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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Is there any chace you are willing to give up how many people 1 server can hold? cause you said that in the start you wanted to make the experience engaging and lots of ppl to talk to etc etc. but i mean when i look at the /who lists in the different zones im in i've made my own poor probably inaccurate estimation of arround 2000 ppl. and for an mmo this size with this many areas, thats not very many... Im alittle neglected to use world of warcraft as an example here, as they have a 7year head start and enough income to buy a country, but their smalles server fits 6000 ppl...


I dont feel that just increasing the server ammount isnt the asnwer, cause you allso want a high ammount of players in each server in a world this big(well i do atleast)


But the simple answer might be this "Sorry the game is so new we don't have the bank roll yet to host a large enough server park" and that would be OK.


I mean Blizzards server park, back in 2009 held over 1.5PB of data and had 4600 employees keeping it stable every day.

75,000 CPU cores and a whooooole lot of energy.


Just an actual explination would be nice. cause lo and behold my clearvoyance.

Day of release and i'm placed 380 in que at 10:30 GMT time...

Edited by Delarious
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Thing is if they up the servers now then new people will come to that server till its full. And then the servers cant be upped again and then there will be more que's.

This atm is for the best that people will join servers that they can go straight to and after 1 week or 2 up it.

Or just up it with 500 every few days. So the que's will drop.

And make the waiting time correct.

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The server queues are very annoying I admit, yet I think people should keep something in mind.


This is probably the biggest MMO launch since World of Warcraft. There is no text-book for Bioware that sais "Do this and things will roll smoothly" I've had so many friends complaining about this game already, which is inherent to online gamers it would seem. This will take time for Bioware to figure out, how to get things to run smooth and without too many disruptions. I know it took Blizzard a while as well ;)


Yeah I'm annoyed when I see that queue in my screen as well, what I also know is I will give Bioware the time to get things running on a huge project like this. I mean will I join the complain crew when this isn't solved in 2 months? Yes I will, but for now let's just bare with Bioware a little and let them try and figure out how to handle this.


I'm sure they will implement realm transfers and the like fairly soon to combat the high Q's, definatly with the game going on sale now.


Cheers Bioware, enjoying the game an awfull awfull lot :)


This is a fair and balanced response, but I think what is making people mad is the lack of response from Bioware/EA. The fact is that a huge amount of folks who pre-ordered and got the shaft by getting their guild placed on an inaccessible server (4 hours queuing = BS), they feel aggrieved that their concerns are being summarily ignored and that the only thing that Bioware/EA are interested in is the colour of their money.

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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."


How to rapport it as an Insult ? :)

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Thing is if they up the servers now then new people will come to that server till its full. And then the servers cant be upped again and then there will be more que's.

This atm is for the best that people will join servers that they can go straight to and after 1 week or 2 up it.

Or just up it with 500 every few days. So the que's will drop.

And make the waiting time correct.


Oh well thats okay then lol cmon, seriously!

the hours ive spent on my toon wont matter then ill pop a toon on every server

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That would be idiotic...


Why idiotic...


I expect the poster meant, allow characters to be made by people with toons on that server already. Looking at the server list I can see 13 EU servers with light population, all the ones that are busy/full are the ones people were assigned by guild creation/EA. If biowares intention was to piss off all those that went through the guild deployment phase by then allowing masses of new accounts to create toons on those servers then they are doing a great job.


Queuing for 1 hour is in no way an advertisement, yes the game is great, but it is great to PLAY not to sit watching a queue number very slowly drop.


What I don't understand is.... don't people realise that it is much easier to create a toon and run the starter area if you haven't got 150 other characters trying to kill the manka cats for their teeth or destroy weapon crates or free captured padawans... its not rocket science


PS. if bioware were to offer a free guild transfer right now for my whole guild I would take it in an instance and off to the nice green light pop RP server

Edited by Trionus
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I agree the transfers must be implemented soon or it was a waste for ppl who pre-ordered. I want to play my char I rolled and not start a fresh everytime a server gets full and lets be honest the servers will most likely always be full during peak times.


The problem I see with allowing a free transfer to another server would be everyone with a brain will relocate and such another server is flooded within hours. This would have to be a controlled process for it to work.


I also suggest that a realistic estimated wait time is posted on the server as well since a 10 min queue has been more like 3 hrs.


What happens like in my case when your companion bugs out and you need to relog? or you have been disconnected from the server because the queue in a warfront failed. Had that error message a couple of times now and I would not like to be sat waiting for another 3hrs+ to play again. I realise there will be teething issues, but putting a realistic wait time on servers will reduce the frustration when it suggests 10-20 mins and its 5 times that wait.

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While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."




? manageable?? reasonable??

Manageable:something that can be controlled, handled and kept within boundaries

Reasonable:not when the waiting time says 10min and you wait an hour!

Edited by weetam
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just been purchased game, entered my code ready to play retail game, and guess what, my server is full and queue again is over 30mins this plain right sucks out of all the english pve servers only 2 are full mine being one of em and all the others are light, come on guys u need to sort this out things only going to get worse as more and more join them that aint preordered. This is really spoling my enjoyment of a great game
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Im in a 300 person queue at the moment on Basilisk Droid. It was full when i made a character on it but my guildies have been playing on it all the way through Early Access so i didnt want to join any other Server.


My guild is all extremely fed up with the high queue times, its causing us a ton of problems and putting off some people from playing.


To solve this issue, why not open Free Character / Guild migration from High Population to Low Population servers? Also some actual communication from Bioware / EA would be lovely, seems all we ever get is 'Yes, we know its frustrating...'

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