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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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To the people working on the issue, thank you for your efforts. However, adding new servers will not alleviate current servers' population issues. Some of us have 20+ characters we've made since early launch, and will not abandon their progress. There are only two possible solutions to the problem. Increase the server population maximum, or allow a 1-time free character transfer to your choice of any of the new servers which you have opened to help out with the problem. I pray this post makes it to developers' eyes and that they take the advice. This is not just an inconvenience, this is a critical problem that will cause many people to quit the game over. I myself am not one of them...I love this game and will do whatever it takes and be patient...just saying I know many who are not. Thank you for your time.
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It worked fine in the pre-launch. Why would they never consider to CLOSE the server to new comer for a few days during launch day to avoid this issue?


It is not like a surprise. they knew how many created toons in the servers, they knew some servers were already in HIGH populations or in Queue already. Why would they allow new players to create toons in the over crowded servers?!!!


May the Force help all of us. :(

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It must suck to spend millions building this game to screw it up on the Queue.


Someone failed hard at the end of an almost perfect launch :(


They havent screwd anything up, you obviously dont have a lot of video game experiance to realize this is common with launches, especially big mmos.

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lol you guys need to calm down, yeah were waiting to get into servers, but the game JUST came out and this is probably one of the Biggest gaming communities in history. give it a while and Bioware and EA will have the servers up an running fine. This is how it was with EAs Battlefront servers as well, couple weeks later no qeuse and everyone is happy.


I would agree with you during the beta, or even in the EGA phase, but... man, I have paid for a service that I am not getting, so I get nervous, specially because I don't have so much time to play, so I need to carefully look after my time.


SWTOR release was delayed to make sure they have a really finished product. What's your feedback?


And no, please, don't be a fanboy, you have to be able to think by yourself and make your own ideas. Forget this is a game. Think of it as a produt. You are buying something that you can't use. You are paying for incredibly long queues. However, the game looks really good so far.


Now, Bioware and EA are in hurry to fix this asap, or else... guess what will happen? Personally I can't spend 3-4 hours in a queue, because I have 2 hours to play, so I will quit for sure if this is not fixed within the next 2-3 weeks

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This launch is no different than WoW or many other MMO's I have played. It is difficult to 100% predict player population on launch day.


I was playing WOW on launch day and we never had any queue's what so ever.. We had queue's in later expansion releases, but never on the first day.. there were some server stability issues, but the game was extremely playable for day #1...

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Joined: Nov 2011


Today , 09:53 AM


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You folks better step in an start offering to move people to light servers. Some folks have limited play time and will just quit the game over mismanagement like this. In your looking to have people around to play with you were blind to the fact of waiting no one likes it. So just please start offering to move people or guilds to a light server NOW not later before u kill the game for some before it gets started. be proactive not reactive.


Well said!!

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People saying older mmo`s was just as same at launch ,




They are not those other companies. Do they have insider information into the infrastructure and user numbers those companies do? How do you expect them to know those specifics? Why does everyone here act like BioWare is doing nothing to fix the problem. Do you all assume they are currently sitting around drinking the bubbly and planning their Christmas vacation?

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It worked fine in the pre-launch. Why would they never consider to CLOSE the server to new comer for a few days during launch day to avoid this issue?


It is not like a surprise. they knew how many created toons in the servers, they knew some servers were already in HIGH populations or in Queue already. Why would they allow new players to create toons in the over crowded servers?!!!


May the Force help all of us. :(


because if they closed the servers then friends who werent in the pre-launch wouldnt be able to play with their friends that were in that server durring it.

Edited by Levon
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I was playing WOW on launch day and we never had any queue's what so ever.. We had queue's in later expansion releases, but never on the first day.. there were some server stability issues, but the game was extremely playable for day #1...


There were queues, you just happened to play on the server that was not full.

Edited by Jaku
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sitting in a nice que again, you figure the 101 pages of people saying expand the limits or offer free server transfer would get through some where. Im not trying to make a demand im just trying to get use of the 150 of my hard earned dollars I could barely afford to give away for a game that I have had my eyes set on since it was a spec in biowares eye. =-*( please please please do something to fix these que times!
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I have been waiting 45 min so far at 9 am what will it be like at 5 pm tonight. At this point i think people are keeping there toons in the game even when they are not playing. yes there are was you can do that without going linkdead. Bioware response to me sounded like "yes we know there are lines to get in, we will let it work itself out. New servers doesn't help with lines unless people leave one server and move to another.
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People saying older mmo`s was just as same at launch ,





You would think so. They keep comparing a 2011 launch to WoW which launched in 2004.


Seven years of standing still I guess...

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Sorry didn't have time to read all 306 pages!


Server queue? Deal with it. Do people honestly have nothing else to do with their free time but to sit and wait for a queue?


Yes you are a paying customer, yes you are entitle to play the game you paid for. Yes the server queue is a known problem. IS LAUNCH DAY.


Relax, go find something else to do and let things die out, this isn't really that big of an issue to be worth 300+ pages!!

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I find it sad people are willing to accept poor service for something they have paid for. To many people are happy to pay their money to wait in a line. I for one will not be one of them, until the queue issue is fixed I will not be starting a subscription.


The only way to get a company to act on concerns we have is to vote with your wallet. when you start impacting their quarterly statements they will take things seriously.

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Sorry didn't have time to read all 306 pages!


Server queue? Deal with it. Do people honestly have nothing else to do with their free time but to sit and wait for a queue?


Yes you are a paying customer, yes you are entitle to play the game you paid for. Yes the server queue is a known problem. IS LAUNCH DAY.


Relax, go find something else to do and let things die out, this isn't really that big of an issue to be worth 300+ pages!!


That's what I will do for the next 30 days, then I won't pay the subscription. Welcome to a new fiasco like Conan ?

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Fack im not gonna read 100 + pages...


its freaking simple its always been simple !




The longer u wait the more it will costs ya.


If it doesnt get fixed within the "free" game time we got by buying the game im gone very simple.

Edited by Crysicko
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I have been waiting 45 min so far at 9 am what will it be like at 5 pm tonight. At this point i think people are keeping there toons in the game even when they are not playing. yes there are was you can do that without going linkdead. Bioware response to me sounded like "yes we know there are lines to get in, we will let it work itself out. New servers doesn't help with lines unless people leave one server and move to another.


Yea that's what I'm wondering. I understand a que at 5:00pm but 9:00am serously?

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