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moving more than 8 char to new server?


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People made assumptions on how xfers would go, and they were wrong..


No sympathy for people like that.. none what so ever.


I'm actually dumbfounded that anybody would get upset that they can't move more than 8 characters to a single server when it has been the case since before launch that 8/server is the max.


The people in this situation have nobody to blame but themselves. Impatient much?


Maybe some people are impatient, I'm not. I can play 8 characters on a populated server, that's fine.... for now.


I just want BW to realize that by doing transfers the way they have done them, they actually at least halved the time some of us will spend playing TOR.


I didn't complained when I rerolled from my first servers to new ones with good enough population because BW couldn't have predicted which servers would have low pop.


The difference here is the transfers and the way they have been done (1 destination) is really a decision BW made and thought about. They deliberately chose to reduce the amount of servers with a viable population, effectively reducing our chance to play with a good quality of the service we pay for. Sure, it has some pros to do things that way, but it has also some problems.

While I don't know how their servers and databases work, I somehow doubt that doubling the number of slots per server would really change much.


If I was a bit cynical, I would say they deliberately chose NOT to answer to this problem because they expect us to buy transfers and/or new account. Well, while I have done that in some other MMOs because that's how it was working from the start, I won't do it on TOR because it's a choice they made after it went live.


I know some people may say they already answered, in fact they didn't. A member of the Community Team saying how things are is not an answer, that's all they can say because that's all they are able to tell us. As long as they aren't acknowleding there's a problem (real or perceived), they aren't answering, they are just stating the current situation.


I just hope this problem like others about transfers will have an update about the future plans soon so everyone can really start to enjoy high populated servers again.

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People made assumptions on how xfers would go, and they were wrong..


No sympathy for people like that.. none what so ever.


I'm actually dumbfounded that anybody would get upset that they can't move more than 8 characters to a single server when it has been the case since before launch that 8/server is the max.


The people in this situation have nobody to blame but themselves. Impatient much?




With the way things were at launch having 8 on 1 server and 8 on another was a perfectly reasonable thing.


Now with 1.2 the writting was on the wall (having 2 legacys was just self-harm), but even then server transfers weren't obvious.


As things stand Bioware needs to have some way to allow 16 slots per server, it's the only reasonable outcome.

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As things stand Bioware needs to have some way to allow 16 slots per server, it's the only reasonable outcome.


I like the above idea myself.


When I played EQ2, about a year after it came out, we had to pay an extra fee to have just four more slots on top of the eight given. I think it was ten or twelve dollars on top of the fifteen, I cannot remember. I'm sure subscribers would pay the extra luxury fee to have access to more character slots.

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Quote: Originally Posted by AllisonBerryman

If more than 8 of your characters are eligible for transfer to the same server, you'll need to choose which 8 you'd like to transfer over. The maximum number of characters you can have on a server is 8, even if you are eligible for transfers.


That quote from Bioware is probably the most short sighted thing I've ever read. I'm a long time MMO fan and have always chosen to roll opposing factions on different servers. Why would I chose to play along side my friends then turn around and play against them. Call it realm pride, guild pride...whatever.


I think allowing people to roll both realms on one server was a mistake in this game like it was a mistake in Rift. I always leave open slots for expansions or class changes. Maybe I want one of each class, maybe I want to roll a dedicated healer along with a dedicated dps. By Biowares logic, that then squeezes out a class option for another character.


I too have 4 Emp on one server and 5 Rep on another server and both are being transferred to one server. Get this through your head Bioware, I do not want them on the same server PERIOD.


You may not like them on the same server but I have friends who lke their empire toons on the same server mainly because we all play on one server.. Not everyone wants to play on a mutltiple of servers just because they want to play a different faction.

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If more than 8 of your characters are eligible for transfer to the same server, you'll need to choose which 8 you'd like to transfer over. The maximum number of characters you can have on a server is 8, even if you are eligible for transfers.


I hope BW will consider a phase 2 Free Transfer where the Destination Servers are swapped around.

I am in the unlucky situation that I have characters on 3 servers - Jedi Covenant + 2 others that are both allowed to transfer to Jedi Covenant.

There is another destination alternative for East coast PvE, so if a 2nd wave of transfers was allowed with the other server as destination for my two source servers, then I would gladly transfer and help free up those system resources. I know that eventually BW needs to shut down these under populated servers and I also don't care to play on a server that has only 20 people online at a given time.

I don't care to pay for character transfers; however, I would pay for extra character slots if given the choice.

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I have the same problem. The two low-pop servers I had characters on are both being moved to The Bastion.


I too find myself in this situation.

I play 2 servers with Legacy entitlements and a total of 12 characters, and both servers feed into Harbinger.

I was wondering if there was any word on when/if additional servers would be available for people in this situation?

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I like the above idea myself.


When I played EQ2, about a year after it came out, we had to pay an extra fee to have just four more slots on top of the eight given. I think it was ten or twelve dollars on top of the fifteen, I cannot remember. I'm sure subscribers would pay the extra luxury fee to have access to more character slots.


If the fee is reasonable, I'd pay. I'm an altaholic, I like making lots of characters. I also like to have the option of seeing a friend has started a new toon, and rolling up a quick one to join him.

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If more than 8 of your characters are eligible for transfer to the same server, you'll need to choose which 8 you'd like to transfer over. The maximum number of characters you can have on a server is 8, even if you are eligible for transfers.


This is an inherent problem with doing server transfers and not allowing a choice of which servers to move to. On Monday, 10 servers were selected to all transfer to Corellian Run, someone should have planned for this eventuality. To say you now have to choose between which toons move and which are now uselessly left on dead servers is really bad customer service.

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