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warzone instances for PVP training


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In the flux after the server transfers, it sounds like a lot of people are feeling like their new server-mates don't know what they're doing in warzones. Issues are nothing really different - everything from playing classes and specs poorly, to not knowing who to attack in what priority, or which objectives to go for first.


Learning to PVP is a lot more frustrating for everyone when you have to do it in a warzone and the rewards of your team are riding on your performance. Yes, we have the ability to duel in most places, and PVP areas like Ilum and Outlaw's den for group fights, but these are still very different from warzones, because they have no objectives. New people don't get to run between the parts of the actual warzone maps and start getting used to them; they don't get a chance to plant bombs or slice turrets anywhere but the actual warzone either.


I think there'd be great value in providing a way for friends and guilds to go as a group and zone into an empty instance of the warzone of their choice, and practice taking objectives and fighting in that map. This wouldn't count toward their PVP stats, there'd be no rewards other than the player experience and chance to improve skill with training at a relaxed pace by PVP veterans.

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