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SWTOR "looking at free-to-play"?


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Main reason Im playing Online games with subs is to get away from that terrible crowd of humanity. Most of those underage kids cant afford to pay. And Im happy about this, it goes F2P > Gazillions of sad kids and troll will devour the game. Its like combining game itself with the official forums. Bug abusers, Trolls and Admins that cant give any less damn about. Your average F2P.


Sorry excuse me a minute I need to LOLZ real loud.. how can you keep a straight face with such an assumption about the effects of F2P on the game and forums, then right that... at least your attempting to prove those average F2P attitudal facts, which is more that can be said for some posters in this thread... and of course you brought some light entertainment to it, thanks :D.

Edited by Bloodstealer
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Turbine's LotRO's hybrid model is pretty good. Cryptic's STO model is too P2W. Funcom's model with AoC is horrible. F2P isn't automatically bad in Western MMOs, but I'd prefer to stick with sub model only.


IMO this is academic. EA doesn't do F2P. TOR will be shut down before it goes F2P.

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ive played the guild wars 2 beta and i have to say it is way overhyped. nearly everything is instanced outside of towns which really isnt really how i want a "MMO" to be. on another note. if the game went f2p i would be sad. but if they kept a subscription model which gave you everything in the cashshop for free. i would be fine with it. by free i mean working for it of course. aka you want a certain style of statless armor. you can craft it or something.


f2p isnt death it is the future. lotro aion, and dcuo, are pure examples of this, each of these games were dying out, and after it went f2p (and for lotro and dcuo fp2 had no content whatsoever) subscriptions doubled if not tripled after the change

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I see your "flawless" logic, a game with 9-10mil subscribers going f2p model because 15$ per month from 10mil players (150mil $ per month) is not a good profit from p2p model... However a game with 1mil subscribers (SWTOR) have not even thinking about going f2p because... well, i don't... common sense lost me here... maybe becasue you hate wow and like swtor? (but as a news for you, global market and game company strategies does't based only on your humble opinion :))


I think he is a WoW hater and has rose colored glasses on for TOR. No reason at all for WoW to go FTP anytime soon. They have a healthy enough paying sub base to stay just like they are until they come out with thier next new MMO, Titan. MMO's go FTP because they have failed at being good enough to keep enough paying subs each month. It really is that simple.

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Not at all, at most we will have f2p trial upto lvl 15, if any mmo is heading towards f2p its wow, the huge merging of its china/asia servers, its black market selling BIS items and the real money ah going into it. remember that wows biggest playerbase is in asia/china market and raiders arnt going to be happy that you will be able to buy bis and what were raid only items for real money.


So as swtor is expanding into the asia market at the same time wow is declining in it very fast. SWTORS ip is strong enough to keep it subscription game for years, and look at other ea mmos like warhammer, they are still sub games so no, this will stay subs.


Good to see others follow the gaming world, plus the blizz suites have already stated, that once going f2p will be more profitable than subs they will make the switch, I think that is true for many games, DDO was on the cusp of going dark, and once Turbine went with thier f2p model, turned into a huge cash cow, f2p games are huge money makers, at some one point I think all companies will look at it.

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Wow! We have a yellow in da house! Thats all that you can tell us Bioware? We payed for this game a half of year. Last 2 months I was stuck on server with 2-3 people online. But I payed for support my game and team. And now when the time is com I NEED YOU - you have nothnig to say. Just say - wait a sec we will consult our bosses wil be fine for today.


So what your saying is thos other 2-3 online were your team.. at least you had that much others had to solo everything and anything... I couldnt even raise the effort to reply to my own LFM's :)


BTW they have heard us.. server transfers are here iirc..... better late than never i guess, but they are here what's the problem now?

As much as I didn't want to reroll somewhere else, I was never stuck on a dead server, there were 200+ others to try out on... but I accept that its is not always possible for players to take that plunge due to a whole host of reasons.. but stuck... no you were never stuck..


If BW came on here now and said exactly what you have read in the yahoo blurb... what difference would that make to you and your attitude... NOWT and you would likely be the first poster to reply to the yellow bisector and spout more hate and demands....

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SWTOR, is still on a downward trajectory, losing subs, if that doesn't change they'll be forced to go ftp as it ensures a influx of new customers and new cash. My guess is that BW is WAY more concerned with the stopping the appearance that they're dying than actually fixing the reasons why they're dying, therefore by the time ftp is implemented, the game will be too far gone to save.


A lot of truth in this post. :cool:

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If this game goes free to play it will be the nail in the coffin for me. They just got done doing something great with server mergers. While i stuck it out and was faithfull that the game would be great again, i'm now worried about free to play. I do not want free to play it's completely not what it sounds like it is. Anyone that thinks the game is free with the titled free to play you'/re dead wrong! You want a new companion? That will be $30 bucks please. New lightsaber crystal ? $15 bucks. Say the crystal and the companion are the best in the game. You're now forced into paying $45 bucks a month instead of the normal subscription price they have now.


Good example here. My friend played league of legends and has spent 900 dollars in a matter of months on it from exp boosts to skins to buying new champion. Get a clue people free to play is not free to play. If swtor goes f2p i'm done. So go ahead do it. I dare you!

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Personally I'd be sad if this game went to F2P. Because after that comes the nickle and dimeing of its players.


Want to get into that new instance? Well that will be 20 bucks! Want to have this shiney new speeder? Well that will be 10 Bucks! The list goes on and on. If its subscription based and they offer VANITY items for extra thats fine to me because that doesn't affect you overall in the game.


While it may be mere speculation its still something to be worried about. I hope with server transfers rolling out and 1.3 on the horizon it will quell some of the "rats" jumpin ship. But thats just an optimist opinion.

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Good to see others follow the gaming world, plus the blizz suites have already stated, that once going f2p will be more profitable than subs they will make the switch, I think that is true for many games, DDO was on the cusp of going dark, and once Turbine went with thier f2p model, turned into a huge cash cow, f2p games are huge money makers, at some one point I think all companies will look at it.


I actually agree with you... being an age old DDO player who saw the EU server get switched off and the US side going pin drop silent as well... the F2P model has been a resounding success for Turibine and its player base.. take a look at the subs 6 month prior to F2P and 6 months after F2P... it tells its own story for sure.


I do accept that with F2P comes good, bad and darn right ugly additions and changes.... but the key to F2P is actually very simple its down to the individual to decide on how they choose to enjoy the game..... a monthly sub dictates nothing more than access to a game and you have to keep paying it to play it. BW have no demand on them to keep providing updates and support cos your not paying for that and they can take 1 month or 12 months to release an update... they have your monthly sub thats all you get.. access.


F2P actually means they are kinda forcing there own hands to insure that content and features become fluid and move out things on schedules.. otherwise their in danger of loosing much more than they would with a paid model.

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If Bioware switches from their original planned payment plan to free, it means the original plan is no longer a valid option. Considering that Bioware has recently had some layoff issues with their development team, and a significant loss to subscriptions( for a game this young), it is a reasonable assumption that the game is facing some trouble. About GW being utter ****, the difference between SWTOR and Guild Wars, is that instead of subscriptions, they have expansions. This has always been their method of making money, and it works very well.


The plan may no longer be valid, you can have a good product but you also need to know how to sell it. I take HoN and LoL as an example, both good games, HoN was buy2play, but LoL went the free2play route and bacame incredibly popular, I belive they sold their game better.


And one of the big draws of GW2 is their lack of subscription they monetize their game through microtransaction for Cosmetic and Quality of Life features, and they sell expansions for new content.

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Honestly right now even if the game was free I still wouldnt play it. Impossible to find groups on my server and it doesnt seem to be one they think needs help so it isnt included in transfers. They could pay me $5 a month and I still would not play it. They need to start getting their act together.
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The plan may no longer be valid, you can have a good product but you also need to know how to sell it. I take HoN and LoL as an example, both good games, HoN was buy2play, but LoL went the free2play route and bacame incredibly popular, I belive they sold their game better.


And one of the big draws of GW2 is their lack of subscription they monetize their game through microtransaction for Cosmetic and Quality of Life features, and they sell expansions for new content.



If peeps would just watch that video I just linked they would see how right you are.

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I tried my best to play LOTRO and was constantly reminded that the game was F2P because I'd want to try something, click on something on my UI, etc and be pointed to the store. Again, no thanks.




I think people are completely delusional about what F2P actually means, YOU STILL PAY A SUB IN THEM IF YOU WANT TO GET ANYWHERE....!!


And if you don't, every Quest, Area, Item you wish to own, directs you to a store that in the long run costs way more than a constant monthly sub ever would...


Honestly anybody promoting or dragging up F2P has never played in one for a substantial amount of time or has any concept of what it means to be in one. Once LOTRO went F2P it had a big boost in subs for a limited time but that soon faded, and the game is now a shell of what it was prior to F2P with nothing other than ultra casuals running around doing nothing, simply because they don't want to pay for anything.


If that's peoples ideas of fun, then carry on with the F2P banter.............If this game goes that way, there wont be 400k+ subs, more like 100-200k, and then it will truly die.

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And one of the big draws of GW2 is their lack of subscription they monetize their game through microtransaction for Cosmetic and Quality of Life features, and they sell expansions for new content.

Agree.. and GW 1 was very successful and the model was well implemtned, I have no fears GW2 will be just as well modeled.. the game itself might not be hugely earth shattering but its business model attracts and retains, as do most of the F2P or P2P games now



Quote: Originally Posted by KellyX


Subscription cancelled


Sorry, I can't support a game any longer that is clearly dying and obviously going to a free to play model

I mean, look at this! How can a game rely on the subscription model with volatile little kidies like this?


Yep silly attitude based on zero information or actual facts.. but hey one less kiddy to nerdrage in game atleast :) /


.... :rolleyes:

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It's amazing how many game industry analysts and mmo creators frequent these forums...:rolleyes:


lol! Yea... I'm thinking about becoming one. Let's see, I have a pulse, an opinion, and know what nerd rage is.... Ok. Ready.

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... Have they said anything about it going free to play?


As far as I'm aware they've mentioned giving interested players a chance to play until level 15... That's not a "step toward FTP"; that's a step toward being like every other MMO on the market. WoW does it. Rift does it. It's nothing new and it doesn't point to anything except a new incentive to get people to subscribe.

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I've stuck it out since launch day, despite plenty of flaws.


When the leaders start talking about losing, then it's time to move on.


My guild can't even get enough people to show up to do 4man content reliably and I literally haven't played it in over a month. Why should I continue to pay for something I don't pay for? And why spend money on something that is clearly planning to be "free to play" in a few month.


They're hoping that between the server transfers (why is everything being sent to Fatman for example when that is one of the most populated servers already?) and 1.3 will stem the tide. Already my entire guild has agreed to try to play when1.3 comes out and see how it goes, but everything that is happening between Bioware and EA is adding up for disaster.

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If peeps would just watch that video I just linked they would see how right you are.


I'm sorry but you're clueless about what free to play is. ITS NOT FREE. there in caps? Get it??? Ignorant! You end up paying more in the long run to play the game how it's meant to be played. Sure you can play barebones with out anything special and crappy items etc in your free to play model without paying a dime. You know what tho. No one plays a game just to be mediocre or below average. Everyone is looking to better themselfs. So instead this free to play model (pay to advance in the game is what it should be called) is a way of better generating money for the game. Once again i will tell you my league of legend friend has payed 900 dollars overall. He never realized it but he added it up and was amazed at how much he had payed so far. Its far more than what a subscription would have cost him. I don't think you understand the free to play model. This is about EA trying to nickel and dime you more.

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a monthly sub dictates nothing more than access to a game and you have to keep paying it to play it. BW have no demand on them to keep providing updates and support cos your not paying for that and they can take 1 month or 12 months to release an update... they have your monthly sub thats all you get.. access.


F2P actually means they are kinda forcing there own hands to insure that content and features become fluid and move out things on schedules.. otherwise their in danger of loosing much more than they would with a paid model.




This is ludicrous. If Bioware doesn't release new content, people get bored, quit and their source for income dwindles. There is probably MORE demand on them because the monthly sub is ALL they get. If they can't make the people paying the sub excited to stick around, they fail.



In LOTRO, if you log in when they add content, buy it all, play it for 2 weeks, get bored and leave.. the developers couldn't care less. They already made their money for that update off of you. If you do this same thing in SWTOR, they company will lose money.

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I'm sorry but you're clueless about what free to play is. ITS NOT FREE. there in caps? Get it??? Ignorant! You end up paying more in the long run to play the game how it's meant to be played. Sure you can play barebones with out anything special and crappy items etc in your free to play model without paying a dime. You know what tho. No one plays a game just to be mediocre or below average. Everyone is looking to better themselfs. So instead this free to play model (pay to advance in the game is what it should be called) is a way of better generating money for the game. Once again i will tell you my league of legend friend has payed 900 dollars overall. He never realized it but he added it up and was amazed at how much he had payed so far. I don't think you understand the free to play model. This is about EA trying to nickel and dime you more.


I am beginning to suspect you are the ignorant one.


If the players CHOOSE what content they want to buy then that FORCES the developers to LISTEN to their PLAYERS.


Right now the biggest complaint I have seen about swtor is that bioware is developing content, models, mounts, and making QOL changes that people DONT WANT. If it were on a FTP model, we would be buying exactly what we want and not the other content we don't. Bioware would have to continue to make what the majority of players want or nothing would sell.


Also, if you are spending 900 dollars in league a month you must be making a new account every month. 900 dollars is like 135000 riot points. That enough to buy the entire store if you start with 2 bundles then pick up the rest.


So I call your BS.

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