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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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This should have been implemented already. It's always the same story: lack of foresight. They had to know traffic would be terrible on launch day. For people to have to queue so epically long is not good advertising for the game.


The lack of communication is really upsetting too. One generic OP :(


Even though my wait time is supposed to be < 10 min, I've waited half an hour and only advanced halfway through the queue. Thank goodness it's not a big queue, or I'd have been raging. Guild Wars is a free game and I never once had to queue. The occasional lag couldn't be avoided, but it never lasted long. EA could learn something from ArenaNet, jeesh.


Here here.....this is rediculous

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The server queues are very annoying I admit, yet I think people should keep something in mind.


This is probably the biggest MMO launch since World of Warcraft. There is no text-book for Bioware that sais "Do this and things will roll smoothly" I've had so many friends complaining about this game already, which is inherent to online gamers it would seem. This will take time for Bioware to figure out, how to get things to run smooth and without too many disruptions. I know it took Blizzard a while as well ;) I for one am actually very surprised on how few bugs and errors I find in the game so far.


Yeah I'm annoyed when I see that queue in my screen as well, what I also know is I will give Bioware the time to get things running on a huge project like this. I mean will I join the complain crew when this isn't solved in 2 months? Yes I will, but for now let's just bare with Bioware a little and let them try and figure out how to handle this.


I'm sure they will implement realm transfers and the like fairly soon to combat the high Q's, definatly with the game going on sale now.


Cheers Bioware, enjoying the game an awfull awfull lot :)

Edited by Nuyi
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I pay to play !!! I have 3 servers with toons on it and thay are all full .

You need bigger servers thay stack way to fast .

Even if you get more servers this problem will persist .

Find a ballance and let players transfer there toons to new servers .

And add a searchbar while your add it !!

Edited by Sintor
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Ever since I gained early access I've had to queue to get on (EU) server...the longest I've waited is 2 hours, and the shortest 30 minutes - complete joke if you ask me especially when people like myself have forked out on the Digital Deluxe version & also subscribed. Paying customers should be able to log on to their chosen server instantly.


Server transfer is desperately needed...even though 90% of all EU servers are consistently FULL during peak/sociable hours of the day.



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I was sooo hoping they would have fixed these ques but clearly not...Release day the servers go down overnight and they do **** all? Wake up to find ques this early. Not impressed. They need to have it sorted by the time people have to pay to play because they will lose a lot of customers cos of it!


Knew i should of jammed my 'W' key lmao!

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Come on People, it will put up with these server waiting time's for the next 30 days, but as soon as i start paying for my game time, it will not be acceptable


I feel the same way. I have a fixed income and can only afford one sub to a MMO, I know 30-40 mins is trivial to what you guys in the US have had but if im paying my tenner I want in right away, perhaps 5 minutes is permissible as the exception rather than the rule, but no more. This is a great game and I want to play it over erm "that other game i play" but i dont have to Q to play that one :cool:

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free migration would be great, it's 4am EST and there's a Queue on Helm of Gruash and most pre release servers =/ not that i can play until 1pm anyway, but i'm betting there will be a queue once i get home.


let us transfer to the new servers please

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This situation is getting kind of silly now. A 300 queue for Frostclaw at this time! Can't imagine what it is going to be like at peak. Plus, once I start back to work, I don't want to get home just to find that I am in a queue for 3 hours, allowing an hour or so playtime. Please sort this Bioware, it is tainting what is otherwise an EXCELLENT game!
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The server queues are very annoying I admit, yet I think people should keep something in mind.


This is probably the biggest MMO launch since World of Warcraft. There is no text-book for Bioware that sais "Do this and things will roll smoothly" I've had so many friends complaining about this game already, which is inherent to online gamers it would seem. This will take time for Bioware to figure out, how to get things to run smooth and without too many disruptions. I know it took Blizzard a while as well ;) I for one am actually very surprised on how few bugs and errors I find in the game so far.


Yeah I'm annoyed when I see that queue in my screen as well, what I also know is I will give Bioware the time to get things running on a huge project like this. I mean will I join the complain crew when this isn't solved in 2 months? Yes I will, but for now let's just bare with Bioware a little and let them try and figure out how to handle this.


I'm sure they will implement realm transfers and the like fairly soon to combat the high Q's, definatly with the game going on sale now.


Cheers Bioware, enjoying the game an awfull awfull lot :)


If Bioware can produce a game of this quality......then surely they can produce a server of the same? its like inventing the lightbulb but having no electricity to turn it on.......I understand how huge this is ive been following this since day one, and no one says it was going to be easy but hey, thats what beta is for right?

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Congratulations you video game ****up's.

BioWare and LucasArts have produced a fantastic game for the Star Wars an MMO fans to play. However they have also managed to royally screw it up.


As many people above and below me will say "I didn't pay money to look at a progress bar".

I was horrified when I first noticed you couldn't transfer characters between servers. I knew that this was going to happen eventually and yet after all this RAGE from SW:TOR community the developers will not do anything.


BioWare. Sort your lives out. You have made a work of art that will live strong in the

memories of the fans for the years ahead.


You know how solve this problem. But you aren't takleing it correctly. More servers is good but is no use to players who have spend large amounts of time building up their characters only to not be able to play.


Give out free Guild and Player transfers to everyone. Hell make it possible to change server whenever you fell like it. But when people look upon this game we want it to be remembered like the legend it could become. Not another Brink or Duke Nukem. Transfers will safe this unstable game from itself.


Good Luck and God speed

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Hello there


European server, pve, and non english native speaker. I have no guild problems or any need to play with friends, because I started alone in the game. I can choose any european pve server, don't mind.


Five days of early was given to me; ok, let's create a character: server chosen, Red Eclipse, standard when I logged in. The next day, the population was heavy, and later population full. Long queques (between half hour and one), and because my work I only can play by nigths, I created another character, this time in server Hidden Beks. In sunday 18 both servers are with queques, more than a hour the first and at least forty minutes the second. Anyway the real waiting times were much (MUCH) higher... thus let's create another character in another server... in Dxun Battle Circle this time, with ligth population in this moment.


Day of the released, and I have about level 10 characters in 3 diferent servers, without possibility to enter in game without at least 25/45 minutes of waiting in a (Paris time) morning of a non-holyday tuesday. What will happen in the next holydays then?.


Early access was lost to me, I assumed, but BW can't blame me to insist in stay in a full server. "My" 3 servers, especially the last one, has gone to full in a single day, from light or standard. What I can do? What BW recomended? Create another and another and another character in the new created light servers and see how they reached full in a few hours?. I canceled the suscription to wait until I can see how the servers will grow, but those early days (or maybe weeks), included in the 30 days pursached with the game, are lost anyway. Very bad launch.

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1) Locking people out of servers is not an option. This way you limiting guilds from joining the same server as their friends and buds... which is what this game is all about.


2) I agree that once my game time begins I hope to see the ratio of gametime vs queuetime increase. I know this is still at launch and expect a queue... but 6+ hours is not an option.


3) The only viable solution (which worked like a charm in rift when there were population problems) is character transfers. This will help sort a number of issues involving people who tried PvP and want to go PvE instead (and vice versa)... as well as people who want to go from low pop to high pop servers and vice versa.

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Come on People, it will put up with these server waiting time's for the next 30 days, but as soon as i start paying for my game time, it will not be acceptable
I for one will not be putting up with huge queue times for a month and continue playing if you are willing to suck it for a month then you will suck it for longer than that.


What we really need is some information from BW other than "we know its frustrating" because its their game, their release and therefore the problem is their fault, sure its release day and yes I am sure we all expected log in queue's but the first month of an MMO is when so much enjoyment can be had all of the "OooOOOoooh's and AaaaAaaaaaah's" type thing huge queue times makes people think they are missing out and thus an angry reaction is understandable.

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I must admit, I have had waiting times, the longest for me was around 40 minutes.


It's not the queue I have problems with, it was to be expected. And every1 thinking setting up a server structure like this is easy, does not know what he/she is talking about. You cannot expect BW to fix something like this overnight.


But I see a lot of lightly populated servers while I am waiting. Me and my guildmates were placed on a heavily populated server, it was not our choice. I would be pleased if they let us transfer to another, for free ofc.

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7:15AM (GMT) - Join queue for Frostclaw (EU).

Est. wait time: 15mins


8:00AM (GMT) - Leave queue as I have to go to work.


Just bet a bottle of JD with a mate at work that the queue's going to be longer than 4 hours when I get home tonight = no play on launch day.


You're right, ours is already over 1000 people. Their estimate of 15 minutes for 300 people was only about 40 minutes short.


It's a joke.


It's launch day, they have a few days to sort this out. The technology exists, the onus is on them. This situation was obvious from day two of the headstart. Assigned server full when alot of our guildmates were still not even in game yet.


I won't be restarting my character on a new server. It's not a threat, but a simple fact that if this isn't corrected soon, my wife and I are subscriptions they lose - and I'm pretty forgiving. To be fair I think they lost hers anyway, I don't blame her - why tolerate this crap when she can actually go *play* a game in her free time?


Raising the caps - great, by how much? When? I can also proclaim I will do something in the future, but if it's something you're paying me for, I'd atleast be a lot less vague than that.


This situation will without a doubt be the deciding factor in not only maintaining two potentially long term customers, but also a word of mouth critique of the companies deplorable handling of the situation to friends that trust our opinion, both online and off.

Edited by Valkaern
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Yep true... 10 mins and after 50 mins im still waiting



Am now 25th in the queue and now the wait time is at least more accurate, it went up to < 15 mins. What boggles my mind is that they know a lot of players have to work, so when they get home, they like to play, not queue for up to two frigging hours or longer.


Not communicating properly, not anticipating properly...:confused: Launch day is supposed to be a happy day for all players, but it's not. I can understand if they messed up, nobody's perfect, but it would appease people if they just at least would let us know exactly what's being done to fix this. But no. Let's keep them in the dark, and pissed off. Excellent strategy.

Edited by RevansSoul
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