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Move toward "account wide"


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People would feel less penalized for playing multiple characters if everything they accomplished added up.


Bioware, you have created an MMO with the best leveling experience to date. However, you have kept an archaic character centric system in place that makes people have a "main vs alts" mentality.


I feel that the legacy system, while great, is broken by only being server wide. Worse, if I combined two legacies, I lose the exp and work that went in to the lower level one.


Here's are some of the things that should be account wide:


Valor rank



Planet Commendations

Titles (except for class specific such as Padawan Joe)

Social Points


This way, if someone completes filling their codex of a planet they don't have to do it 7 or even 15 more times.

This way, if someone want to switch which character they pvp on, they don't have to grind up that one to have their favorite pvp title.

This way, you can access your legacy perks from any server and don't have to worry about losing exp if you should have to merge.

Edited by metalgearyoda
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Codex can't be account wide due to Datacrons and the attribute bonus you gain from discovering/using them.


Not exactly true.


You can do what some other games do with their achievements.


Blacked out for "None of your characters have it"

Silver trimmed for "One or more of your characters have it, but not the one you are on"

Gold trimmed for "This character has it"

Edited by metalgearyoda
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datacrons should be acountwide also as a altoholic i cant remember wich one i have and wich one i don't have


Also possible.


Having 400 bonus presence is as bad as having +70 or so to all stats (if not worse).


So yeah. You could easily just make that datacron bonus's account wide.

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I would add:


Datacrons (really having to do that tatooine balloon ride another time (I have done it ~8 times over 4 toons) makes we want to cry)


Social (this would encourage more real social running instead of just eselles/bt social spamming)

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I don't agree with the PVP aspects. Just cuz I'm an unstoppable SI, does not mean my crappy IA should be rewarded with the highest PVP gear and title. That's nonsense. A level 10 with Valor rank 99 and 92,1... 92,1XX kills is nonsense.
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I don't agree with the PVP aspects. Just cuz I'm an unstoppable SI, does not mean my crappy IA should be rewarded with the highest PVP gear and title. That's nonsense. A level 10 with Valor rank 99 and 92,1... 92,1XX kills is nonsense.


Rank does not unlock gear.


It would only be title.


So it would be cosmetic.

Edited by metalgearyoda
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I like the idea of having legacy account wide. I even brought it up back in beta.


Furthermore, they could link it to the forums account like so many other games do. That way each poster info page could have a show legacy button that displays a person characters and their status.


People like to show off their characters--as seen by all the sigs. This would be a much simpler way of doing so.


And the codex is a no-brainer since there are so many class specific entries.

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Here's are some of the things that should be account wide:



DEFINITELY not. No way, No how. The *vast* majority of titles are class story related. It makes no sense for some scoundrel to be running around with "Padawan" or "Jedi Master" or what have you. Similarly, no sense for a Jedi Knight to be running around with "Republic privateer".


The only titles that make a lick of sense are those that are the result of valor (or social) rank (assuming there are any). And simply making THOSE ranks account (or, IMO, legacy) wide would already solve that issue, since the other characters would HAVE said rank, and thus receive said titles.

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DEFINITELY not. No way, No how. The *vast* majority of titles are class story related. It makes no sense for some scoundrel to be running around with "Padawan" or "Jedi Master" or what have you. Similarly, no sense for a Jedi Knight to be running around with "Republic privateer".


The only titles that make a lick of sense are those that are the result of valor (or social) rank (assuming there are any). And simply making THOSE ranks account (or, IMO, legacy) wide would already solve that issue, since the other characters would HAVE said rank, and thus receive said titles.



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I always thought WoW should've gone account wide with their reputation grinds. Seriously? I have to kill HOW many trolls? ON EVERY CHARACTER?!?!?!


At least it's not that bad


I got "The Insane" during wotlk.


then they nerfed it in cata.


That should have been account wide.

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What's next? "I have a level 50 so all my characters should be level 50 when I make them"


Yeah, cosmetic things like titles and codex entries are totally comparable with free 50s.


Right. :rolleyes:


Btw, I find it funny you say that given that WoW DOES give out free 80s for resubbing.

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I've got to agree with the OP on many of those points. Repeating the hoop jumping necessary to gain many of these seems really tedious, and isn't all that much fun. I wish games would do whatever they can to eliminate almost any form of grinding. I'm not sure why MMO's love to make you grind, but it really detracts from the fun. I'm a total altaholic, and forcing me to ride that stupid balloon, or do the Esseles over and over again if I want to get the datacron or my social up is dumb.
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