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What is your dream server transfer?


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Aside from your server being a destination...


I want something PvP east--not the legendary fatman but something new and undiscovered. A place where 10 origin servers are transffered to. A place where competitive pvp is taken to a new level. I want constant smack talk and so many rivals I don't even know who to go after first.



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I wanted Jung Ma. I got Jung Ma.>.> Though I hope they do open the transfers AP to Jung Ma. Even if they don't, I am content with how much we have on the server. Had a 183 peak(on imperial fleet) that is outstanding coming from less the 20 on the fleet. I can not complain.
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I wanted Jung Ma. I got Jung Ma.>.> Though I hope they do open the transfers AP to Jung Ma. Even if they don't, I am content with how much we have on the server. Had a 183 peak(on imperial fleet) that is outstanding coming from less the 20 on the fleet. I can not complain.


gratz man, those fleet numbers are ballin--hope i see the same down the road

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I want all East Coast RP servers to be transferred to The Ebon Hawk. No offence to any of the other servers but RP should not be spread out over any more than 2 servers, one East coast and one West coast. Then maybe we can go heavy during peak times just like the good 'ol days :D Edited by Uhuru
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I want all transfers done instantly using that magic switch that Bioware could use to do anything in one second but refuse to use because they're jerks who hate their customers and give all the good stuff to the Imp players. Oh, and I want all gear drops to be super, epic awesome and 1,000,000,000 people on my server at all times for when I want to PVP. And since I was forced to read the forums to understand how transfers work I demand another 30 days free, one of those blue mantra ray things as a mount and a sexy Ugnaunt as a romancable companion.


If I don't get every one of those things I'll unsub and play a game that does servers right. Ever hear Diablo 3, Biofail? :rolleyes:

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Two giant servers for all players over the world.

1. PVE

2. PVP

Wouldnt that be something to really looking forward to, and to play on?


This would be great. I hope MMO's of the future actually do that. I don't care if you have to do a lot of sharding, have as many people on one server as possible. I would rather see Tatooine 36 on 1 server, than no sharding but 36 servers.

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I wish for all EU RP servers to become Shaltin Tunnels - The One Server To Rule Them All.

Not so sure if I want PVE to become too large, as this will result in endless camping for completing bonuses.

Also, Crafting will be seriously hampered by having too large pops, leading to a reduction in Credits-economy due to the need of having to send companions on gathering missions.


So, I foresee that when we have all those people we have wished for online at the same time, fighting over trashmobs or scavenging nodes, we will find a new problem to whine about - and blame BW for bad game design.

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EvE style server system with PvE and PvP server zones, but all one big universe. Think 1.0-.8 sec as PvE ie starter worlds .7-.3 sec as your leveling worlds and .2-0 as your full on PvP worlds ie Ilum...



Hey...I can dream right???



For those that don't know EvE, it's a full on PvP game in one universe, so if 50k people are on, they could conceivably interact with each other. Not suggesting ToR be full PvP tho, just the all one server idea.

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Two giant servers for all players over the world.

1. PVE

2. PVP

Wouldnt that be something to really looking forward to, and to play on?


My Japanese, Russian, Chinese, French, Spanish etc. language knowledge is practically not existant, even my english isn't that good, as a german player....so why would I want to bother with players from these countries? All it would bring is that any non-english player is forced to speak english.

So I personally don't bother that much, but I know a lot of ppl who don't want to use any other language than their native one in a game, and I can understand that.

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My Japanese, Russian, Chinese, French, Spanish etc. language knowledge is practically not existant, even my english isn't that good, as a german player....so why would I want to bother with players from these countries? All it would bring is that any non-english player is forced to speak english.

So I personally don't bother that much, but I know a lot of ppl who don't want to use any other language than their native one in a game, and I can understand that.


Well im pretty sure there will be communties within the community. To pick from your examples Russians and Spanish are very good at creating their own community on any server, but still function with the rest of the server. See it as a great opportunity to learn another language. In the rest of Europe your concern is what people struggle with everyday. So consider you lucky that you live in a country that have 10 times the population my country have so you get servers in your own language.


You should see the english marked servers as "international servers" and most people understand and help each other with language barriers. Most of us are friendly and doesnt count on that everyone speak perfect english. But i know many people that have improved their english while playing an MMO.


But back to your concern, if such servers would exist im pretty sure you could find as many germans on that server as u do now on a german server. And who knows imagine this in a not to far away future, Polish President call the Russian President.


Polish President -Do you remeber SWTOR back in the days?

Russian President -DA! Good times!


And they celebrate with Vodka, Borscht and black bread. All for a better world in the future :)

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Before I start main server: bondar crystal, rerolled server: fatman. I wish my server got a transfer to the fatman, but the fatmans price for unusual eggs are around 25k average and dropping. no get rich quick theme there :/
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