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The return of "disposable" NPCs


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First of all, what I mean by disposable, are those NPCs you had an option to kill at some point, like Thana Vesh, Ki Sazen, Maro Vizhen, etc...

Do you think it's likely that we'll ever run into any of them again on future missions? Or do you think BW will just consider them not worth the expense and effort since 50% of the players killed them anyway?

I'd personally love to encounter some of them again and see what has become of them.

One solution I can think of would be having the voice actor/actress doing the voicing of another "stand-in" character that would replace the original for those people that killed them (similar to what is done in ME3).


Edited by Callaron
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First of all, what I mean by disposable, are those NPCs you had an option to kill at some point, like Thana Vesh, Ki Sazen, Maro Vizhen, etc...

Do you think it's likely that we'll ever run into any of them again on future missions? Or do you think BW will just consider them not worth the expense and effort since 50% of the players killed them anyway?

I'd personally love to encounter some of them again and see what has become of them.

One solution I can think of would be having the voice actor/actress doing the voicing of another "stand-in" character that would replace the original for those people that killed them (similar to what is done in ME3).



In some of the stories you do encounter them again.

Jedi Knight -

For example, if you saved them, you see Bengal More, Lord Praven, and a couple other people on Corellia. I don't know if they just have random Jedi if you killed them, or what.

Personally, I would love if some of the "disposable" npcs became available as companions as I think they bring a lot to the table.

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Often you recieve letters from them. For example, at the end of the smuggler's chapter two,

if you don't kill the Hutt who meets with you and that Cathar dude, he later sends you a letter apologizing for being a jerk and telling you that all the Hutts are now your biggest fan.



And one from the very end of Ord Mantell:

Syreena writes to you if you don't kill her, to tell you she's sorry for, you know...helping your ship get stolen. Personally, she's one I would LOVE to run into again. I thought she was cool.


Edited by elliotcat
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In some of the stories you do encounter them again.

Jedi Knight -

For example, if you saved them, you see Bengal More, Lord Praven, and a couple other people on Corellia. I don't know if they just have random Jedi if you killed them, or what.

Personally, I would love if some of the "disposable" npcs became available as companions as I think they bring a lot to the table.


Yeah, the Sith Warrior storyline has something like that as well.


Often you recieve letters from them. For example, at the end of the smuggler's chapter two,

if you don't kill the Hutt who meets with you and that Cathar dude, he later sends you a letter apologizing for being a jerk and telling you that all the Hutts are now your biggest fan.



And one from the very end of Ord Mantell:

Syreena writes to you if you don't kill her, to tell you she's sorry for, you know...helping your ship get stolen. Personally, she's one I would LOVE to run into again. I thought she was cool.

Yeah, I've always loved those letters :)

It's a shame that they automatically get deleted though, I wish they would be codex entries or something similar instead.

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