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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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So screw all your friends who have not yet started playing yet? No one will ever be able to come join that server and play with you. They can't play on your server. Yes, this is what Bioware will do to solve this.


Well it could be difficult since everyone knows someone. Following your argumentation we would all end up on one realy big server and thats not going to happen.


Sureley BW cant please everyone, but they could at least try to please most of us.

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This is what I don't understand either - why the hell are there only 2 Coruscant's if there is a 90+min wait to log in?!


BIOWARE KNEW the pre-order numbers and they KNEW the number of people they were expecting. THEY filled the servers, not us. THEY assigned guilds, not us. This is 100% a complete failure on Bioware at this point. I LOVE the game...but I wont wait indefinitely for a fix to this.



I agree. I thought the entire point to the guild pre-launch gyrations was to ensure population control. This goal has not been achieved. Clearly.


Queues on a Tuesday morning?! Really?

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So screw all your friends who have not yet started playing yet? No one will ever be able to come join that server and play with you. They can't play on your server. Yes, this is what Bioware will do to solve this.


You have to screw someone in the end. You can either screw some or all. It's called a necessary evil. They already failed. It's just a matter of damage control now and making the fail a little less epic. There was an idea mentioned before, that I actually loved, that server access to the overcrowded servers should be restricted to:


1. People, who were assigned to them during the guild deployment period.

2. People, who were invited by someone on that server.


Friends and guildies unscrewed, less queues, everybody is happy. Hopefully at least. ;)




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The problem isnt on the end of BW, its the new folk that doesnt go to the servers which are made for them.


They do queue at the full ones instead of the new light ones. Blame then but not BW, they did what they could :(


What rubbish they need to raise the caps to a reasonable amount, once that done then you can say its not BW fault, but with people like you making excuse for them, they never improve it!!


And a further thing why don't you swap you server and go play alone leaving your mates behind, because thats what you telling all the new players to do, not join there mates but go to a new server .. unfortunately there always apologists like you in every game sucking up to the Dev's.

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Well if those people didn't expect to have queues on launch day of a big mmo, they are pretty stupid. No one got shafted, except for Bioware that has to sift through posts by idiots like you, that have no idea how a big corporation works, or an IT infrastructure works.



If you don't want to understand the definition of Game Access that's your problem. It's not biowares fault you want to stare at a queue, instead of playing on another server that has plenty of space.


now go back to your winter break reading little boy


Everyone this is an example of ignorance. I wan't everyone to take a hard look at the quote.


So not to break your little bubble of, 'The rest of the world lacks the understanding I have obtained', but have you considered the fact that some of us are part of 20+ member guild that was placed on a server with extended queue times? Earth-shattering news I know. So you are saying I need to tell all my members to leave the server we were placed on and go to a less populated server. 20 characters deleting their level 30's and re-rolling is your answer to my 90 minute queue time?


Expand your mind I nor you have all the answers.

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Ok well I am now +1 for free server transfers if this ridiculous queuing issue isn't going to get resolved. All three of the servers I chose to make characters on last week (at random) are on a wait at 8:20 am in the morning, while at least a dozen others are open at "standard" capacity.


I will gladly move my characters to a less popular server but I will not a) wait to do it, nor b) pay to do it.


I will *NOT* abandon my level 28 Jedi however, so don't even bother suggesting it.


This is just the beginning Bioware...get control before it's too late.

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I've a solution... they should start selling premium access stuff... for another 15$/month you have priority access to the servers. If you have money--> problem solved :D Just kidding, probably I should just delete this before someone from BW actually takes this seriously and get it implemented.
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Originaly posted by a CS rep

"Hello everyone,


We know that the game queues are an important topic and in order to keep the discussion together we ask that everyone use this thread where an official statement has been made. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in this ongoing conversation. We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on there!"


What is actually meant is:-


"Hello everyone,


We know that the game queues are an important topic that we are not planning on doing much at the moment and in order to keep the discussion hidden as far away as possible we ask that everyone use this thread where an official statement that gives no answers has been made. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in this ongoing conversation without making too much of an issue that might put off potential subscribers. We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on there, like it will make a difference!"


I guess this will disappear pretty fast.......... :D


Amazingly the thread lasted nearly fifteen minutes until it was closed, nice to see a CS rep (forum mod etc...) so prompt and effective. :rolleyes:


It's a shame they do not have the resources to reply to the community as a whole what they plan to do......

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I created a character in a light population server during the early access week, thinking that unless a server is light, I am just going to be a burden upon people already in there. The population was light until today. It appears that loads of people are creating a character in this server while others remain light (Bao-Dur, EU English PvE). So what am I complaining exactly? Please, guide people into creating characters in light servers. The info. you provide is not enough, people may think that light servers are going to be boring since less people are there. We know that servers are going to fill up really soon, but they don't. Honestly, if I have to wait in queues like that during the whole week, I'm not going to subscribe. Edited by onuray
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EU server RP-PVP

queue 40 min

+450 position ...


Wise man say that Bio will do nothing about it, cause after month a lot of ppl will leave the game - so servers start to close ...


One English RPPvP server for EU. One. They knew how much people wanted it, but they gave us only one. I expected queues, but not on a weekday afternoon. I shudder to think what they'll be like in the evenings.

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My time is far too valuable to sit in front of a computer waiting to play a game I am paying for. I made my character on a server before queues were a factor, so I can't be blamed for making a "bad decision."


I'm not going to re-roll on another server because the queues are too extensive; that is another waste of my valuable time. Either an option to transfer my character will be extended, or I will eventually cancel my subscription. I don't think this is unreasonable; being willing to leave a server is a concession from me and means leaving some people I have enjoyed grouping with, but I am willing to do so to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.


The reality is all of this stabilizes a month or two after launch, but I don't intend to hold on that long if nothing is done in the interim.


Very simply, I won't waste my money on something I'm not able to play when I want to.

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I just logged on today (launch day) and I have a 15-20 queue @ 10am ET [Mind Trick]. I can only image what it will be come this afternoon when we experience heavy traffic time. There should be no reason at all why new accounts should be allowed to create toons on this server. :mad:

Server queues should not be accepted as a cost of playing the game and for those of you who think it is alright to wait any amount of time to gain access to something you have invested money in, well you should never let people walk all over you. I agree that its a great game and after you wait in a 10 - 20 minute queue and then gain access you may forget that time due to the joy of playing the game. Others have a limited amount of time they can play and due to their guild they may not be able to go to another server, that hour queue at 8pm or 9pm may totally deminish the value of the game. I am tired of individuals saying that you should just be happy to play the game and that waiting is acceptable because the game is worth the wait.

Yes, I believe Bioware will fix the queue issues and sometime in the not too distant future we will all but eliminate the queues, but until then the issue is just that, an issue and it should not be accepted or tolerated.

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i waited for 40 mins the other night and quite a few 25 to 20 min login's too


The problem gets worse when you think ill try to log in and start queueing when you get home from work you then leave the queue server screen there waiting in the queue only to return to see where you are in the queue and find the message server login error and then a code. Because you got in then the system detected you didnt do anything quick enough.


Its a shame and tarnishes the game a little when you sit down to play and have to wait to get into game. Even worse when your family intervene saying you need to go xmas shopping after you have waited ages to play " but ive only just got in game " bah humbug lol

Edited by Alpha-Llama
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So the situation with us east pvp servers. 4 light (all new) 2 Very Heavy Rest full w/ queues.


You tell me why were upset over this.


What they need to do is lock toon creation on every server thats full. They need to open up more login slots (prob another 500 or so). Most of the zones Ive been questing in on my server have like 60-150 people.


One would think that new players would not tolerate queues and thus would gravitate toward servers that aren't labeled as "FULL".


Meanwhile, people who are part of guilds on those FULL servers, but who bought the game late, should still have a way to get into those servers. Locking would prevent that.


This is the best balance BioWare could do. Don't blame BioWare if new players choose to wait in queues instead of getting instant gratification on LIGHT pop servers. It's not BioWare's fault that people are sadistic or foolish.


Also, there are always queues on launch day for MMOs. It should get better over time. Hopefully a short amount of time.

Edited by DarthTHC
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I hadn't thought launch day would actually bring in all that many new players, since I would have guessed that most people who wanted to play at launch would have pre-ordered and been a part of early access. Guess I was wrong. This morning, at 10:00 am Eastern, Vrook Lamar has a queue for the very first time. Dreading to think what it might be like during prime time.
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