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Regarding server queues


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lol you guys need to calm down, yeah were waiting to get into servers, but the game JUST came out and this is probably one of the Biggest gaming communities in history. give it a while and Bioware and EA will have the servers up an running fine. This is how it was with EAs Battlefront servers as well, couple weeks later no qeuse and everyone is happy.


*two thumbs way up*

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The worst running game i have ever seen. BioWare awarded server unplayable on the second day after starting EAces. Tired after a few days in the queue, i prefer going to the other server in the period of low population and today the start day waiting in the queue on the other servers too. game full of bugs and occasional dcs again waiting in the queue I find it absolutely shoddy, amateur start, the worse I've experienced. Shame!


sry for me english..

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You folks better step in an start offering to move people to light servers. Some folks have limited play time and will just quit the game over mismanagement like this. In your looking to have people around to play with you were blind to the fact of waiting no one likes it. So just please start offering to move people or guilds to a light server NOW not later before u kill the game for some before it gets started. be proactive not reactive.
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The ridiculous queue times are only made more absurd by the fact that there's hardly anyone in pretty much all the areas you go in.


It just points more towards the theory that BW is intentionally throttling down the server pops to force new players onto new servers. Instead of locking character creation on high pop servers, which would force new players onto new servers without punishing the entire community.

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So nice, I logged on at 11:50am EST and what do I find the server that the game assigned my guild in is locked! With a 20min que.




I understand that you cap servers to control lag but you also assigned my guild to the Sith Wyrm server.


I got no choice. If I want to play with my guild mates then that is the server but its too over populated.


YOU put us there, and YOU increase the cap. :mad:

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Sad. Who's going to waste hours of their day sitting around their home waiting for their turn to get in. Looks like this game has died before it even began. I'll definitely never pay a monthly subscription for this nonsense.


buh bye, you won't be missed

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So nice, I logged on at 11:50am EST and what do I find the server that the game assigned my guild in is locked! With a 20min que.




I understand that you cap servers to control lag but you also assigned my guild to the Sith Wyrm server.


I got no choice. If I want to play with my guild mates then that is the server but its too over populated.


YOU put us there, and YOU increase the cap. :mad:



Oh, if only Bioware were locking servers.... If only...

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This is unacceptable. If you have queues on launch day then it doesn't take a genius to know that you need more servers. Bioware really failed with population placement and server creation. No way should servers already be full, they should be medium at most.


Take my thoughts with a grain of salt, but if this isn't fixed then I won't be renewing my subscription. I'm not paying for a game that I can't play when I want to.

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From Steve's twitter:


Queues are a natural part of a big MMO launch - and we're very big. Expect them to be around for a while.


The first part of that tweet I totally get. I've been around the MMO block, seen queues before, know they exist both for intended and unintended reasons. I don't like it (as outlined below), but I get it.


But that second part... what constitutes "a while" in your mind, Steve?


Saying that this is just the status quo and we should all hunker down and accept the inconvenience of it all isn't the end of the world, but it is troublesome. All gamers view their time as precious and limited ('limited' is open to interpretation), so any delay is treated as unpalatable. Tell people it's going to be this way for "a while" and they get antsy. And start posting on forums.


This isn't ten or eight or even seven years ago. Technology has changed. Game design, management and deployment strategies should also have changed and evolved. Things are supposed to be better for us than they were for our predecessors.


So while I appreciate that everything may be "going to plan" for your team and that everything will sort itself out eventually, as a player I can't help but think that your plan sucks Bantha poo doo. ;)


Give me an unpopulated server and a transfer for my 50-person guild and I'm gone, I'm a vapour trail. We have no loyalty to the server we are on, it's just where we got put. We don't care about a 'vibrant' community, either. We just want to play with each other, any time we see fit without question.


I know it won't happen. You know it won't happen. But a boy can dream.

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