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Current Transfer Servers


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A new group already? I thought they wouldn't start adding more untill tomorrow in my earlier expectations.


Yay for beating (my personal) expectations Bioware! Now.. if you have everyone on a origin or destination by the end of the week, you will have prooven my faith in how you would handle this.


PS. Yay, I am a destination!

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My main concern is I'm hoping they start having server transfers go to ones already on the destination list. I'd like to see 3-4 servers going to the same server. Doubling pops on dead servers isn't enough so I hope that they are taking dead servers, putting 3-4 together onto another "not so dead" server so that it's pop gets to around Fatman's current pop is. Then, with resubs it'll be even higher, but there shouldn't be queues cuz it should be okay on the new "Mega Servers".


I would be awfully surprised if it weren't many to one. Esp in the cases of some of the lowest population servers.

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if you have chars on a server, it will be noted...

and every avail transfer is going to the exact same type and time zone.


You missed the point. I would like them categorized by NA and Europe. PvP, PvE, RP, etc.

I would like to know this info because i have other characters and friends all across different servers.

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You missed the point. I would like them categorized by NA and Europe. PvP, PvE, RP, etc.

I would like to know this info because i have other characters and friends all across different servers.


They have started to categorize them by region in the sticky, maybe they will break it down more with future posts.

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Any chance we can get some info about when we will be able to pay to move to a server of our choice....if at all it will ever happen, Im 95% sure that my origin server wont be going to anywhere i want to be unless it becomes a paid service
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A new group already? I thought they wouldn't start adding more untill tomorrow in my earlier expectations.


Yay for beating (my personal) expectations Bioware! Now.. if you have everyone on a origin or destination by the end of the week, you will have prooven my faith in how you would handle this.


PS. Yay, I am a destination!




This is the problem......... I might get a transfer today, tomorrow, next week, in a month..... or never (if my server becomes a desination server).


And there is no way for me to know when until I guess I randomly see it on the forums? :confused:



BTW do guilds transfer as a whole or not as well?

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Really you are QQ about that many people on at peak my server as maybe 20 people on imperial fleet at peak and 10 on republic. Even with that I am not QQ about my server not being on the list yet.


Lol they aren't even 6 people TOTAL on the republic AND sith side on the Cho Mai. Dude i haven't seen 10 people on either fleet since April 12. Don't want to hear it lol.

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Question for the Community Team...


I know you have a lot on your plates right now with the current transfers, so if the answer to these questions have to wait, I completely understand.


  1. Will we be getting any kind of updates as to how much of the transfer process has completed with the initial free transfers?
  2. Will the subscribers who re-rolled on other servers in order to continue playing the game be able to consolidate their characters with free transfers on one server at a later date?
  3. If paid transfers are the only option for those of us looking to consolidate, is there an estimate on how much they will cost and when they will be available?



Thanks again, and good luck with the transfers.

Edited by Jaavik
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Any chance we'll see something where an East coast can transfer to a West Coast server? I jumped on a East coast server because my guild is mostly in the East Coast. Now they all quit and I don't want to have the wonky peak times and weird server delay anymore.
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This is the problem......... I might get a transfer today, tomorrow, next week, in a month..... or never (if my server becomes a desination server).


And there is no way for me to know when until I guess I randomly see it on the forums? :confused:



BTW do guilds transfer as a whole or not as well?


They have said it will take less than a week to get all the servers.


The guild stuff is answered in the FAQ.

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This is the problem......... I might get a transfer today, tomorrow, next week, in a month..... or never (if my server becomes a desination server).


And there is no way for me to know when until I guess I randomly see it on the forums? :confused:



BTW do guilds transfer as a whole or not as well?


Guilds dont transfer as a whole. you basically have to disband the guild and recreate it, if the name isn't taken.

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Huge Fail Bioware. simple as that you fail at the MMO genre . Stick to making lack lustre single player games for easily pleased kids. Do you not realise that you are playing with the Star Wars IP here, and most Star Wars fans GREW UP with the IP hence most are 30+ years of age . Please give your customer base the effin respect that they deserve. You know damn well all this should have been consolidated before launch and that goes for all the 1.2 update content also, it is all post launch material that should have been there at launch. We havent even had a full PROPER content update patch yet and now your causing an upheaval of your customer base because of simple server transfers. Theres a nich little company out there called Trion. I dont play Rift its not my kind of thing but maybe Bioware should take a leaf out of Trions book and have tech /content ready to ship instead of being EA`s *****es and pushing content out unfinished. Respect Star Wars and respect yourselves Bioware before you crash.
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Any chance we'll see something where an East coast can transfer to a West Coast server? I jumped on a East coast server because my guild is mostly in the East Coast. Now they all quit and I don't want to have the wonky peak times and weird server delay anymore.


That's actually a good question and I hope you get an answer/solution

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Any chance we'll see something where an East coast can transfer to a West Coast server? I jumped on a East coast server because my guild is mostly in the East Coast. Now they all quit and I don't want to have the wonky peak times and weird server delay anymore.


That would fall under the arbitrary move stuff answered in the FAQ. If you are asking in this initial transfer, probably not since they are trying to keep people in the same category and region as the source.

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Just hoping that Sith Wyrm is a target server for transfers. We still have a healthy Imperial presence. Hopefully it will bring some republic players over to us.


I wouldn't consider our Imperial population "healthy" at all. 40 people on the fleet during peak times, while better than some servers, is still pretty poor. There haven't been any groups forming for ops the last couple weeks outside of guild runs, so hopefully we get a good transfer going soon as a destination server.

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They have said it will take less than a week to get all the servers.
So today, tommorrow any time up to next Tuesday and the only way I'll know is be constantly checking the forums.


The guild stuff is answered in the FAQ.

By which non-answer I guess you mean "No - guilds will not be transfer, and have to be destroyed and restarted".

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  1. Will we be getting any kind of updates as to how much of the transfer process has completed with the initial free transfers?
  2. Will the subscribers who re-rolled on other servers in order to continue playing the game be able to consolidate their characters with free transfers on one server at a later date?
  3. If paid transfers are the only option for those of us looking to consolidate, is there an estimate on how much they will cost and when they will be available?


1: They're up to 18 origin servers. Account -> Transfer Character or this thread. The only updates they give us are when new servers are added. They haven't really said anything else except answering a question or two.


2: No one knows yet. They mentioned they'll have other phases of transfers, and we don't know if they'll be free or paid transfers. Would be nice to know FOR SURE what transfers will be offered in the future, especially at this stag of the game.


3: Bioware has been matching pricing to other AAA title MMOs like WoW. $15/month, etc. So expect it to be in the higher range of the prices, similar to WoW or LOTRO perhaps?

Edited by cipher_nemo
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I wouldn't consider our Imperial population "healthy" at all. 40 people on the fleet during peak times, while better than some servers, is still pretty poor. There haven't been any groups forming for ops the last couple weeks outside of guild runs, so hopefully we get a good transfer going soon as a destination server.


I would be surprised if it were a destination since it seems to be one of the mid-low population east coast PvE servers. But I have been wrong many many times before.

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