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Trooper Story question


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So apparently Chapter One is really long lol, so my main question is whats the average time it takes to finish alderaan? Thats if you just attempt to deal with going straight forward with the class quest, and attempt to skip all the side missions. Tattooine really felt short, so I am just curious if its the same?
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I completed Trooper at level 30, the last 2 parts in Chapter 1 have you fighting level 32 elites from memory. But I was not the greatest Trooper, which is why I left him at 30 and started a Jedi Knight, got her to 29 and stuck on a spot on Tatooine and dropped her for a Sith Inquisitor who I got to 30 and stuck on Dromund Kaas to start a Bounty Hunter. I am glad I did, the Bounty Hunter (tank spec) has been brilliant.


Generally I find that with my toons I will head into a planet and pick up the major quest chain for that planet (eg the thing that Czerka found on Tatooine) and the class then head off to the class quests and see how far I go before I start dying too much keeping the main planet quest chain done at the same rate. When I reach the limit of what I can fight I head to that town and the one before and pick up every quest to gain 1 level then try again.


For me the main planet arc is just as important - and sometimes better - then the class quests. The Empire planet arc on Taris was completely thrilling (Totally different to the Republic Taris planet arc, which bought a sad tear to my eye) for example and I actually enjoyed the final Czerka fight (same story both empire and republic) on Tatooine a lot too (4 times on that fight now)

Edited by Bhaers
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If I remember correctly, you're pretty far into Alderaan before you finish up your class quests, but I don't remember a TON of class quests on that particular planet. I think I was level 33/34ish, but that was probably because I was on Tatooine during the rakghoul event (and was having so much fun I stayed for nearly a week) and the dailies just piled up the xp.


I loved the big end-of-act quests for the Trooper, and Act 1 starts right after Alderaan.

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well if its fighting elites solo, than its not going to be all too fun at all, and yea I am getting a feeling its going to be one of those long class chains :( I am just trying to get legacy asap before really enjoying the game >.>


There are only 4 class quests (plus bonus) on Alderaan in the 28-32 level range. I just remember them being spread out; if you're going to do the class quests first and then come back to do the world questline, you can expect to run across the same territory twice. If you're really determined, you can bring a friend and take out the final elites.


Take your time, enjoy the ride :)

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I made the final push earlier tonite (besides the 100 vs 100 world pvp that was going on ald at the time LOL!)

Made it to the secret base, and god murdered on the generator lockdown sequence, luckily by than I had a lvl 50 bud show up and just mop house, than we went on to the finale, which I have to say would take me a damn while to level up to beat + all the bosses and everything jeeze.

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