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[PvE] Annihilation build?


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Phantom is generally a PvP ability. Those points should be in Subjugation, as faster interrupts can be useful in PvE.


Defensive Roll is a fairly important in PvE to reduce damage is Ops and FPs. I would recommend pulling at least 2 pts from Malice for this. I believe that Malice generally only affects our DoT crit rate, which is already substantially buffed by Juyo form, and is thus less important for Anni (as an aside, since Carnage generally gets auto crits on Force Scream and Rage gets auto crits on Smash, Malice is a fairly lackluster talent for all specs). Dropping that last point in Malice could then go wherever you like (back into Phantom, if really like it to get a point of Acc, if you've dropped all Acc enhancements).


If you really want Malice and not Defensive Roll, Defensive forms is fairly minor and would be better spent in Brutality instead. However, I still suggest you take Defensive Roll.

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Lol, I'm an idiot.

I actually just respecced to this build and misclicked, now that you're mentioning it I noticed it...

So of course you're right with putting them into the interrupt-cd-reduction(which I had skilled before aswell...)


I'll probably try two points in Brutality instead of DF.

However I think DF is rather useful since it's building two points of Fury every 1.5s(assuming I take damage) and the damage reduction is pretty nice aswell.

I just doubt that the points in Brutality will push my DPS enough to justify this since it's already making up less than 10% of my overall damage in a fight.

Edited by schnopsnosn
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I didn't say Defensive Forms was bad. It's just not a great PvE talent. 4% internal/elemental reduction is worth far less than the 30% from Defensive Roll. As filler to get to DR, it's great. If you're skipping DR (again, I don't think that's a smart call, but up to you), it's a weak talent compared to Brutality. Your healers will notice 30% less damage taken, not 4%. 30% damage reduction might save you from death. 4% will not. In PvP, it's a stronger talent because you will be taking damage more often. In PvE, the Fury building is generally unnoticeable, beyond a few gimmicks where you can stack up 30 before the pull due to this talent.


Again, imo, DR + DF > Malice + Brutality > DF + Malice. The middle build undoubtedly does the most damage, but only if the content is trivial or your healers don't ***** about healing DPS.

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Remove Phantom and put those into Subjugation (below Phantom)

Get rid of Defensive forms,take those point from Defensive Forms and put them into Brutality (rage tree 2nd row)

31-3-7 is the best PVE dps build you can get.


That's pretty obvious, but max. DPS doesn't help me if I put more strain on my healer than I should/could in Denova HM.

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That's pretty obvious, but max. DPS doesn't help me if I put more strain on my healer than I should/could in Denova HM.


your healers needs to be pretty darn good for Denova HM.

And you should be in full Rakata for Denova HM, what is your gear like? If you need Defensive Roll over Brutality to stay alive then something else needs adjusting I would guess.

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As someone who plays both a healing Sage and a Marauder... frankly, for PVE, anyone who isn't specced into Defensive Roll earns a special sort of hate from me.


Game mechanics are more punishing as a whole on melee, and there is a lot of unavoidable AOE damage hitting melee in general. Two talent points for 30% reduction is great, and it's not like there's that many other amazing options to run with.


Can I heal you through damage without DR? Sure. Frankly, though, I kind of resent it, because ultimately it strikes me as avoidable damage. Or looking at it another way, if you consider the self-heals of Annihilation to be an advantage of the spec, then DR should be on your must-have talent list.

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This might be a stupid question but dont you need 2 points in phantom to get to annihiliate? Or do you just need 31 in the tree?


There are no dumb questions, mate. :)


Needs to be 31 in the tree for Annihilate however those 2 points can be in Subjugation rather than Phantom.

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I personally like to take Defensive Forms over Brutality. In almost every raid encounter there is going to be random, encounter related damage that melee dps are going to take, and with defensive forms, you will be gaining a lot of Fury from that random damage. This allows you to get through that fury build up phase faster and keep your Berserk uptime optimal. I think this bonus Berserk uptime is worth 2 talent points more than 15% critical strike chance on a filler attack that's damage is not that great.


Bleeds are 40-50% of our damage, with berserk adding to this. Savage strike is no where near that. If it were a 15% damage increase on savage strike(or whatever) it may be worth the points.

Edited by Theninjafuzz
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