to use the war to improve his position.



I need to wrap this up s in summation.


Likely what happened is that following the Sith Warrior's Chapter 2, the Dark Council followed a plan by Darth Decimus to get Corellia to switch sides resulting in the revolts breaking out. Republic responded by supporting the revolt, Empire used that as a basis to claim the treaty was broken and then immediatly launched an offensive that General Rakton had been working on following his defeat by the Trooper.


There are a few other aspects to all of this, but that is a good shortened version since I don't have time to pull up the rest.



Edit: Started typing before Stncold's post. Don't see anything in the wookiepedia article stating where the date comes from, and I feel confident in my addressing of the other point.

Edited by Ranadiel_Marius
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It says right there on the page under the war information to the right.


"Beginning. 3,641 BBY".


TOR starts in 3,643 BBY. Bioware and the numerous comics about TOR have stated this. There's a 2 year difference from your starter planet and Corellia/Ilum. Daniel Erickson has directly stated that it's indeed 3643-3641. He even made a forum post about it long ago, but it seems to have disappeared. If you do some googling, you can even confirm he made this post. There's even mention of it on Darth Hater


Right there he says the game begins 10-12 years ATC, some origin stories start earlier than others give or take. The Treat of Coruscant happened in 3,653 BBY.



As for the the rest of the post, yes Corellia is basically the first major battle of the war, but it's not when it started. The Gauntlet being destroyed is pretty much when the declarations happened. General Garza even mentions after the Gauntlet is destroyed that the Senate is about to convene on the matter. There's a bunch of things that happened that help restart the war, but the Gauntlet's destruction is what forced the fact the Empire was trying to restart the war out into the open and both sides had no choice but to start acting. It was the point of no return.

Edited by Stncold
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It says right there on the page under the war information to the right.


"Beginning. 3,641 BBY".


TOR starts in 3,643 BBY. Bioware and the numerous comics about TOR have stated this. There's a 2 year difference from your starter planet and Corellia/Ilum. Daniel Erickson has directly stated that it's indeed 3643-3641. He even made a forum post about it long ago, but it seems to have disappeared. If you do some googling, you can even confirm he made this post. There's even mention of it on Darth Hater


Right there he says the game begins 10-12 years ATC, some origin stories start earlier than others give or take. The Treat of Coruscant happened in 3,653 BBY.



As for the the rest of the post, yes Corellia is basically the first major battle of the war, but it's not when it started. The Gauntlet being destroyed is pretty much when the declarations happened. General Garza even mentions after the Gauntlet is destroyed that the Senate is about to convene on the matter. There's a bunch of things that happened that help restart the war, but the Gauntlet's destruction is what forced the fact the Empire was trying to restart the war out into the open and both sides had no choice but to start acting. It was the point of no return.


I'm fairly certain DE or one of his dev brethren also stated that each classes' storyline takes place over a different amount of time, with the average being 2 years and the longest being 4 or 6 years. He never indicated which classes were of the average time span and which were not.


So while the Wookieepedia entry for that year date is an attempt at being accurate it can't be 100% accurate because we have no official start dates for the class stories nor how long each class story takes. It's the best guess based on evidence but still nothing more than guesswork.

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I'm fairly certain DE or one of his dev brethren also stated that each classes' storyline takes place over a different amount of time, with the average being 2 years and the longest being 4 or 6 years. He never indicated which classes were of the average time span and which were not.


So while the Wookieepedia entry for that year date is an attempt at being accurate it can't be 100% accurate because we have no official start dates for the class stories nor how long each class story takes. It's the best guess based on evidence but still nothing more than guesswork.



Oh yea. I Imagine the Inquisitor takes the longest, with the way the Empire is I can't imagine you can go from slave to Dark Council member in two years. Knight and Consular are more believable, the Jedi have a history of of fast-tracking for valorous acts during times of war. Although with Knight they do mention that you were under the Emperors control for a good while before breaking free.


Agent probably takes a while also, especially chapter 2. Trooper is possibly another one over a long period, what with going from Sergeant-Major and assembling a team that's the best of the best.


Edited by Stncold
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Oh yea. I Imagine the Inquisitor takes the longest, with the way the Empire is I can't imagine you can go from slave to Dark Council member in two years. Knight and Consular are more believable, the Jedi have a history of of fast-tracking for valorous acts during times of war. Although with Knight they do mention that you were under the Emperors control for a good while before breaking free.


Agent probably takes a while also, especially chapter 2. Trooper is possibly another one over a long period, what with going from Sergeant-Major and assembling a team that's the best of the best.


i think each faction takes longer on a different planet


belsavis the republic help the warden guy whos name i have forgotten yet he is killed my the dread masters on the empire side.

and corellia charnus takes over and the republic kill him so the empire obviously goes first.

Taris probbaly shows this best as when the republic get there the empire has only just landed yet by the time the empire arrives they have preety much taken about 80% of the planet and have bases set up.


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It says right there on the page under the war information to the right.


"Beginning. 3,641 BBY".


TOR starts in 3,643 BBY. Bioware and the numerous comics about TOR have stated this. There's a 2 year difference from your starter planet and Corellia/Ilum. Daniel Erickson has directly stated that it's indeed 3643-3641. He even made a forum post about it long ago, but it seems to have disappeared. If you do some googling, you can even confirm he made this post. There's even mention of it on Darth Hater


Right there he says the game begins 10-12 years ATC, some origin stories start earlier than others give or take. The Treat of Coruscant happened in 3,653 BBY.



As for the the rest of the post, yes Corellia is basically the first major battle of the war, but it's not when it started. The Gauntlet being destroyed is pretty much when the declarations happened. General Garza even mentions after the Gauntlet is destroyed that the Senate is about to convene on the matter. There's a bunch of things that happened that help restart the war, but the Gauntlet's destruction is what forced the fact the Empire was trying to restart the war out into the open and both sides had no choice but to start acting. It was the point of no return.


Yeah I saw that it had the year you used, but there is no explanation for where the year comes from other than a cite to SWTOR which is completely unuseful.


Now regarding the quote(which btw thanks for finding as I had thought that had been lost for good in the forum purge), that only deals with the start year for the classes. We don't really know for sure how much time each class takes or really when in the range of 3643-3641 each class starts. However if every class story does indeed take at least 2 years(I'm unaware of any statement that actually supports that but I'll use it as an assumption for this discussion) that actually potentially pushes the start of the war out to 3639 because the Daniel Erickson quote would indicate that at least one class story begins in 3641 and none of the class stories start after the war has restarted. So that would put the final class hitting the chapter 2-3 change over sometime in 3640 or 3639 depending on the time of year the story began and the proportion of time that each chapter takes up for that class.


And regarding The Gauntlet, I'm unaware of any lines in the game which actually state that The Gauntlet's destruction "forced the fact the Empire was trying to restart the war out into the open and both sides had no choice but to start acting." I can't think of anything that particularly disproves it, so it certainly seems like a valid interpretation of what we are given. However it is just that, an interpreation. There are other valid interpreations, we simply don't have enough details to truly create a full accounting for the start of the war and what was the true point of no return. So all we can do is fill in the details with our interpreations.


P.S. Looked through Garza's dialogue rips for the end of Chapter 2 and beginning of Chapter 3, saw no references to the Senate convening in either one.

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