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Increased Importance of Accuracy in PVE


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With parsers out, do you guys notice that accuracy is more important than we previously thought in PVE? Before, 108% was considered the ideal place to be at for accuracy. However, I've noticed that a lot of the bosses in HM Denova seem to have increased defense. Would going up 2% and speccing at 110% special accuracy be worth it? Perhaps even putting a point into narrow hatred instead of malice? What are your thoughts?
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With parsers out, do you guys notice that accuracy is more important than we previously thought in PVE? Before, 108% was considered the ideal place to be at for accuracy. However, I've noticed that a lot of the bosses in HM Denova seem to have increased defense. Would going up 2% and speccing at 110% special accuracy be worth it? Perhaps even putting a point into narrow hatred instead of malice? What are your thoughts?


Are you Carnage, Annihilation, or Rage? If you're Carnage you need to have 2/3 Narrowed Hatred bare minimum. If you're the other two, Malice.


And I'm not really sure. Accuracy would be important for us as a class because we dual wield, but how important I'm not sure. One of these days I'll roll with a crap load of accuracy and tell you how it performs.

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I am annihilation. If a rupture or annihilate miss on these EC bosses, I can see it being a big DPS loss.


So then just get to 100% and call it good? The only benefit breaking 100% has is that it reduces their defense chance by the amount you go over 100%. To completely nullify their defense chance you need 110%.

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So then just get to 100% and call it good? The only benefit breaking 100% has is that it reduces their defense chance by the amount you go over 100%. To completely nullify their defense chance you need 110%.


Btw, hitting 100% means never MISSING. Hitting 110% means never getting DEFENDED. HUGE difference, I post cause I had someone whisper me a second ago and ask.

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I don't have the parses here but the marauder in our guild (who regularly pulls 1950ish dps) was talking about how each % of accuracy past 98% seemed equivalent to a 40 power gain. Edited by Dracosz
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I don't have the parses here but the marauder in our guild (who regularly pulls 1950ish dps) was talking about how each % of accuracy past 98% seemed equivalent to a 40 power gain.


Huh, interesting theory. Could have some merit, I'll have to check into it.

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I don't have the parses here but the marauder in our guild (who regularly pulls 1950ish dps) was talking about how each % of accuracy past 98% seemed equivalent to a 40 power gain.


This is an interesting theory. If increased accuracy eats into defense chance, perhaps stacking accuracy to 102, 103% is the way to go instead of stacking power.

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This is an interesting theory. If increased accuracy eats into defense chance, perhaps stacking accuracy to 102, 103% is the way to go instead of stacking power.


Well right but everyone outside of Tanks is at 5% default. That being said, stacking to 106-107% is all the higher you should ever REASONABLY go, because at that point you're 100% negating the Defense Chance of pretty much 90% of people and at the same time taking quite the chunk out of a Tank's chance.


*Edit: There's no KNOWN DR on this and no KNOWN scaling. As far as the CURRENT research goes its a percentage-for-percentage decrease.

Edited by Yescek
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I don't have the parses here but the marauder in our guild (who regularly pulls 1950ish dps) was talking about how each % of accuracy past 98% seemed equivalent to a 40 power gain.


That's interesting.

Annihilation? Carnage? I'm curious as to what gear he's rockin.

What server?

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With current gear, the optimal mix is 285 Accuracy and 285 Surge (assuming you don't put any skill points into accuracy), which gives you 99.89% Accuracy and 75.82% Crit Multiplier. If you swap one Accuracy enhancement for Surge, you'll actually lower your DPS, and likewise if you swapped Surge for Accuracy. With these values for Accuracy and Surge, they're each about 25-30% as effective per point as Power, which means you wouldn't want to swap out your power augments for either of them.


Note: optimization math is based on a modified version of the Watchman Simulator originally created by Qed on the mmo-mechanics.com forums: http://mmo-mechanics.com/swtor/forums/Thread-Combat-Watchman-Simulators

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Ia'kona, thanks for this. What's your crit rating at with those 285 acc and 285 surge values?


Crit/Power are in a separate gear stat group from acc/surge, so stats from one group have no relation to stats from the other, in terms of gear itemization. For example, you can't drop acc and surge to pick up more crit or power. That being said, my crit rating is at 147 and power is 1000 with my current gear.

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Crit/Power are in a separate gear stat group from acc/surge, so stats from one group have no relation to stats from the other, in terms of gear itemization. For example, you can't drop acc and surge to pick up more crit or power. That being said, my crit rating is at 147 and power is 1000 with my current gear.


Ia'kona have you ever experimented doubling your crit rating and seeing what the DPS is? Just curious if say 350 crit rating with lower power ends up with similar DPS.

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