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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Bioware did a TERRIBLE job of estimating the number of servers needed, as evidenced by the number of servers they have added since early access began. If most of these servers had been added pre-early access and the guilds distributed across them, there would be much less of a problem.


A queue of 30 min on my East Coast server at 10:00 am EST on a work day. I am guessing it will be 2 hours plus at prime time.


Yes, 'suck it up an re-roll on a different server' is saying 'abandon the guild that you have been in pre-launch for months'. What an option......

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You people really are thick aren't you? Guess you've been spoiled all your life or something.




You're also overlooking the multitude of posts where people have suggested different alternatives to combat this.


As well as the fact, given the stress-testing and EGA access queues, that Bioware should have been prepared for this.


And now there is stony silence from them other than platitudes. It would be nice if they could simply acknowledge concerns and explain how and when they will address them.


That would pacify most people. It's when they are kept in the dark but expected to shut up and be good little consumers and pay the money that you see QQ RAGE.

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The whole launch and early head start has been a shambles. Bioware/EA have done the impossible and fragged up the launch of, potentially, the biggest selling MMO ever. Genius. Pure, unadulterated genius.


I get home from work and log into Bloodworthy and I am 869 in the queue. That's approx 4 hours before I get into the game I'm f@&%£*g well paying to play. We as a guild did not choose Bloodworthy, we were dumped there. Our reward for our enthusiasm and pre-order is to be told "Tough s*&t - don't like it re-roll elsewhere". Well a few of us did just that and now those servers are just as useless, with queues that are measured in hours not minutes. GG

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I think the real problem was the ditribution of the population during the pre-early access.


I remember all the servers FULL, probably because their availability was at a low-rate.


But now, after the official launch of the game, we have some of the old servers full and others new completely empty.


As I wrote in another post, just try to move for free in a new server. It could be an opportunity offered to the customers with the early game option to not lose what has been done until now and it could solve the queue.

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Euhhhh ??? CAuse you're guild has been assign to a server by BioWare ???


Why would I quit my guild just to play...


I'm so so so sick of hearing this "Bioware Placed my guild" argument. If you don't like it move. They tried to make it convient for you, given that yesterday all the servers were full it wouldn't have been any different. Bioware isn't forcing you to stay on that server so if you don't want to deal with the queue times talk to your guild master and move the guild.

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Like a I posted in another thread, just stay logged in all the time, and hope you do not get a network drop out, or crash. Thats what I am going to start doing.


You get auto logged out after a while. You need some sort of ping program to keep your character active some way.

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Im hope your joking and your not fully braindead.


Coming home from work. Waiting 3 hours to log in, play 5 mins, logging, going to bed. I will not pay for this service. So there will be one person less in the queue at friday.


And i know i could login at night running a macro keeping me on like most will do in future but this will not solve the problem


First of all it is you're not your. That tip is for free and calls me braindead lol


Queues will happen in nearly every game launch. If everyone tries to go to the same server *** did you think would happen?


It is good that half the servers are full right now. It will hopefully spread out the population and then in a few weeks they can raise the population caps and fix the queue.


Go play an alt on a light server, or keep complaining or just quit the game.

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The Solution is so freaking easy, i just don't know BIOWARE doesnt do it.




that way we can quest without getting robbed and people will still complaining about playing on severs that has nobody.

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Great.... i understand, that u have issues with queues, that there is too many ppl want to log in, but what i dont understand is, that i join game - 422 queue - waiting like 1 hour - finally in game - crushed after couple of minutes - loging in again in 2 min - 953 queue.....


This is just right, not!!!


I dont bought this game for waiting in queue, especially if iam playing on server you put me on.....


Its like eastern promises than anything else..... all the time the same but nothing happend so far....

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I'm so so so sick of hearing this "Bioware Placed my guild" argument. If you don't like it move. They tried to make it convient for you, given that yesterday all the servers were full it wouldn't have been any different. Bioware isn't forcing you to stay on that server so if you don't want to deal with the queue times talk to your guild master and move the guild.


Get a grip.


Bioware decided to try and guarantee sales by offering guilds preferential server placement. They made a huge deal of guild phases etc.


Then, once people have paid their money, they get ignored. You can't blame people in the guilds for where they were assigned.


It's BS.

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I'm so so so sick of hearing this "Bioware Placed my guild" argument. If you don't like it move. They tried to make it convient for you, given that yesterday all the servers were full it wouldn't have been any different. Bioware isn't forcing you to stay on that server so if you don't want to deal with the queue times talk to your guild master and move the guild.


all i take from your posts is that:


1. you have no friends or guild

2. you did not pay extra $$ for early access

3. you're very angry



Telling people to "suck it up" and "reroll if you don't like it" after they've put 3-4 days into their characters is pretty selfish.


In addition, my point #1 HAS to be true because if you have had any social interaction at all, you'd realize what a horrible problem/pain it is to move guilds to a new server, even if they're small, let alone large 300+ member guilds.

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The queues aren't even the annoying part for me; some queues are to be expected from a launch this big, but when I have to queue again and again because of a disconnect/crash/whatever then that really takes the biscuit.


And why is there such a disparity in server populations? A considerable amount of "Light" servers are still available, why are new people still being allowed in to the full servers?

Edited by Zomgorg
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Server queues are beyond acceptable at this point. BW had a stranglehold on the EGA. Trickling in people based on when they registered (Which was not disseminated on day 1). Pre assigning guilds to spread it out. All in the hopes of having the smoothest launch in MMO history. The server queue timer is a balls out lie too, add at least 50% of the time into its calculation.


Let’s talk about bugged resource nodes o’plenty, no guild bank, an immovable UI. For a game that was plagued with delays it’s not as polished as some have made it out to be and missing standard features for an MMO


You can’t contact support because you either get the faux English announcement about they are only taking calls about Security Question Answers (I have an issue with it that I can’t get resolved either) and then the message and call ends. Or you get the British guy saying everybody’s too busy to answer the phone.


You’ve artificially lowered population caps or concurrent users too far. Or you shouldn’t have prestaged so many guilds on the servers.

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There are over 46 US servers right now with light population. People could roll on one of these but they'd rather complain about how they don't want to have to replay stuff when the reality is that they could be past where they are now if they don't wait for Bioware.


You've played before, you know the story, you know the quests, spacebar through and it'll take you a fraction of the time.


Well, for those of us with many friends/guildies with us on the server, who each have several characters , and we're far beyond lvl 10. This is not happening. You re-roll.

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You people really are thick aren't you? Guess you've been spoiled all your life or something. Couple things....

Use some Netiquette.....


The queue was by design to help control population on servers prior to launch. While I've experienced the queue pain myself (longest wait 2 hours +) I don't see a need to cry about it. What I think should be a good idea is to offer suggestions on how to fix it and QQ!!!!!!!


For example, I think there should be an open character transfer system in place for the first month of launch so we can all get situated on less populated servers and get grouped up with people we want to play with.

As for the guilds, are you seriously married to your guild name so much that you think that guild name will exist on another server? So say they enable character transfers, you going to further cry because your guild name and artifacts will take that much longer to transfer? Perhaps emailing the support team might be required.


Such negativity on this thread, pretty sad really.



Game launched 10 hours ago. I've tried to login 8 hours ago, 2h post launch. All old servers were full/very heavy. All new servers were light.

24h earlier, all avaible servers were light.

- Conclusion: Same amount of pre-launch players been playing today and yesterday, since there was absolutely no change for them. Still weekday.

So light -> full loads came in 2 hours after launch. And interestingly enought, only on old servers?


No, there aren't more players playing on old servers, it's just that population limits have been decreased instead of increasing them. Way to force new people to play on new servers. Also, way to force all people to play on new servers, or don't play at all.

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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and
constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable.


Jeff, saying 10 minute wait time, and it's going on 45 mins is NOT Manageable or Reasonable.


1. I can't properly manage a time that is constantly increasing or giving inaccurate information.


2. It's unreasonable for a player to wait 45 minutes to play a game.


3. I am gone if this continues past the 30 day free trial period. No reason to be paying for a game if your going to be sitting in a lobby for 45 minutes. Sometimes all I have is a hour to play in a day.

Edited by Darth__Carnal
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Just finished waiting in the queue only to get disconnected from the server on the character selection screen. I immediately double clicked on the server only to be put back at the beginning of the queue...


There really needs to be a grace period after being disconnected or receiving a server error. It's extremely frustrating to have this happen.

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Originaly posted by a CS rep

"Hello everyone,


We know that the game queues are an important topic and in order to keep the discussion together we ask that everyone use this thread where an official statement has been made. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in this ongoing conversation. We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on there!"


What is actually meant is:-


"Hello everyone,


We know that the game queues are an important topic that we are not planning on doing much at the moment and in order to keep the discussion hidden as far away as possible we ask that everyone use this thread where an official statement that gives no answers has been made. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in this ongoing conversation without making too much of an issue that might put off potential subscribers. We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on there, like it will make a difference!"


I guess this will disappear pretty fast.......... :D


Amazingly the thread lasted nearly fifteen minutes until it was closed, nice to see a CS rep (forum mod etc...) so prompt and effective. :rolleyes:


It's a shame they do not have the resources to reply to the community as a whole what they plan to do......


the real problem of the queue is that we pay for subscription time to play SWTOR, not be in queue to logg.

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