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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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not been able to play for 2 days.

reasons: stuck on taris. get booted. stuck in queue. get on. get booted. stuck in queue. get on. get booted. stuck on queue.. you see where i'm going with this.

anyone who says its expected/acceptable is very very wrong.

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not been able to play for 2 days.

reasons: stuck on taris. get booted. stuck in queue. get on. get booted. stuck in queue. get on. get booted. stuck on queue.. you see where i'm going with this.

anyone who says its expected/acceptable is very very wrong.


You can sell their names to local BDSM clubs, as active masochists

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not been able to play for 2 days.

reasons: stuck on taris. get booted. stuck in queue. get on. get booted. stuck in queue. get on. get booted. stuck on queue.. you see where i'm going with this.

anyone who says its expected/acceptable is very very wrong.


T h i s

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You can sell their names to local BDSM clubs, as active masochists


LMAO, ok that made me laugh hard. Hmmmm maybe this is the game log in get booted wait and log back in, rinse and continue to repeat. Winner is the one who can do this for the longest

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As far as ques go there shouldn't be any it's that simple.


To fork out the best part of £100 then to find yourself stuck in a que for several hours every night and I hear people saying daft things like oh well ce la vie. just makes me angry.


This is a GAME, its supposed to be enjoyable not lining up down the local supermarket!


I don't expect nor should anyone else that they should have to spend most of their free recreation time waiting to login!


Personally I think the whole design of the server system and the enviroment was designed by a toddler, its that bad the most fundemental design point for any MMO ands its more like a single player, multiplayer lobby, not a large SW MMO enviroment.


From how people get around to how they interact with the enviroment and spawns and missions especially where you end up having to wait long periods because several other teams are in the same mission enviroment becasue it's not instanced.


When I go out on a mission I don't want another team hindering me nor do I want to be hindering them, it's bad design and both this and the enviroment itself and the server structure needs ALOT more work.


From low populations and how that effects things like crafting or having any kind of meaningful ingame economy to provide any form of after level 50 gameplay, or the social aspect.


And not having a selection of characters that can be played on any server if the one you normally play on is full just compounds the poor deisgn.


It's nuts.

Edited by Hawk-Firestorm
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How are the people with regular jobs supposed to actually play the game?:confused:


Let's take today as an example: I arrived from work at about 6 PM and immediately logged into the queue (I was 1207th at that moment), now its 8:30 PM and I was dropped from the queue with server error 3, this means I have to rejoin the queue (now I got the 854th place in the queue, how lucky!) which will get me hopefully around 11:30 into the game. This leaves me like 15 minutes of gameplay a day if I want to get at least some sleep before getting back to work the next day.


Yeah I know it is only an early access and I should be glad for the opportunity to play the game a bit earlier but for me the game as is currently lacks the main reason for playing it in the first place - to relax after an exhausting workday. Spending 5h of my free time gazing at a queue is no fun at all. If there will be no free transfers or MASSIVE improvement in the queue times in the first month of the gameplay I definitely won't subscribe any more months for sure.


Once again - the current state of the game is NO FUN at all. Do I really expect that much from a game? To have fun?


P.S. This really makes me sad since the game is pretty awesome and the devs did a splendid job!

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If they add too many servers they will run into server imbalance later on down the road, and that is much MUCH worse then a few complaints over having to wait in line that will stop in a few weeks time.


A few complaints? this thread is like 200 pages long and still going. it moved way past a few complaints when they had to end the original thread and expand it on this one for exceeding number of posts in the first 2 hours. the best part about these long queues is i have had lots of time to level some new toons on my WoW account, which was scheduled to run out on the 20th of dec but instead of picking up my pre=ordered copy of SWTOR i will just get more time for WoW. because when you get right down to it, i will take the devil i know any day day over the one i don't:(

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A few complaints? this thread is like 200 pages long and still going. it moved way past a few complaints when they had to end the original thread and expand it on this one for exceeding number of posts in the first 2 hours. the best part about these long queues is i have had lots of time to level some new toons on my WoW account, which was scheduled to run out on the 20th of dec but instead of picking up my pre=ordered copy of SWTOR i will just get more time for WoW. because when you get right down to it, i will take the devil i know any day day over the one i don't:(


Well as palying SWTOR isnt possible due to lack of a service playing something else is the only option.

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Was 2 hours in a queue again, got an error code back to place 986....


Same issue in the same time window. Coincidence? I smell something fishy here. This game is unplayable right now (and I'm not taking the "annoyance factor" in the account - the added value:rolleyes:).

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Just adding my 2 cents.


I randomly rolled on The Harbinger. This server is always the longest queue, along with 1 other server who's name I don't pay attention to.


This has cause lots of my friends to change servers to a lower population server.


It is what it is. But just wanna say that it sucks real bad to wait an hour every time I want to play.

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A few complaints? this thread is like 200 pages long and still going. it moved way past a few complaints when they had to end the original thread and expand it on this one for exceeding number of posts in the first 2 hours. the best part about these long queues is i have had lots of time to level some new toons on my WoW account, which was scheduled to run out on the 20th of dec but instead of picking up my pre=ordered copy of SWTOR i will just get more time for WoW. because when you get right down to it, i will take the devil i know any day day over the one i don't:(



actually the thread is 348 pages long. 200 pages has been closed already and this will be closed when it hits 200.

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So far tonight, got in early, only 300 in the queue! crash to desktop after 15mins in the game, 900 in queue to get back in :( by the time i get to 300th in the queue, server error!!!! back to 900th in the queue, sigh.


Yes i could choose a different server, but as my guild has been deployed on the server why should I!


Something needs to be done about this, never had to sit in a queue for swg or lotro :(

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I just want to see it fixed. I know problems arise from launch of new servers. Just let us do free server moves. Problem solved


Other games have had the similar problems at launch, they cant claim the problem is unexpected. One game i played simply cloned the heavily used servers and then people could continue leveling on the one they wanted too.

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Yes we need chracter tranfers so the player base can spread out more evenly over the servers. That way the problem is solved instantly.


Except that there may be people that don't wish to change server, and then there will still be 1000 people waiting to get to play ..

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It is what it is. But just wanna say that it sucks real bad to wait an hour every time I want to play.


This. And now imagine how it feels to wait 2-4 hours every time you want to play which is The Legions of Lettow case-


And to the BW point of view (do not choose full servers) - by the time I was getting on LoL it was light population server. Players are obviously supposed to be seers, listen to the force and predict where they will be able to play in a week.:rolleyes:

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why should I!

it's just so much easier to whine about the problem than actually solve it yourself, right? Roll onto a different server, setup a char there. Hey, you might just make some new friends... Or, judging by the attitude, not so much.

Something needs to be done about this, never had to sit in a queue for swg or lotro :(

Neither SWG or LOTRO had any of the incoming masses that this did. Hell, LOTRO was good, for a while, but it just wasn't even close to this game.


As far as something needing to be done? They've already done at least one thing, which is to fix the cheating. This will (hopefully) force people to logoff, that is until they find another way around it.


This problem is partly EA/BW's fault, partly the fault of the people that don't want to accept that the game's not ready for them yet, and partly the fault of the people who insist on trying to defeat the logout system. There IS no easy fix for this, but they're working on it. Give them at least that much. In the mean time, follow their advice and roll to a different server temporarily. This way you get to play the game, AND it gives you a secondary character. Pretty much win/win.

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:-( Queues I posted a comment in the survey about this. And yet they fail. Why not put the servers on a lower max during early game access and limit the amount of people to it so that the server never has a longer queu then 20 mins.


Its impossible to play when you come home after work and diner and want to play for an hour because its full. I hope no one at Bioware will give the advice to "change servers"as due to the early game access you spend a serious amount of time in the game already. Plus your paying a monthly fee to keep playing it.


Please Bioware, increase server capacity but don't allow more people to go to the servers or make server transfers available. This will only get worse once the game can be bought in stores. ..... tomorrow .....

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