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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Sorry didn't have time to read all 306 pages!


Server queue? Deal with it. Do people honestly have nothing else to do with their free time but to sit and wait for a queue?


Yes you are a paying customer, yes you are entitle to play the game you paid for. Yes the server queue is a known problem. IS LAUNCH DAY.


Relax, go find something else to do and let things die out, this isn't really that big of an issue to be worth 300+ pages!!


You must not have had early access! LOL ive rerolled 2 time because of server queues dont really want to do it again i want to play my high lvl characters if i dont get to cause of server queues being an hour long where there are a lot of empty servers out there cause BW was retarded and didnt put more servers in for early access then what was the point in early access? I wouldnt be mad if all servers were at least heavy but wow there are a ton that are virtually empty because they just added them. the load isnt spread right. should have release all servers at once made the population cap[ small and release day raise the population cap which is what everyone thought they were gonna do but they didnt raise the population cap the servers that were full for early release are still full now.

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And in what way does this mean that they haven't screwed up? Free character transfers from full servers would instantly solve the problem, and just because other launches have been screwy does in no way what so ever excuse Bioware from doing the same.


Two wrongs still don't make a right.


They can't snap their fingers and have server transfers, if they have actually considered that to be a solution, it would take a while to implement.

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- I understand there should be expected growing pains for any new launch and in time this issue will be resolved either by people quitting the game or though technical/management.


I hope the queue issue is the top issue to be reviewed and solved.


Let me break it down for you fine folks in middle management as I have nothing else to do while I wait.


-A product has been sold with certain expectations and promises. Though you may think all the people who play this game have set aside 8 hours of their day to play, you are wrong. Most people want to log in for a few hours and get through a mission or hit a level before work or dinner or putting the kids to bed or about a thousand other demands on their time. A two hour queue pretty much robs any chance for most people to play the game in the time frame they have set aside for entertainment.


If you can not deliver promised goods to your paying customers then you the seller of those goods should be held accountable for the delivery failure and either

(A) offer alternative options such as free server moves or

(B) offer compensation to the customer such as a free month to demonstrate good faith to the people who have willing given you their money.


I could go on, but whats the point no one from SWToR will read it anyway.. cheers.




As has been pointed out before there are plenty of light servers that you can do this on. If you want to stick with a high population server that's your fault.


People have joked about how their /queue time is longer than their /played time and that just highlights how ridiculous their refusal to move without a transfer is.

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The Q times are ridiculous, and it's one of very few things I despise about this game. When friends ask me of my opinion of SWTOR I'll say, "It's an awesome game, but the Q times to log in are a giant P.I.T.A.!" That might be okay with the company, but it's not okay for me as a customer.


I'd love an optional free character transfer the moment anyone's server ever hits 15 min Q or more.

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For those who said other MMO were like this...


To name a few, on launch day, it was not like THIS bad...


WoW, EVEN UO (you can play, just lag), DAOC, AO, AC, COH, DCUO, STO, and many more.


True some of these games may have less populations but they also have less servers.


Is it really SO HARD to do when you clearly knew that certain servers were already over loaded and new accounts should not be allowed to be created in those server for a few days?


I mean if you do not have the right staff to handle the "cut-off day" management, at least learn from the amusement park or disney... this line is too long, close it, open another line of use your FAST PASS.


While I will not quit over this issue, some will. Losing business because of this issue is just plain silly. :p

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- I understand there should be expected growing pains for any new launch and in time this issue will be resolved either by people quitting the game or though technical/management.


I hope the queue issue is the top issue to be reviewed and solved.


Let me break it down for you fine folks in middle management as I have nothing else to do while I wait.


-A product has been sold with certain expectations and promises. Though you may think all the people who play this game have set aside 8 hours of their day to play, you are wrong. Most people want to log in for a few hours and get through a mission or hit a level before work or dinner or putting the kids to bed or about a thousand other demands on their time. A two hour queue pretty much robs any chance for most people to play the game in the time frame they have set aside for entertainment.


If you can not deliver promised goods to your paying customers then you the seller of those goods should be held accountable for the delivery failure and either

(A) offer alternative options such as free server moves or

(B) offer compensation to the customer such as a free month to demonstrate good faith to the people who have willing given you their money.


I could go on, but whats the point no one from SWToR will read it anyway.. cheers.




THIS in spades!!!

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And what do you think they are doing right now? Not working on the problem? Do you think they can magically provision new hardware out of thin air? Learn patience if you ever hope to make it through life.


trust me they got the hardware.... like i said dont talk if you have NO CLUE.

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You must not have had early access! LOL ive rerolled 2 time because of server queues dont really want to do it again i want to play my high lvl characters if i dont get to cause of server queues being an hour long where there are a lot of empty servers out there cause BW was retarded and didnt put more servers in for early access then what was the point in early access? I wouldnt be mad if all servers were at least heavy but wow there are a ton that are virtually empty because they just added them. the load isnt spread right. should have release all servers at once made the population cap[ small and release day raise the population cap which is what everyone thought they were gonna do but they didnt raise the population cap the servers that were full for early release are still full now.


WRONG. Early access 2nd wave. But guess what, there was a queue too during that period LOL....

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Hmmm! I'm extremely disappointed in Bioware and this launch. I'm a long time gamer. Been playing MMO's for about a decade and everything else in between. I have grown and have a family and only have a certain amount of time to play. The Q seems to take most of that time away if not all. I've played many Bioware games and they have been great til now. Your in a different type of game now (MMO). Since I'm on vacation for the holidays I figured I would get some gaming in. Boy was I wrong.


As far as gameplay til now (lvl 14), eh. Some cool things but same ole. Kill 4 of those get 3 of these. Like the storyline and look forward to many upcoming features.


Well I hope they figure something out quick. I don't even want to think about Q time once all the Christmas presents are opened and millions more try to log on.

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Besides, two things would go a long way, and should have been done a loooong time ago:


- have REAL estimated time waits. Not display 1h25 minutes when 99% of the players who got in the queue know it's gonna be 3 hours. If the goal is to have players go to other servers, why those bulsht times?


- acknowledge the issue officially, not a retarded tweet (queues means we got a lot of you to pay, deal with it).

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Another day another queue currently number 525.


I'll echo what I said yesterday it's better to have people playing and complaining about a low pop server, than having people wait 40 mins to play the game.


And as I type that I suddenly pop right into the server...It appears the queue issue for the time being has been resolved. But we'll have to see what happens during peak hours this weekend.

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I play on the Lord Praven server and have since Early access began, and am wondering if you will bump up the access for this server? While I am grateful to see the additions of other servers, waiting over 30 minutes to play and seeing all of the other servers open is a bit frustrating.


Granted I realize the game offically opens today, but will someone please consider those of us who have been playing through Beta and early access and consider raising those server capcities, before adding others. I have toons that I have put a lot of work into and don't want to have to wait over 30 minutes to play each time I log on.

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They can't snap their fingers and have server transfers, if they have actually considered that to be a solution, it would take a while to implement.


when they had that issue with all the characters on that one server being stuck what did they do transfer everyone so they have the system just need to put it to use!

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Dear Bioware,


Please use your powers of reason and common sense about the server queues.



Half the servers are empty, all the pre-launch servers have been allowed to be accessed for launch day. This is causing UNREASONABLE queue's....


Disable NEW ACCOUNTS from accessing pre-launch servers. It is simple enough to do, so do it. Ensure the player base is EQUALLY distributed among the servers.... I believe you actually COMMITTED to doing so months ago.... was that not the reason for the "staged" Early access we had?


To ensure this did not happen on launch day.... Guess what your plan = fail if you don't support it all the way....


I have no issue with a queue due to the servers all being busy, but when over half are green still... You did not implement this situation well at all.

Edited by Argax
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trust me they got the hardware.... like i said dont talk if you have NO CLUE.


Then if they have this hardware sitting there, what do you propose they are doing? Taking afternoon tea and ignoring the problems at hand? Don't presume to know what clue I do or do not have. You would be quite surprised.

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That's not a good solution. I have friends coming into the game now and we'd like to be able to play together -- I've been playing since the third wave of early start and am on one of the oldest servers. Why should I be separated from my friends? Should I be punished for starting early? Should I abandon my progress and have to start over? Defeats the whole purpose of an early start.


that is why there was a time for your friends to sign up for the same guild you are in so they will be able to start in that server.


issue solved.


If you tell me, oh but we are just friends and do not want to form a guild of your own buddy, then consider sacrifice to restart for your friends.


it is not your fault though, it is bioware. they should have thought of this and stated that part of the reason of the prelaunch guild assignment is to avoid issues such as this we are facing and complaining about.

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All is already said, but i have to say it for myself:

The ques are not acceptable, not even for a new game, not even near acceptable.


15 minutes is acceptable, not a minute more. Now it is atleast 2 hours of queing time on my server, and for you that wounders, no i did not choose it myself. My guild was autoplaced there.


If this not get fixed, i will not pay ör play this game.


Blizzard can mange it, Bioware should to.


/ A VERY unsatisfied customer. :mad:

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As has been pointed out before there are plenty of light servers that you can do this on. If you want to stick with a high population server that's your fault.


People have joked about how their /queue time is longer than their /played time and that just highlights how ridiculous their refusal to move without a transfer is.


So you should just abandon your early start progress because Bioware didn't plan well? That's a ridiculous argument.

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