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Why the outcry over name changes?


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Like the title says. Why? You do not own that name whatsoever.



I technicly do not own my house or car either but I will be pissed if someone forces me out of either while I am paying for it


stupid question people are attached to their character name and all


I would also be pissed if I lost my characters face too and was not able to get it back, along with gear titles pets achievments and all that other stuff I dont own but I am attached to and pay to preserve

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Some people (like myself) took the preorder on day 1, and play since the first minute of pre-release, just to be sure we have the name we want. Loosing what we spent so much on just because of BW fault (not our fault if server are empty) can be a gamebreaker.

I'm not concerned, because I'm on a destination server, but if I needed to move, and my name would be taken, I would be seriously pissed of. Especially if they are taken by some low lvl who doesn't play anymore, or created like 1month ago.


You may not understand why a name is important, but understand why those people who spend money and time just to be sure to have it are pissed of. Understanding those people, even if you are not concerned, is called respect.

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Some people (like myself) took the preorder on day 1, and play since the first minute of pre-release, just to be sure we have the name we want. Loosing what we spent so much on just because of BW fault (not our fault if server are empty) can be a gamebreaker.

I'm not concerned, because I'm on a destination server, but if I needed to move, and my name would be taken, I would be seriously pissed of. Especially if they are taken by some low lvl who doesn't play anymore, or created like 1month ago.


You may not understand why a name is important, but understand why those people who spend money and time just to be sure to have it are pissed of. Understanding those people, even if you are not concerned, is called respect.


^ this times

Edited by Xyrax
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Some people (like myself) took the preorder on day 1, and play since the first minute of pre-release, just to be sure we have the name we want. Loosing what we spent so much on just because of BW fault (not our fault if server are empty) can be a gamebreaker.

I'm not concerned, because I'm on a destination server, but if I needed to move, and my name would be taken, I would be seriously pissed of. Especially if they are taken by some low lvl who doesn't play anymore, or created like 1month ago.


You may not understand why a name is important, but understand why those people who spend money and time just to be sure to have it are pissed of. Understanding those people, even if you are not concerned, is called respect.


Exactly this^^

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Some people (like myself) took the preorder on day 1, and play since the first minute of pre-release, just to be sure we have the name we want. Loosing what we spent so much on just because of BW fault (not our fault if server are empty) can be a gamebreaker.

I'm not concerned, because I'm on a destination server, but if I needed to move, and my name would be taken, I would be seriously pissed of. Especially if they are taken by some low lvl who doesn't play anymore, or created like 1month ago.


You may not understand why a name is important, but understand why those people who spend money and time just to be sure to have it are pissed of. Understanding those people, even if you are not concerned, is called respect.


Pretty much this. I'd hardly call myself a 'whiner', but I knew if I was gonna have to play first come first serve all those months ago, I'd be at the front of the line, and I was. I was there 7am to get my names.


I added up the /played on the level 10+ toons I have. It totaled just above 41 days. 41 days of my life, 1.3 months of time, I've spent getting attached to my toons.


The outcry, is because there are people like me, who have invested a large amount of time into their characters, only to have the rug pulled from under their feet. Sure, you can say "what's in a name?", but not everyone feels so un-attached to things such as that.

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Some people (like myself) took the preorder on day 1, and play since the first minute of pre-release, just to be sure we have the name we want. Loosing what we spent so much on just because of BW fault (not our fault if server are empty) can be a gamebreaker.

I'm not concerned, because I'm on a destination server, but if I needed to move, and my name would be taken, I would be seriously pissed of. Especially if they are taken by some low lvl who doesn't play anymore, or created like 1month ago.


You may not understand why a name is important, but understand why those people who spend money and time just to be sure to have it are pissed of. Understanding those people, even if you are not concerned, is called respect.




The last update has come and my server STILL has yet to allow transfer and there is virtually no hope whatsoever that any of my names are available. I was here on day one the minute they allowed us to get in the game and I snatched my great names up as fast as I could. I DESERVE to keep them. The thought that some newbie who doesnt even play anymore could potentially have my names locked and the knowledge that i'd be crap out of luck if that be the case pisses me off and its messed up IMO. For these transfers, names should made available to the persons who have been here. Period.


Not my fault BW lost population, shouldn't have to reap the consequences for it.

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Some people (like myself) took the preorder on day 1, and play since the first minute of pre-release, just to be sure we have the name we want. Loosing what we spent so much on just because of BW fault (not our fault if server are empty) can be a gamebreaker.

I'm not concerned, because I'm on a destination server, but if I needed to move, and my name would be taken, I would be seriously pissed of. Especially if they are taken by some low lvl who doesn't play anymore, or created like 1month ago.


You may not understand why a name is important, but understand why those people who spend money and time just to be sure to have it are pissed of. Understanding those people, even if you are not concerned, is called respect.


Oh I understand why people would want to hold on to their names, identity, whatnot. My point is you have no reasonable expectations to keep it, as all intellectual property belongs to ea/bioware. In fact if you really wanna get pissed, search around on google and find out we, as individuals, dont even own our own real life identities! Me personally, I plan to reserve my name so I CAN rename, and will make it something ridiculous, like boobookitty :).

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I guess I'm lucky, had to replace 2 characters, but thought of better names which are still related to the originals. My wife had to replace one character name, but lengthened it, so that the old name is just an affectionate shortening of the new one.
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Exactly this^^


Yes, that is the reason.


I did not lose any of my toon names (and I would not have cared if I did), but I had a buddy who has had a name since day 1, he is a well respected guild leader and known well in the community. Due to the fact that the management panicked on early release and seemed to be unable to count (which created this issue), he now has to lose that name to a person on a new server who may have quit by now for all we know. He has to move his whole guid to a new sever, change his name and then reestablish all those relationships in his guild and with other guilds with a new name.


He is not quiting, he is not even complaining, but it is making me mad as heck cause he is a nice guy and it was not an equitable way to make the changes.


Instead of merging, they took the easy way out with transfer. They could have merged and then used a seniority system to decide name conflicts, but instead they did transfer so if there was a name conflict they can say, "You chose to move." That is totally wrong, if the whole server moves en masse as Kath Hound did, it is not a 'choice'. The choice is: move now and lose your name, or sit on a blank server for two months until we force merge, and then change.


Warhammer Online had the same server population issues. They made these same mistakes there. EA wrecked Warhammer Online with bad management decisions and this is headed in the same direction. I see them making all the same mistakes.

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I'm not unsubbing because of it.


I'm just not resubbing once my free time is up. I really enjoyed the name that I had gotten for my Smuggler, and (as I anticipated), it was a popular name that was quickly taken on most servers. If I hadn't been in the very first group to get in, I doubt I would have gotten it. It's not that this was the largest issue...but it did make my decision a bit easier.


I do hope, in all honesty, that the game flourishes and gets to a point where it should be...but it'll do so without me.

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Oh I understand why people would want to hold on to their names, identity, whatnot. My point is you have no reasonable expectations to keep it, as all intellectual property belongs to ea/bioware. In fact if you really wanna get pissed, search around on google and find out we, as individuals, dont even own our own real life identities! Me personally, I plan to reserve my name so I CAN rename, and will make it something ridiculous, like boobookitty :).


They don't own names. If they did, they would own my characters in WoW... and they do not.


Proper names are not a trademark.

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Oh I understand why people would want to hold on to their names, identity, whatnot. My point is you have no reasonable expectations to keep it, as all intellectual property belongs to ea/bioware. In fact if you really wanna get pissed, search around on google and find out we, as individuals, dont even own our own real life identities! Me personally, I plan to reserve my name so I CAN rename, and will make it something ridiculous, like boobookitty :).


No, you're right. We don't have any real reason to expect to hold onto our names. But neither do we own our rakata or war hero gear, but I bet you'd be pissed if they took yours away during your transfer...

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For those that have been there since day 1. What about the guy on the destination server who was also there since Day 1 and happens to use the same name as you? What about him? Is it fair to him if he was forced to rename by moving him to your server? Think about things like this before you post. There are other players in this game too, many of which who were here since day 1 as well.
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Names seem to be like things like gear looks and a hood toggle, some people care and some don't. But for those that care, it can be a big deal.


I think it depends a lot on how you view your characters. If you see your characters as "characters" with a certain personality/story, a name change can be rather jarring ("Sorry, George, you need to rename Leia when you transfer her, and Leiah and Leah are already taken, how about Leyla?" :p).


Also, a lot of people go by the name of their main in-game, so changing it can be confusing. I had to rename my main, and I did not like any "related" names and special characters or an apostrophe would have been silly with this name. So now I have a totally different name, which will be kinda weird as people will call me by it.


Regardless, I accept that this is a part of the transfer process, and have made do, though I really wish I had rolled on one of the "popular" servers back in early access instead of the server I was placed on with my guild. :(

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