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Will a fix ever happen?


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The Sage class is meant as we all can agree to be a glass cannon initially, since that's the role that type of class would serve in other games as well (Such as WoW and other mmorpgs). During the beginning of the game however, it was more along the lines of a "Plexiglass cannon" as my one friend on my server perfectly described them as being. I was a Sage at the time and of course liked the fact that this was the case, but understand it had to be nerfed. However, when BioWare nerfed them they went completely overboard and made them glass water pistols. They aren't viable to sustain themselves in PvP even with a dps spec. My question is will they ever boost them back to what they were originally intended to be, glass cannons? If so how long do you think it will take for them to get around to it?


TL;DR -- When will the Sage/Sorc class get a boost from the glass water pistol they are now to the glass cannon they were intended to be?

Edited by Curmedy
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80 views on this thread and not a single person has any thoughts at all they feel are worth mentioning? I don't bite folks, any response is a good response in my opinion :rak_01: Edited by Curmedy
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I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually buff the dps abilities of the sage AC. But I wouldn't expect them to buff them by very much. I think we're in pretty good shape as far as how fast we consume our resource. But the quantity of damage done per ability seems lacking when you consider how fragile the class is.


I can see 1 or two talents per tree being reworked to give each spec more damage for a particular cast or two.


But I don't think we'll see much more than that.


And the heal spec might have even more nerfs coming.

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I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually buff the dps abilities of the sage AC. But I wouldn't expect them to buff them by very much. I think we're in pretty good shape as far as how fast we consume our resource. But the quantity of damage done per ability seems lacking when you consider how fragile the class is.


I can see 1 or two talents per tree being reworked to give each spec more damage for a particular cast or two.


But I don't think we'll see much more than that.


And the heal spec might have even more nerfs coming.


Some people are also saying that the Sage class might get another defense move since we seem to be lacking on that front too. If they gave us that and buffed a couple of our dps moves a bit, we might actually not get overlooked and be an afterthought when picking teams/ in PvP. Thanks for your comment!

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When will the Sage/Sorc class get a boost from the glass water pistol they are now to the glass cannon they were intended to be?

I don't think it will happen.

Btw the sorc class is fine.


And the heal spec might have even more nerfs coming.


Because nowadays when I'm in a pre lvl 50 wz pvp. I can hardly find a sage (or a shadow) in the party. Most of the times in the pre lvl 50 wz party more than half of the members are scoundrels and the remaining are mostly gunslingers.

I think players are giving up on the Consular class (espeically the sage advanced class). 5 wz last night and 5 scoundrel healers each time. lol.

They all re rolled.

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I think the heal spec was nerfed in 1.2 mostly because of PvP.


Next time it will be because of PvE, and it will probably be a nerf to the AoE heal.


Don't worry, I'm expecting scoundrels to get nerfed too....


But it would be nice if we could spec for a 10-20% increase in the duration of force speed...

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80 views on this thread and not a single person has any thoughts at all they feel are worth mentioning? I don't bite folks, any response is a good response in my opinion :rak_01:


Perhaps it's because half of the threads in these forums are:

1) My class can't do anything, buff me.

2) Nerf every other class but mine.


And like you said yourself, these are opinion matters, but usually only those are right who have the same opinion as the OP. ;)


Anyway, my opinion is that sages are fine. I still enjoy my sage the most. Played it as a main character since early launch and yes, I do have three other classes at 50 too. I do both, PvP and PvE. I have nothing to complain about.

Edited by Ameepa
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I think as far as PvE goes, the glass cannon doesn't apply so much because generally you've got somebody tanking and somebody healing and in theory you shouldn't be at a massive risk and I don't think BW would want to make Sage OP in this respect. In PvP, we die fairly easily and whilst you can do things to increase your survivability, people do like to pounce on you, throw in a load of stuns/interrupts and zerg you, because you're an easier target and still plenty a threat. It's nice when other players are distracted and you can zerg them yourself, but I can kinda agree with the sentiments here.


My suggestion would be to increase the effectiveness of the Expertise rating. Give Sages more deadliness before the Imps gang up and tear them down. I don't want Sage to be OP though, I think that would take the challenge out of PvP.

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Sepp, increase in expertise is a double edged sword. What would help sages is a much needed buff in damage, possibly to a high level talent (second to last tier maybe) to avoid hybriding to op-ness. If they buff to a mid or lower tier then hybrids will take advantage and it'll wreak havok and the nerf hammer will smite us into 5 digit damage. What should be done is a damage increase for TK and a survivability increase for balance, so that way hybrids could get a bit of each, but fully speccing into either one gives a higher bonus to that role.
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Perhaps it's because half of the threads in these forums are:

1) My class can't do anything, buff me.

2) Nerf every other class but mine.


And like you said yourself, these are opinion matters, but usually only those are right who have the same opinion as the OP. ;)


Anyway, my opinion is that sages are fine. I still enjoy my sage the most. Played it as a main character since early launch and yes, I do have three other classes at 50 too. I do both, PvP and PvE. I have nothing to complain about.


I respect your opinion, however BioWare hasn't done anything revolutionary with their class system here. This has been duplicated almost identically in Aion Online, and other games are very similar in that aspect as well. Having that in mind, those games all have one thing in common; each class can be competitive in PvP. The Sage class in swtor however can't hold it's own in a competitive PvP situation, it's practically a fact at this point.


So even though I am saying the dps Sage should get a boost, can you really argue a point against it? And please don't say, "Oh well Sages can hold their own in PvP." or, "Well they were meant to be a support class and a complimentary class." because no class in any game is suppose to not be able to fend for itself and solely support. That's just poor game design, simple as that. And as far as people saying the Sage can hold it's own in PvP, you are either not a lvl 50 Sage or not playing on a competitive server. Those people who say they pull huge damage each match, not being noticed and taking pot shots with aoe attacks may help your overall score and get you medals but it's not helping your team.

Edited by Curmedy
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I respect your opinion, however BioWare hasn't done anything revolutionary with their class system here. This has been duplicated almost identically in Aion Online, and other games are very similar in that aspect as well. Having that in mind, those games all have one thing in common; each class can be competitive in PvP. The Sage class in swtor however can't hold it's own in a competitive PvP situation, it's practically a fact at this point.


So even though I am saying the dps Sage should get a boost, can you really argue a point against it? And please don't say, "Oh well Sages can hold their own in PvP." or, "Well they were meant to be a support class and a complimentary class." because no class in any game is suppose to not be able to fend for itself and solely support. That's just poor game design, simple as that. And as far as people saying the Sage can hold it's own in PvP, you are either not a lvl 50 Sage or not playing on a competitive server. Those people who say they pull huge damage each match, not being noticed and taking pot shots with aoe attacks may help your overall score and get you medals but it's not helping your team.


You just proved my point. I'm automatically wrong or not lvl 50 or otherwise clueless if I don't agree with you.

And that is exactly why these threads won't get many constructive replies. It's useless to answer anything but "I agree" -posts.

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You just proved my point. I'm automatically wrong or not lvl 50 or otherwise clueless if I don't agree with you.

And that is exactly why these threads won't get many constructive replies. It's useless to answer anything but "I agree" -posts.


You must have not read my response at all or are illiterate. That's pretty much the exact opposite of what I said, and you didn't even answer what I asked so i'm guessing you didn't even fully read what I said. Please don't troll.


Ask competitive guilds how they feel about Sages in WZs. They'll probably say they are descent healers. When you correct them and say you meant dps Sages they'll probably send you a snarky remark such as, "lol Oh." and stop messaging you.

Edited by Curmedy
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Ask competitive guilds how they feel about Sages in WZs. They'll probably say they are descent healers. When you correct them and say you meant dps Sages they'll probably send you a snarky remark such as, "lol Oh." and stop messaging you.


It's funny you said this because Wed. night in a PvP match alderan, someone said in Ops, Cool, we have three healers. I asked who are the healers so I can keep an eye on them. He replied back with 'you, and the other two sages here'. I replied with sorry, I'm not a healer, I can spot heal from time to time but not speced healer. The other two where dps as well. The guy said we'll never win with three dps sages in the group and left the ops group before the battle even started. We won the battle but it was a very close battle, an I did have to take a healer role close to the end of the battle in order to keep the shadow and sentinel alive so we could recapture.

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It's funny you said this because Wed. night in a PvP match alderan, someone said in Ops, Cool, we have three healers. I asked who are the healers so I can keep an eye on them. He replied back with 'you, and the other two sages here'. I replied with sorry, I'm not a healer, I can spot heal from time to time but not speced healer. The other two where dps as well. The guy said we'll never win with three dps sages in the group and left the ops group before the battle even started. We won the battle but it was a very close battle, an I did have to take a healer role close to the end of the battle in order to keep the shadow and sentinel alive so we could recapture.


Yeah I've been there too. Just the fact that we have this negative stigma effects us in PvP greatly. It's a shame but if we want to enter good PvP guilds, teams, or be taken seriously, we need to be a healing spec. A dps spec just won't cut it for most people.


^ And that's the smaller of the multiple problems dps Sages have compared to our burst/damage overall and our defensive abilities are horrific. Hopefully a fix will happen eventually, although that eventually will probably be in a long time since it doesn't look like in 1.3 we'll be getting any help at all.

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