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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What will happen to servers that people are transfering from?


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Are they being closed? Do we have to transfer before a certain date?

I don't really want to transfer to a server which most certainly has all 8 of my character names + Legacy name taken.

It would be nice if they opened up some refugee servers for us before closing the old ones.

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If anything, anyone that is left will be forced to one of the many transfer servers.

Then the rest will be shut down.


They'll force the leftovers to a server one way or the other though. I know they won't keep all the servers up.

The problem I see is that unless they force to a same-type server, then people lose their specific server designation.

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Are they being closed? Do we have to transfer before a certain date?

I don't really want to transfer to a server which most certainly has all 8 of my character names + Legacy name taken.

It would be nice if they opened up some refugee servers for us before closing the old ones.


They advertise the server transfers as "optional" but what people are predicting is that once it comes time to renew their lease on the servers they will announce that they are closing down all the dead ones and will force players that stayed behind to either transfer or quit.

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It will be interesting to see what they decide, but only time will tell.


They were being oddly stubborn about "server mergers" IMHO, but with free transfers to (suprised me!) "Super Servers" they are in effect merging the low pop ones to high pop.


As far as shutting down the 'dead' severs, who knows how many hundreds of old accounts/abandoned characters there will be on each - and what do they do with them?


Automatic Free Transfer them? Sounds like a merger to me...



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I wonder this as well, I have 4 of my 8 left on original server, all imperial...I left them hoping to be able to xfer(free) to a new server and 'use' this legacy junk...


I am unsure what to do with them currently, they have ton of stuff in mailbox that I need to cycle thru to keep, but if I need to dump it anyway... /shrug...


what to do

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My money is on truly forced transfers or mergers. As these origin servers dwindle down to populations lower than they had before, BioWare will ultimately have to shut them down; the subscriptions on these servers will no longer cover the operating costs of the server.


It's inevitable and it's exactly why these are mergers, not transfers like BioWare wants to pretend.

Edited by Dezzi
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This is a merger. Anyone trying to spin it another way is fooling nobody.


This is a good thing for the game but lets call a spade a spade folks.


And it doesnt do anything in regards to gameplay issues either. Mergers/transfers will only postpone the decline for a short time, then the numbers will start dropping rapidly again. The game is still a poorly performing, uninspired piece of crap.

Edited by Htoob
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I am on a server that is not supposed to be dead.... yet there were 8 people over 2 days on correllia.


i saw one guy on my side once. never saw the enemy, on my first charachter i had trouble getting through sections because there were too many enemy players that would gank the hell out of you. this was fun!


now it is a single person game and i dont even bother hiding or scanning around for the enemy because i know there wont be any

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This is a merger. Anyone trying to spin it another way is fooling nobody.


This is a good thing for the game but lets call a spade a spade folks.


Well, you are forgetting paid transfers. First, they give us free transfers to the servers they have designated. Then, they will allows us to pay $20 (or more) to send any remaining toons to the server of our choice (I'm guessing it will still be limited to the destination servers they've announced). So, it's not over yet - most likely they will do this free stuff for a month or so, then roll out the paid transfers and do that for a while as well. It's not like your server is going to be shut down by the end of June.

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It does seem kind of inevitable (IMO, of course) that at least some, if not all, of the 'origin' servers for transfers will end up so low-pop that they'll need to just merge them. It really seems to follow logically, that if these servers were low enough in population to be complaining in the first place, they'll be true ghost-towns after transfers have taken place. So yeah, I guess I see the transfers as 'server merger, phase 1.'
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A few people have referenced this above. Usually what happens is this.


Step 1: The company puts the game live assuming they'll only ever need to add servers, never merge them. So no mechanism exists when the game launches to merge servers


Step 2: After the initial new car smell wears off, there is an inevitable decline in all server populations, but some are hit worse than others. At this point the developers suddenly seem to realize, despite the fact that eventually just about every MMO in existence has had to merge servers, that they are going to need to develop a merge system, and so they do.


Step 3: As a means of "stress testing" the merger system, free voluntary transfers are announced. These go one for some time. Players are told this is optional. But usually, some fraction of the servers are the only ones you can transfer to, which causes a mass shift of population from the source to the destination servers.


Step 4: Now that all the stubborn people have been trapped on super-low-population servers, the free service is ended. Things are left for a while to let the stubborn people see how bad their server has gotten and let them get desperate.


Step 5: They re-open the transfer service but now they charge you for it, preying on your desperation if you were one of the stubborn ones.


Step 6: Now that the "Source" servers are almost completely empty, they announce that there isn't enough activity on them to maintain them, and they are shutting them down. Transfers are briefly made free again. Anyone who doesn't gets merged involuntarily onto the server of the devs' choice.


We're on step 3. My money is that Steps 4-6 will happen by the end of the year. Although in some games it has taken several years for this all to play out.

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This is a merger. Anyone trying to spin it another way is fooling nobody.


This is a good thing for the game but lets call a spade a spade folks.


yap, it is a merge,

but still good for this game,

last nite at 10pm we have 1xx ppl on fleet,

almost compare to ASPC servers,

and b4 merge, only less than 4 ppl on original server.

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