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Pretty impressed with the transfers..600 people on 3 instances of fleet (The Bastion)


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Its about time, im very happy with my transfers thank you BW (not EA), now maybe if populations stay up we can get a revamped Ilum, some "storm the castle" tug o war battles on the planet would be nice :jawa_wink:
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I successfully transfered to my new server yesterday, Canderous Ordo


What a difference. There were so many people on fleet that there were 2 different instances of it. At times there were 300+ people. I was able to do 50's PVP for hours with only about a 5 minute wait in que, sometimes less.


One issue I noticed last night was the amount of servers that were now showing full (including my new one). Before the merges, the only NA servers I ever saw as full were Fatman and Jedi Covenant. Now, because so many light servers have been directed towards the Standard+ servers, I saw about 8 servers at Very Heavy or Full with a que time.


I'm happy to be able to play with a much larger population, but I definitely don't want to have to que to log in every night.


I hope they will be raising the cap on these servers soon to accomodate all of the new traffic.

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I dont post much, but when I do its to congratulate BioWare on a job well done!


Telos Restoration Project had anywhere from 5-10 people on fleet during prime-time. Didn't see a pvp match for months. My guild and I moved to Jedi Covenant last night and as one we were floored. 300+ on two different republic fleets, pvp was popping immediately after queued. If you can believe it, there were people LFG and recruiting in general chat, I actually had to ignore someone... amazing!


Again, Thanks BioWare, awesome job.

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Damn u ppl r so lucky :( nothing about Legions of Lettow tough, bummer, we wants Legions of Lettow--> Tomb of Freedon Nadd, plizzzzzz we be so happy ^^ maybe this will bring back at least half of my guild, atm we r down to 15 active members from 160+
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ye amazing positive vibe from many people in guild and general at the population on The Bastion. The non stop warzone pops even at odd hours has everyone talking. Really good work on this one Bioware. Thanks Edited by Stovokor
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Time to show some lov towards Nightmare lands as a nice Destination Server


I whole-heartedly agree with this, as opposed to the total love-fest they have for Red Eclipse.


Mr Negative in me thinks we'll be an origin server by early next week though.

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Yeah its almost information overload for me. I dont know about anybody else but going from famine to feast overnight is kinda shocking. General chat is constantly streaming, fleet is absolutely bustling with 300 people at times, GTN actually has stuff on it, Q pops all day long and even at odd times of the day. Yesterday was day 1 for me and literally had to log off and take a break because it almost too much to process after months of being on a dead server where you might have 17 people on the fleet.
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