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Help Bioware -- save SWTOR.


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From my point of view, I see that a lot of players are abandoning the game, unsubscribing because the lack of features to provide entertainment. Personally I think we really need to gather our ideas and give BIOWARE an idea of what we really need to make SWTOR more entertaining. Here is a few of mine -- feel free to judge, comment, whatever you feel like!


1.) Unite / Merge servers so that servers can have a proper amount of population.


2.) Guild achievements, force guilds to do something by co-operating.


3.) Be able to earn more spaceships, grant players the ability to manage something in their sparetime.


4.) Grant players the ability to costumize their companions, speeders and armor even more.


5.) Offer players the opportunity to group up for heroic quests, make an interface / browser to assist new players.


6.) Space as content, be able to steer your ship -- open the game to those people who love piloting.


7.) Give the players of SWTOR more things to manage, something to do in their spare time -- player housing for example! Or atleast let players manage the decorations of your ship, anyone want to feel special and not have the same looking ship from inside.


8.) The ability to have two talents, grant players the opportunity of having two reliable talents trees.


-- Some of these ideas have been written down before and even mentioned before, but to get what we want we really need to support each other and let Bioware know that we demand change. Thumps up for the group finder and new content that will be added soon!

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People have been posting what they like, don't like, want, and don't want since beta. Bioware/EA has the WORST Customer Service Reps I have ever had to deal with and I'm sure many other people feel the same way (I.E. waiting until the night before patch 1.2 releases to inform us that there will be no Rated Warzones).

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We just have to hope for the best -- the 1.3 patch seems promising. I wait for the moment that Bioware pay more attention to the forum and get some of the ideas that people share. I loved your idea about swoop racing -- sure a lot of people agree.
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Patch 1.3 does not seem promising. No new content....To be honest, Not much new stuff at all. The only "big" thing about 1.3 is server transfers.


Game is dying quickly. Estimated to have 80k players that play daily.

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Personally I think a major reason is due to the fact that Bioware keep us in the dark, they promise new features, content and group finder for example -- but not a single definition of what they are planning to do aside from that. I wish to see more management, more features than just that. I don't mind waiting months, but I want to know if they are having the slightest intention of creating more features and I want Bioware to let us assist by reading our ideas and tell us if it is possible or not in the far future.
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Patch 1.3 does not seem promising. No new content....To be honest, Not much new stuff at all. The only "big" thing about 1.3 is server transfers.


Game is dying quickly. Estimated to have 80k players that play daily.


the 80K is just us X-SWG players looking for our houses buried in the sand

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Personally I think a major reason is due to the fact that Bioware keep us in the dark, they promise new features, content and group finder for example -- but not a single definition of what they are planning to do aside from that. I wish to see more management, more features than just that. I don't mind waiting months, but I want to know if they are having the slightest intention of creating more features and I want Bioware to let us assist by reading our ideas and tell us if it is possible or not in the far future.


Yeah about that management thing, and that thing called them communicating with us. They fired him. The game is over. They won't make enough money to support a staff to even put out new interesting features in a couple months. Gonna go sit in Orgrimmar and wait for Pandaria at this point.

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From my point of view, I see that a lot of players are abandoning the game, unsubscribing because the lack of features to provide entertainment. Personally I think we really need to gather our ideas and give BIOWARE an idea of what we really need to make SWTOR more entertaining. Here is a few of mine -- feel free to judge, comment, whatever you feel like!


1.) Unite / Merge servers so that servers can have a proper amount of population.


2.) Guild achievements, force guilds to do something by co-operating.


3.) Be able to earn more spaceships, grant players the ability to manage something in their sparetime.


4.) Grant players the ability to costumize their companions, speeders and armor even more.


5.) Offer players the opportunity to group up for heroic quests, make an interface / browser to assist new players.


6.) Space as content, be able to steer your ship -- open the game to those people who love piloting.


7.) Give the players of SWTOR more things to manage, something to do in their spare time -- player housing for example! Or atleast let players manage the decorations of your ship, anyone want to feel special and not have the same looking ship from inside.


8.) The ability to have two talents, grant players the opportunity of having two reliable talents trees.


-- Some of these ideas have been written down before and even mentioned before, but to get what we want we really need to support each other and let Bioware know that we demand change. Thumps up for the group finder and new content that will be added soon!


In regards to 6. I just had an idea reading this. Maybe they can do something like in Kingdom Hearts, where you can choose to fly to the planet manually, or warp there. The flight there would be like a space mission and would grant rewards. Maybe this should be a thread of its own?

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I want free-flying space combat.

I want to rule the space over Tatooine in my gunship while my bros are at the turrets and in their bombers and fighters.

I want to loot the wrecks of pubbie ships, then I want to store my excess space parts in my garage by my house on Tatooine. My girlfriend is trying out interior decorating and architecture, so I have no idea where she put my storage chests.

I want people to ask me what I do, and I will answer "I'm a pilot!" or "I'm a moisture farmer!".


I want to be immersed in my game. SWTOR does currently not offer such immersiveness, and I doubt they ever will.

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From my point of view, I see that a lot of players are abandoning the game, unsubscribing because the lack of features to provide entertainment. Personally I think we really need to gather our ideas and give BIOWARE an idea of what we really need to make SWTOR more entertaining. Here is a few of mine -- feel free to judge, comment, whatever you feel like!


1.) Unite / Merge servers so that servers can have a proper amount of population.


2.) Guild achievements, force guilds to do something by co-operating.


3.) Be able to earn more spaceships, grant players the ability to manage something in their sparetime.


4.) Grant players the ability to costumize their companions, speeders and armor even more.


5.) Offer players the opportunity to group up for heroic quests, make an interface / browser to assist new players.


6.) Space as content, be able to steer your ship -- open the game to those people who love piloting.


7.) Give the players of SWTOR more things to manage, something to do in their spare time -- player housing for example! Or atleast let players manage the decorations of your ship, anyone want to feel special and not have the same looking ship from inside.


8.) The ability to have two talents, grant players the opportunity of having two reliable talents trees.


-- Some of these ideas have been written down before and even mentioned before, but to get what we want we really need to support each other and let Bioware know that we demand change. Thumps up for the group finder and new content that will be added soon!


This sounds amazing. Now comes the real trial, do they actually read this, or just pass it by.

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Just bring back SWG the game play was so much better the crafting was so much better house deco was the bomb

ship deco was the bomb open space was just awesome fix the early 90 graphics and the game would still be beast. Im stil a bit suss on the whole shutting down thing SOE took EQ2 to F2P why not SWG lucasarts trying to funnel every one here they gonna miss their 15 bucks a month from the like 50 of us that still played after they made how much off the stupid card game My rant lol done

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Eh in a few years if the profits are not there they will just sell out or pull the plug anyway

most likely, with this economy, not going F2P at least for some aspcet like lvs 1-15 is fail


to bad they kicked the SWG comunity to the curb.

as most likely we are the back bone of the SWTOR player base.

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same song and dance.


poor developer feedback on key issues. yes server xfers are a HUGE deal, as is the character names, frineds, guilds, and everything that goes with it.


and no 24 hour notice is just absurd. so, i'll have to wake up early everyday to see if i can xfer?? (early because i want to keep my names...i will quit if i have to change them...yes, seriously.)


developers ignoring excellent community ideas, events, opinions and putting their own crappy spin on things. (appearance slots, 'nuff said)


no sense of community. not havin specific server forums from the start hurt the communities. i play daily and attempt to talk in chat...nobody cares...there is nowhere to get to know my allies and enemies.


BW is afraid of the truth, otherwise, they would have been more open with server xfers,patches, and class balancing. but, they need their subscriber numbers...


so, continue to sit in the dark on issues that are important.


it's the one MMO standard they understand.

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Every time they come in with that huge nerf hammer of theirs, and refuse to address the issues caused by previous nerf hammers, they hemorrhage players from those classes who are disgusted to see their favorite class brought low, or sick of waiting for BW to show them some love.


Now I know that nerfs and buffs are just part of the landscape, but when it feels like all you ever get is nerfs, and when the nerfs always land at the same time, it gets discouraging quickly. If there's a class that's a bit too powerful then nerf them slowly, and little by little, and try to boost the others, and then see what the change actually results in and go from there.


Big nerfs will ALWAYS be received negatively because too much too soon ticks people off, and moreover gives the impression that BW doesn't know what they're doing. A small change is a tweak. A big change is a "we have no clue what we're doing". The latest notes suggested they've learned how to BUFF classes a little bit at a time. Now they need to learn the same lesson with nerfs.


Everything else that's been said as well needs to come in ASAP, but content takes time. Changing your policy on how you change gameplay balance is something they can implement right now.

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I think a lot of people would be happy to see new, more Star Wars iconic or at least more alien-like playable species. There are plenty of request-future-species threads to look at to see what people want here. And I am seriously not one for much pvp myself but if there was pod racing on Nar Shaddaa or Tatooine I WOULD BE SO THERE. Great idea!


One thing I was thinking about though was that they should try and talk to the players more. Ask us for feedback on different ideas! I'm not suggesting they're not capable of doing their jobs but it would give them an idea on where they stand with the fanbase. It would also be nice to recieve more of an awnser to our requests and/or opinions than the occasional "we've heard what you said". Elaboration would be very appreciated. There are plenty of good ideas hidden in the threads of the suggestion box. ^-^

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Yeah about that management thing, and that thing called them communicating with us. They fired him. The game is over. They won't make enough money to support a staff to even put out new interesting features in a couple months. Gonna go sit in Orgrimmar and wait for Pandaria at this point.


LOL they fired who:?


Oh the twitter guy!


Yeah him not posting on forums really communicated allot with us.

Last I looked, Twitter was not a required element to receive up to date information and news on game from developers.

EA didnt fire the guy communicating with us cause no one was communicating with us.


OP is right, lack of communication is a terrible problem for this game.

I know Ive stopped reading the blog a long time ago because of all the meaningless spin and damage control being done in it. I just want to read point by point information. Not spin.


Its like the questions of the week they were answering


What is the force?

Why is Coruscant the capital?


Could they have picked any more meaningless questions to answer on a weekly bases. They intentionally ignore the most asked about questions on the forums and instead pick out fluff questions that most people dont care about!


As for cust service though, cant really fault EA for that (cant applaude them either). Cust service has always been the red headed step child of MMORPG genre. AOL did it horrible with the first ever MMORPG made, and high profile games through out the years have failed to improve it. Hell Verrant (Original EQ) actually managed to lower the bar to sub basement levels with their cust service, or lack there of.


As for ideas, million older threads with concepts and ideas listed here and far far more in more detail. If EA doesnt get it yet, they never will. Spamming them will do no good.


I do expect this game to go full on F2P with in the next 12-18 months unless they can stop the subscription bleeding.

Transfers will slow the cancellations for a bit but 1.3 completely misses the mark in fixing this game long term. And sadly nothing EA announced at E3 suggests they have gotten the message yet!


And thats a real pity.

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I approve of this thread, Bioware just doesn't seem to be interested in even trying to get this game back up on its feet. It's just lacking in so many areas maybe they're just not sure where to begin? There's almost no sense of community outside of instances so having small things like pazaak tables or maybe swoop racing and fighting pits would maybe bring some community back.
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