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Petition to bring back the Orange Pixel


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dear god NOOO! That thing was SOOO annoying! It kept staring at me...and I to it..it was there. Looking at my every move! NO!!


he was a smug little bastard. silent, and yet you could tell he was watching you, sizing you up and waiting for the perfect time to strike.

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Oh come on, the orange pixel was my friend. I cant tell you how many times he pointed out a chest or node for me to harvest. The day he left, I felt lost without my lil orange friend pointing the way to riches and treasures.
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I was playing on the sith side and was going into the class quest area. And on the wall there they have small orange lights (Im colorblind so they could be red). I had to go to the bathroom and when I came back, one of those lights was far enough away and at just the right hight that I thought my friend had returned. Alas, he had not. So I wrote a poem to commemorate the occassion, in the style of William Hughes Mearns. Ok mostly plagiarized from William Hughes Mearns.


Yesterday upon the stair I saw a dot who wasn’t there

It wasn’t there again today

Oh, how I wish it would go away


When last night I had to go and pee

The dot was waiting there for me

But when I turned the camera around the hall

I couldn’t see it there at all!

Go away, go away, don’t you come back any more!

Go away, go away, and please don’t slam the door


Last night I saw upon the stair

A little dot who wasn’t there

It wasn’t there again today

Oh, how I wish it would go away

Edited by HelinCarnate
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I remember some people thinking their monitors were bad and had a dead pixel because of that little guy.. I wonder if anyone actually replaced their monitor cause of it??


I miss the little guy.. He was always there and always orange..

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Ah, the stubborn Orange Pixel. I remember him.


Back when I was a naive young lad with a positive outlook on this game's future.


Just believe man, the orange pixel is still there as is the fun if you just believe hehe

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