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Does completing Act 3 stop affection gains with companions?


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I completed Act 3 yesterday and then today I got a companion gift from one of my companions. I then went to give it to another companion and it netted 0 affection. I then went to try his favorite type, Technology and again 0 affection but with the dialogue for something he liked. Does completing Act 3 mean no more affection gains from companions?
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I completed Act 3 yesterday and then today I got a companion gift from one of my companions. I then went to give it to another companion and it netted 0 affection. I then went to try his favorite type, Technology and again 0 affection but with the dialogue for something he liked. Does completing Act 3 mean no more affection gains from companions?


You should still be fine for affection after completing Act 3. Was the companion gift you received a low-rank one? As your affection with a companion increases, you'll need to use higher-rank gifts to gain more affection from them.

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You should still be fine for affection after completing Act 3. Was the companion gift you received a low-rank one? As your affection with a companion increases, you'll need to use higher-rank gifts to gain more affection from them.


This. To give you a loose idea of the scales, you want level 1 gifts for 0-2000 affection, level 2 for 2000-4000, level 3 to 6000, level 4 to 8000, and level 6 to 10000.


Disclaimer: This is not exact. You will still get xp for a lot of gifts of the 'wrong' levels I listed above, but there will come a point where level 1 gifts stop giving affection, level 2 gifts too, I think.


I believe that level 1 gifts stop giving affection after 6000, and level 2 after 8000, but this is just an idea I have from watching the affection changes in game.

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Other replies have already hit the major point, but I thought I'd add a thing or two.


Firstly, there are some excellent comprehensive guides on Companion Gifts, just do a google search. Most of the good guides I find are at SWTOR-spy, but there are a few great places to find stuff like this. Like many other game mechanics, it is worth doing some research and reading to get a solid understanding, or to perform a few careful experiments and record the results.


Secondly, I have noticed a specific phenomenon with regard to companion affection and story missions, although I have not determined if it is deliberate or an oversight. It seems that story choices offer zero affection to the present companion if that companion was not available at this level of the story. Let me illustrate:


On my way up in level, I began to accrue levels faster than I finished planets, so I chose to skip generic planet stories and only finish the class story missions for the planet, then move to the next planet. Later, as I was trying to top-off the affection for my crew, I would return to a planet that still had generic story missions for me, and chose a companion whose affection was below the maximum (10k as of this writing). Let us say my that I met my companions in the order A, B, C, D, E, at levels 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 respectively. If I returned to a planet do do the level 20 missions I missed there, but used companion E (the level 30 companion), I would repeatedly get zero affection for everything because there is no coded response for a companion I could not possibly have had at that level. If I switched to one of the companions that was available at that level (A, B, or C), I would see affection gains and losses.


The bottom line is that, if you really, really care, then a bit of planning may be in order, if that's possible. In my case, I was a healer and I used a tanking companion. I didn't really have a choice about which companion to use.


Also, it is worth mentioning that companions seem to gain more affection per interaction if you meet them at a higher level, presumably to make up for the fact that they begin at zero affection and that your other companions are already well advanced.


With respect to your specific question about using a gift and getting zero affection, I have noticed (with annoyance) that some high-level missions I do will award me a gift (usually in the mail after the mission is completed), and the gift will be level 1, despite all my companions being ready for level 4 gifts because I've tried to keep pace. A level 1 gift given to a companion at the level 4 tier is utterly wasted, even if it's his very favorite category. Level 1 gifts can be purchased for credits from a vendor at the fleet. I don't bother to auction such things. I just vendor them. This is a bit confounding to me. Other missions in the game bother to offer me rewards that are appropriate for my class, why not this aspect of rewards also?


I hope this was helpful!

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