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Does anyone use 13/0/28?


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More burst from bleeds (60% crit damage vs 30% crit, 15% damage) you gain smash. You don't build Fury as fast, but you can berserk to get 4 stacks of shockwave, so you still have 2 opportunities to gain shockwave stacks.


The real reason I like it is having a force ability vs physical ability with Annihilate, though I haven't tried it.


You can Shi-Cho for 20% armor pen, or Juyo for 15% crit chance on bleeds and 10% melee damage increase.


Side-note: Has anyone tried an Annihilation, Carnage mixup with Ataru form?



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I most certainly came up with a spec such as this, I get the benefits of Rupture with Aturo form and the procs of it along with the benefit of Deadly saber, add in a proc relic and you sir have nothing but dot and proc spam along with heals. It is crazy and I am always tops dps in every single Warzone I am in. Not only is it great in pvp it works just as well in pve. My rotation is reg saber attack, force leap, deadly saber, battering assault, then rupture then gore and then ravage followed by a force scream. Now the timers after the initial full spread attack takes some gettig used to but you get the rythm down fast and you have to pay attention and watch intsead of 1 2 3 12 3 etc etc. I wouldnt change it for the world, I pride myself on haveing diff specs I came up with on my own that work. Maybe its to shove it in lemmings faces. Think outside the box people. Nothing but spam all day.


My build



On another note, I know anyone can post such a thing and not back it up, Dont believe me, ask me on Jedi Convenant server ill be on my Mara Cazic. Have a nice day /wave


Also I checked forums I checked google I even asked random Maras etc. No one I am aware runs this spec I am very proud of that fact.

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I most certainly came up with a spec such as this, I get the benefits of Rupture with Aturo form and the procs of it along with the benefit of Deadly saber, add in a proc relic and you sir have nothing but dot and proc spam along with heals. It is crazy and I am always tops dps in every single Warzone I am in. Not only is it great in pvp it works just as well in pve. My rotation is reg saber attack, force leap, deadly saber, battering assault, then rupture then gore and then ravage followed by a force scream. Now the timers after the initial full spread attack takes some gettig used to but you get the rythm down fast and you have to pay attention and watch intsead of 1 2 3 12 3 etc etc. I wouldnt change it for the world, I pride myself on haveing diff specs I came up with on my own that work. Maybe its to shove it in lemmings faces. Think outside the box people. Nothing but spam all day.


My build



On another note, I know anyone can post such a thing and not back it up, Dont believe me, ask me on Jedi Convenant server ill be on my Mara Cazic. Have a nice day /wave


Also I checked forums I checked google I even asked random Maras etc. No one I am aware runs this spec I am very proud of that fact.


While you may be shoving your spec in lemmings' faces, it doesn't really seem to excel at anything. All it really provides is DPS, which any of the 3 trees can provide.


You give up all of Carnage's roots, and a hefty portion of its burst, and pretty much all of its utility.


You give up Anni's close quarters, Rupture reset, 6 second interrupt, etc.


You don't bring anything to the table in this spec outside of damage, which literally EVERY DPS spec in the game can also do while providing valuable utility. Nobody intelligent cares what numbers you pull on a WZ scoreboard; that's not what PvP is about.


I don't see the point at all. Not trying to flame you, but what is this spec supposed to DO, exactly?


It's definitely not going to be as good as the other specs in PvP because it simply can't do anything other than DPS.

Is it just a PvE dps spec?

Edited by Varicite
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