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What am I doing wrong?


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The rotation is generally something like: Incendiary Missile, Railshot, Unload, Thermal Detonator, Railshot if available/Powershot OR (if you want to combine Railshot with Thermal Detonator's detonation) Rapid Shots/Powershot, Railshot if available/Powershot, Railshot if available/Powershot, refresh Incendiary Missile.


You can't keep that exact rotation due to random heat venting via Railshot procs and otther factors, but it's ideal. For multiple targets, you should attempt to ignite enemies with Rapid Shots until you've vented some heat, seeing as Incendiary Missile generates a ton.

Edited by Chaoskyx
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I just switched to pyro but find myself sucking in wz's. What is the rotation for merc pyros? I am lvl 49 btw.


here's a copy of a PM i have sent to a couple people asking for Merc/PT advice:


merc is by no means broken. some classes are better equipped for burst or heals, etc. it is pretty easy to overcome. you just have to embrace the playstyle...RUN and gun...


i REPEAT, RUN (did u see that? RUN) and gun.


my spec is 0/10/31 (basic pyro set-up) gear is gear...not much choice if you plan to PvP, but the set is Eliminator. (i'd drop infrared sensors and pick up something else...even if it is endurance)


rotation(all situational...sometimes i IM, RS, TD): IM, RS, UL(proc RS), RS, TD(if specc'd), PS, PS (or Rapid Shot), continue...once <30% power surge, TSO, fusion missle, RaS. substitute PS(power shot) with Rapid shots if you are moving. (which you should be if you are fighting good people, if you fighting n00bs, stay out around 25m and light em up)


there are so many tips, i really cannot list them all. that's the fun of learning the class...


-use Line of sight!!! especailly on casters...it's too funny running behind a wall to interrupt a cast, come back out, hit em w/ a 1100 Rapid shot, and hide again...LOL...dead Sorc/Sage.


-KITE.. NEVER, NEVER allow >2 opponents within 15m of you...GET OUT!! you can't DPS dead...run, kite, find teammates..don't die because you were dumb. (that is by far the best tip i can give you)


-know when and where, and who to use your stun and conc missle on..i can, and have on MANY occassions, escaped a 4+ vs 1 sceanrio, because i use my jet boost on melee, my stun on ranged, and my power surge/conc missle(instant cast) to get away, drag opponents from objectives, drag oppnents into teammates and lived.


-be a biochemist. rakata heal+ 10% heal is nice...it, and your heals/cleanse is how you beat marauders/PT's...get rid of the DoT's!!!


-use the terrain...fight like you would in real life...would you stand there shooting at 5 people in the wide open? fire from a spot where you can easily take cover when the **** hits the fan..use rocks, stairs, boxes, anything!


-stun healers @ <40% HP...then adrenal...@ <30% fusion missle, IM, TD, RS...NOBODY can heal thru that...if so, you're doing something wrong, or they are gettin help...


-keep healers busy...don't shoot tanks...they don't hurt anyone...they just annoy you.


really, if you can't kite, do not have AWESOME situational awareness, or do not understand when to run, when to fight, when to kite...reroll. honestly, that is Merc.


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here's a copy of a PM i have sent to a couple people asking for Merc/PT advice:


really, if you can't kite, do not have AWESOME situational awareness, or do not understand when to run, when to fight, when to kite...reroll. honestly, that is Merc.



Hit the nail on the head. If you don't have great situational awareness you are toast in pvp. After the new buff I been a beast in pvp. It look a lot of reading and practice to learn the classes. Also if you find a class that is always beating you example a Jedi counceler go make one and play them. Learn their moves and figure out how to counter. Another helpful thing is find someone who plays that toon and ask them how to kill them. Merc/pyro is a great class but requires a lot more skill then being a arsenal turret

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here's a copy of a PM i have sent to a couple people asking for Merc/PT advice:


merc is by no means broken. some classes are better equipped for burst or heals, etc. it is pretty easy to overcome. you just have to embrace the playstyle...RUN and gun...


i REPEAT, RUN (did u see that? RUN) and gun.


my spec is 0/10/31 (basic pyro set-up) gear is gear...not much choice if you plan to PvP, but the set is Eliminator. (i'd drop infrared sensors and pick up something else...even if it is endurance)


rotation(all situational...sometimes i IM, RS, TD): IM, RS, UL(proc RS), RS, TD(if specc'd), PS, PS (or Rapid Shot), continue...once <30% power surge, TSO, fusion missle, RaS. substitute PS(power shot) with Rapid shots if you are moving. (which you should be if you are fighting good people, if you fighting n00bs, stay out around 25m and light em up)


there are so many tips, i really cannot list them all. that's the fun of learning the class...


-use Line of sight!!! especailly on casters...it's too funny running behind a wall to interrupt a cast, come back out, hit em w/ a 1100 Rapid shot, and hide again...LOL...dead Sorc/Sage.


-KITE.. NEVER, NEVER allow >2 opponents within 15m of you...GET OUT!! you can't DPS dead...run, kite, find teammates..don't die because you were dumb. (that is by far the best tip i can give you)


-know when and where, and who to use your stun and conc missle on..i can, and have on MANY occassions, escaped a 4+ vs 1 sceanrio, because i use my jet boost on melee, my stun on ranged, and my power surge/conc missle(instant cast) to get away, drag opponents from objectives, drag oppnents into teammates and lived.


-be a biochemist. rakata heal+ 10% heal is nice...it, and your heals/cleanse is how you beat marauders/PT's...get rid of the DoT's!!!


-use the terrain...fight like you would in real life...would you stand there shooting at 5 people in the wide open? fire from a spot where you can easily take cover when the **** hits the fan..use rocks, stairs, boxes, anything!


-stun healers @ <40% HP...then adrenal...@ <30% fusion missle, IM, TD, RS...NOBODY can heal thru that...if so, you're doing something wrong, or they are gettin help...


-keep healers busy...don't shoot tanks...they don't hurt anyone...they just annoy you.


really, if you can't kite, do not have AWESOME situational awareness, or do not understand when to run, when to fight, when to kite...reroll. honestly, that is Merc.



Bingo! Kind of like Kenny Rogers song the Gamber. Gota know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run...

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I just switched to pyro but find myself sucking in wz's. What is the rotation for merc pyros? I am lvl 49 btw.


You're first and only mistake is the fact you're playing a merc in warzones. This is the worse class for pvp now regarduless of your skill level and the skills you're speced into.

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks Assassin, for the great tips!


I've just respecced from Arsenal to Pyro, and did a lot of research of the tree, rotations and damage numbers.

By far, testing in dummies and some friends either, I've come to a rotation that leaves the DOTs from Incendiary Missile and Combustible Gas Cylinder (if procced) up all the time and leaves you with absolutely no heat at the end.

In a PvE enviroment, facing a Elite or Champion, you can just reapeat that like a Pop song chorus, untill the enemy is down.

In PvP, if you are in a good LOS covered place focusing one target, it will melt it down like hot knife in butter. I said "IF" , coz it is a situation very rare those days. But, even tho, you can use it running, because you only have to start to channel unload (without finish it) for it to proc the "free" Rail Shot. I don't usually spend my time casting Power Shot, because it costs 2 seconds to cast, with a few damage benefit from it and low chance to proc Rail Shot.

Of course, in PvP things tend to end up a little nasty and chaotic, and you have to improvise a lot, but knowing how the mechanics of you AC tree works will surely help.


Here it is:


1 - Incendiary Missile (start burning DOT)

2 - Rapid Shots (hopefuly start CGC DOT)

3 - Thermal Detonator (huge burst dmg)

4 - Rail Shot (will refresh CGC DOT, if it procced)

5 - Unload (hopefuly proc the "free" railshot)

6- Rapid Shots (yes, I use it before the "free" Rail Shot, just to try to proc CGC DOT again)

7 - Rail Shot (will refresh CGC DOT, if it procced)

8 - Rapid Shots

9 - Rapid Shots

10 - Incendiary Missile (restart burning DOT exactly when it ends, totally synchronized)

11 - Thermal Detonator (it will be exactly when it will come off Cool Down)

12 - Unload (it will be exactly when it will come off Cool Down)

13 - Rapid Shots (hopefuly start CGC DOT)

14 - Rail Shot (could be the "free" or the regular. There will be no difference, because, at that time, it will be off Cool Down and the heat will be just fine)


Elite Mobs or Players in PvP usually die (if not healed) at 8 or 10. But, if after all these moves, that damn uber God mode overpowered Tank Shadow still up, but almost falling down, you can use:


Power Surge (no casting time buff)

Thermal Sensor Override (no heat cost buff)

Fusion Missile

(I may use that too, after step 7, if I'm in a 1vs1 situation. Usually works)


If you are facing a Champion Mob in PvE, you can go endless from 8 to 14, as it doesn't generate heat enuff to bother.


Man... this is fun! I will never go back to Arsenal again!

Edited by Millem
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