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need some advice with my trooper


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Hello Guys,


I am in need of some advice for my trooper, i intended for him to be mainly be a pvper but having taken a break in Jan and only coming back last weekend & finding 1) my champion PvP gear seems to have disappeared from vendors so i cant finsih off my set 2) my server has on average 7 people on republic side as a whole.

Since the character transfer is going to be coming my way (eventually) i thought i would get myself prepared to try PVE to ease myself back into the game (only ever done Eccles HM)

I downloaded a combat paraser (SW monitor) it seems to be putting me at 950 dps avg, (1100 peak) vs the 40 target dummy in coruscant , running with the assualt spec at the mo - is this acceptable for running the low end HM?

I think i have the rotation down - focusing on maxing dot uptime and managing ammo well but at the mo I have no idea if the dmg done is acceptable.

Also I now need some advice regarding gear, since they dont have the gear that I use anymore (mainly champion PVP p/c with the odd centurion p/c) i have no idea if i should replace it all with the blue gear thats available for credits - it seems viable for PVP as it has a lot more expertise - or if i should focus on doing/farming normal 50 flashpoints for gear before stepping back into HM?


Sorry for the wall of text!

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On the pvp side of things, getting the Recruit gear is a must, with the new changes and hopefully more transfers coming tomorrow, if you get transferred to a decently populated server you should be able to get full BM within 3-7 days.
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