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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Yeah I was tolerant of queues at first but they're getting longer and longer, and the client seems especially prone to errors while in queue. Basically if you d/c once, you're done for the rest of the day unless you luck out and get back in on grace period. And god help you if your computer has an error and you have to restart.


I'm liking the game, I'm pleasantly surprised by how good it is, but ffs find a solution to these queues, they WILL make serious grouping an impossibility.

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The Ques are unacceptable...you need to expend the servers...guys on the pre release I didn't mind but now...the game itself is amazing...but I don't have endless hours of playtime...waiting 15 mins is acceptable but AN HOUR+? even ehard of hours.. this is ridiculous it's not woth 15$ a month if it's like that. I just wont play any MMOs at all...
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It's a big deal to me. Shouldn't somthing be learned from past MMO mistakes?


But I do agree with you - if this isn't fixed by the end of my free month, I'd be loony to waste any more of my time and money on this.


180 more to in this que =(


I'm just bored.

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Ya I'm frustrated too... It's been 24 hours they WILL have it fixed otherwise heads will roll.


The game is not even 24 hours old for crying out loud. If you thought there were not going to be queues you are either naive or crazy. Can we get through the first month and let things settle down before we start raging over queue times? Or better yet the first week.

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the game is not even 24 hours old for crying out loud. If you thought there were not going to be queues you are either naive or crazy. Can we get through the first month and let things settle down before we start raging over queue times? Or better yet the first week.



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It amazes me when people have the "it will sort itself out" attitude. If you bought a tv that took a random ammount of time between instantly and 5 hours before it came on so you could watch it would you just sit back and say "dont worry, it will come on eventually"
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An hour queue to play at nearly 10 o'clock at night on a weekday on an East Coast server? Give me a freakin' break.


Turn up the server thresholds or start making solutions. Adding more servers didn't do a damn thing when these servers are all overfilled from EGA.


I just can't get over how poorly this has been handled. It was easy to gather numbers and overshoot that to make sure this didn't happen, but that was apparently ignored. Same thing happened during Rift launch and drove off thousands of players. You'd think after Blizzard ran into this issue with WoW, other MMO publishers would be ready for it.

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If a GM or developer thinks this is not a problem, then it's definitely a problem.


I know it's a problem. But an understandable problem that will be delt with. True, they should have planned better but I'll bet people have been working the past 24 hours strait or more to fix it. Give it a little time... just a little.

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The game is not even 24 hours old for crying out loud. If you thought there were not going to be queues you are either naive or crazy. Can we get through the first month and let things settle down before we start raging over queue times? Or better yet the first week.


Please take time to research what you are talking about before posting, People have been playing for a week before general release and this problem has been here for days. In a few days guess what, thousands more will be flooding these servers...

Edited by phOny
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And noone wants to camp for an hour or two - since there will be huge queue, so you stay on, and move character a bit here and there not to get disconnected... Which then makes problem worst overall...


Queues are not the right solution, they are just cheap workaround.

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Between full time work, School, Wife, kids, and other responsibilities, my free time in very limited. I hoped to play this fine game, but nooooooooo.



Whats funny is the people defending and claiming our posts are "pathetic" are the same people who have NO RESPONSIBILITIES.


No more like a little thing called patience. \\ The game just launched today for crying out loud. Nothing is going to be perfect.

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People are talking as if these problems cannot be avoided, They knew how many pre-orders they had. Not every game has to have problems at launch... If companies do their research and invest in hardware and manpower this situation can be avoided.
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I know it's a problem. But an understandable problem that will be delt with. True, they should have planned better but I'll bet people have been working the past 24 hours strait or more to fix it. Give it a little time... just a little.


I've just received a phone call. They have seven days.

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The game is not even 24 hours old for crying out loud. If you thought there were not going to be queues you are either naive or crazy. Can we get through the first month and let things settle down before we start raging over queue times? Or better yet the first week.


this problem has been going on since the 13th. it is just getting worse.


sure, i'll wait a month. right after they give me an extra 30 days of free playtime.


i have 3 days grace period before i need to input my cd key. if i can't get a refund through origin (i probably can't), i'll just have amex do a chargeback. love american express :)

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I'm totally amazed by the lack of logic being displayed by most of the complainers.


Read this and understand: adding new servers will not help.


There are plenty of light and standard load servers right now. People aren't willing to go to them. Adding new servers will just create more servers that people won't move to.


The only legitimate beef is with RP-PVP servers. They could use one more of those per zone. But otherwise, it's a waste of time and money.

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No more like a little thing called patience. \\ The game just launched today for crying out loud. Nothing is going to be perfect.


NO IT DIDNT. It went on general release today, People who pre-orded have been playing for a week and these problems have been here for days.

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