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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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i never have problems with the qeue it's just too darn long :p


Jup, Bioware please add option to time out logins into the game. Just put a tiny weeny timer in the game, that will log us in at the time of our choosing. Then I can queue up front instead of using TeamViewer to do so... I bet not much people can/are using TeamViewer :D

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Jup, Bioware please add option to time out logins into the game. Just put a tiny weeny timer in the game, that will log us in at the time of our choosing. Then I can queue up front instead of using TeamViewer to do so... I bet not much people can/are using TeamViewer :D


whats that teamviewer

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Simple conclusion:


A lot of ppl are Sheep beeeeeeee Sheep beeeeeeee Sheep beeeeeeeee. How can we play with you guys? lol


Thanks to these individuals or masses of "intelligent" individuals corporations will keep doing what they do (translating for "intelligent" ppl: screwing you up !!!) and it will never change.


Someone please press red button :)

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The most frustrating part is how your place is not held if you DC or exit the game.


Every MMO, as a standard, puts a 15 minute reservation on your slot. This is to cover various issues


  • Disconnecting from the game
  • Reloading the game due to an error
  • Disconnecting due to game client error
  • Reloading to update addons
  • Reloading to fix addons
  • Restarting PC for driver updates
  • and more


SWTOR from my understanding has no reservation.I've experienced some weird error when Q'ing, that after Q'ing for three hours put me at the back of the Q for another 3 hours.


I would strongly encourage EA/BW to institute this type of reservation, whether its 10 minutes or 15. It would go a long way to avoiding the major sources of frustration people experience, though it won't make the initial queues go down.


I also hope (assume) they are planning to release quite a few new servers on launch day.


I think one of the factors that was not considered thoroughly (maybe it was, but I'd still highlight it as an issue/potential issue) is the guild pre-launch system and how that impacted server populations. Even though new servers are released in waves along with the invite waves, even new people joining are going to the "old/original" servers due to their pre-launch guild. This means that even though a new server is released - a lot of people are going to the already full servers to be with their guild. Not sure how the issue could be fixed, but its something that needs to be considered, as I believe it will not get any better with the official launch - even if new servers are brought online.

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whats that teamviewer


I use TeamViewer to remotely access my PC from work to queue my server. Worked like a charm so far, but since todays patch my lag at some points in game was 63k ms (when i open crew skills window, send my companion on a mission...) so i reset my router just in case, and im back in 3h queue...

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remote desktop software. same thing as VNC or anything like that. You pipe it out to the internet through your router.


I just installed gotomypc is that the same sorta thing?? Assuming my work doesn't block it I'll be able to Q for my server just before my journey home in theory?

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I use TeamViewer to remotely access my PC from work to queue my server. Worked like a charm so far, but since todays patch my lag at some points in game was 63k ms (when i open crew skills window, send my companion on a mission...) so i reset my router just in case, and im back in 3h queue...


very nice i'd rather wait aint a pc genius here so i'm a good boy and dont play with fire :p

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4th day with 400+ people in q when I come home from work.. !!! this is disgusting the patch and maintenance did not implement any of the options we have discussed in the last 3-4 days on how to fix this issue. !! I'm really feeling let down by this launch .. horrible horrible... the game is .. SO amazing, but if I can't play it yet I have to pay what is the point?


PLEASE DO SOMETHING NOW to fix this issue, go over the 6 step program we have pretty much all agreed to in the official post about this issue "queue is growing, growing" from 4 days ago and implement those fixes TONIGHT.

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4th day with 400+ people in q when I come home from work.. !!! this is disgusting the patch and maintenance did not implement any of the options we have discussed in the last 3-4 days on how to fix this issue. !! I'm really feeling let down by this launch .. horrible horrible... the game is .. SO amazing, but if I can't play it yet I have to pay what is the point?


PLEASE DO SOMETHING NOW to fix this issue, go over the 6 step program we have pretty much all agreed to in the official post about this issue "queue is growing, growing" from 4 days ago and implement those fixes TONIGHT.[/quote


dont think they will do it now it's after working hours :p

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I would strongly encourage EA/BW to institute this type of reservation, whether its 10 minutes or 15. It would go a long way to avoiding the major sources of frustration people experience, though it won't make the initial queues go down.




Last night my girlfriend and I were waiting for a buddy to get off work so we could all play together. He comes over and we wait in queue for 1.5-2 hours....5 minutes after we get on he has a connection issue and gets logged out. He was back online within 2 minutes so we were hoping he would be able to immediately log back on but instead he was number 950ish in line again. Needless to say it pretty much ruined our plans for the night and we just decided not to play rather than wait another 2 hours.

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Ive been playing mmo's since they came upp with the genre and ive seen companies really mess upp the launch. I did however expect to see Bioware really pull this off, im truly disappointed that they couldnt even make it past the third day of early access before the servers went 1h+. However you at BioWare calculated, be it optimism or greed, you failed!


But! ive also seen alot of companies make an effort to compensate in time by adding servers, upgrading hardware and adding character transfers. As most players understand they cant dedicate time and hardware for hundreds of thousands of unique transfers nor can they just pump in new servers that will be deserted just after a few weeks.


Im pretty sure we wont see alot of oversized queues in the future and i hope theese problems are related to population tactics and nothing else.

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I think they really should try to solve that queue issue since the whole issue is self-reinforcing... you get a long queue... so a person won't log off and just auto run into a wall or something for half a day while he's away... so many people start doing that, and suddenly you get an active server population that is much larger than the amount of people actually trying to play the game (as in being present at your keyboard) which with limited slots of people on a server mean longer queues... in the end if you don't solve the problem fast it'll get worse and worse with more and more people just trying to stay in-game without playing so they don't have to queue for 1hour after which leads to bigger queues and more people not logging off for fear of queues.


So honestly, try to fix the queues by increasing the server capacity and if there are some "ghost realms" in the end with barely any people playing try and enable free server transfers or server merges. It's not ideal but much better than what you're facing right now!

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In case anyone was wondering, people keep saying we're playing for free because we are. You don't need to actually purchase the game to play Early Access, you just need to have pre-ordered. If you did so on July 21st, entered your code and then cancelled a week later, or a month later or what not you still got in on the 13th and you can still play till the 22nd. That would be playing for free. If you didn't do this then you're paying for the game, not for early access.


I know someone's going to bring up the $5 but not everywhere charges for that and most places you can get it back easily or with a little more difficulty if you're forceful.


Just tired of hearing the arguments on if we're playing free during EGA or not.

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I think I'm going to buy one of those bobbing birds thing to hit a key on my keyboard to keep me logged in. I haven't had the worst que's but i have hit the 1.5 hour marker once or twice. Good thing I can vpn into my home pc and pre-log my account in so i can play by the time i get home from work :D
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I think they really should try to solve that queue issue since the whole issue is self-reinforcing... you get a long queue... so a person won't log off and just auto run into a wall or something for half a day while he's away... so many people start doing that, and suddenly you get an active server population that is much larger than the amount of people actually trying to play the game (as in being present at your keyboard) which with limited slots of people on a server mean longer queues... in the end if you don't solve the problem fast it'll get worse and worse with more and more people just trying to stay in-game without playing so they don't have to queue for 1hour after which leads to bigger queues and more people not logging off for fear of queues.


So honestly, try to fix the queues by increasing the server capacity and if there are some "ghost realms" in the end with barely any people playing try and enable free server transfers or server merges. It's not ideal but much better than what you're facing right now!


Auto run into wall has been fixed it doesnt work after 20 mins your char will get booted

i know i timed it last night

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Once again I got disconnected from the game (cable got unplugged) i quickly putted it backin, and tadaa Position in queue to Legions of Lettow: 900


Im sure my group for Mandalorian Raiders are pleased, now they have to spend another hour finding a new tank.


Doubt they are standing around waiting for me to get back ingame, which will take roughly 2 hours with the current speed.


Pay to play?


nope im subscripted to queuing...

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I think I'm going to buy one of those bobbing birds thing to hit a key on my keyboard to keep me logged in. I haven't had the worst que's but i have hit the 1.5 hour marker once or twice. Good thing I can vpn into my home pc and pre-log my account in so i can play by the time i get home from work :D


this is not exit=))

qs it`s terrible=)

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you get a long queue... so a person won't log off and just auto run into a wall or something for half a day while he's away...



I've been guilty of this because the server I'm on has had queues of 5+hrs. I also use a remote client to get myself queued up before I get off work.


Of course this method has resulted in me dying before because you can't just run into a wall anymore. You need other keystrokes plus being on a PVP server **** happens

Edited by jdubcsu
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