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I just died laughing.


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I swear this game is so epic. XD


I just started my marauder, and I came to this quest where I had to go get a person frozen in Carbonite.


Then comes 2 groups of people who wanted it for themselves, until I chose the "intimidate" option and thretened to "EAT" them. They actually bought it and walked away. ROFL! XDD


I can't wait to progress further, this game is awesome! XD

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The Marauder story so far has been my favorite. I didn't laugh quite as much as I did during the Smuggler story, but it was endless entertainment. It certainly had its moments, especially going darkside the whole way through. Really enjoyed it.
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I swear this game is so epic. XD


I just started my marauder, and I came to this quest where I had to go get a person frozen in Carbonite.


Then comes 2 groups of people who wanted it for themselves, until I chose the "intimidate" option and thretened to "EAT" them. They actually bought it and walked away. ROFL! XDD


I can't wait to progress further, this game is awesome! XD


Did you tell the friendly captain you weren't joking about eating them? (-1 from Vette, by the way. And he gets really nervous.) :rak_04:

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Um... Which planet was that on and what was the quest name? I don't remember that one.

It's on Dromund Kaas and I'm not sure of the quest's name, but it's where Darth Baras instructs you to get the carbonite Republic spy.

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Sith warrior- "you've been undercover for 12 months and that's all you have? Did you find out his shoe size as well?"

"he wears boots not shoes"


made me lol when I heard it. Got my sage to 50 And now on 21 with my warrior. Loving his sarcasm

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you made a great choice,the sith warrior story is the best imo.

btw try to be light side,the story is much more interesting.




Glad you enjoyed it OP! one of my favorite storylines as well...though the agent is getting quite interesting :) but it has a rep for that. I just love my juggs too much.

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you made a great choice,the sith warrior story is the best imo.

btw try to be light side,the story is much more interesting.


Think David Craig as James Bond when you think of a Sith Warrior playing on the light side. He can kill you with little trouble, but why bother? Make it worth his trouble, though, and you will regret it. You just won't regret it long.


So far, at least, this is the only Empire class I enjoy -- and it's rapidly becoming my favorite, Republic or Empire..


I'm up to level 13 and haven't earned a dark side point yet. Haven't had to do anything forced, dumb. silly or contrived either. There's been some moments when he didn't get any light side points because the light side option seemed too flagrantly soft, but there's always been a way forward so far.


The script is very well done. For instance, there was one mission where I thought I would simply have to go dark, but the Sith in charge was such an arrogant jerk, I could take the light side option and convincingly do it out of spite.

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Then comes 2 groups of people who wanted it for themselves, until I chose the "intimidate" option and thretened to "EAT" them. They actually bought it and walked away. ROFL! XDD
Reminds me of the guy on Hutta who threatens to make someone eat their own eyeballs. My response: "That was pretty over the top."


I like it when Darth Baras says "A blind,deaf,comatose, lobotomy patient could feel my anger!"
Baras should have been voiced by BRIAN BLESSED.
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I feel more like darth baras slave.... I want to stick my lightsaber right through his mask he is that annoying! Im still enjoying the story though because it does kind of give that "master says kill... Apprentice kills" relationship.
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When Baras recruits you he says that as long as you follow his orders you can kill anyone you want. My SW liked that.

Then came the time that Barasa sent me on a mission and told me there was someone I would have to simply put up with and not kill them.

It was then that I decided I had to kill Baras...:D

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lol personally my fav part on dramuund kasswas when i killed the the one sith lord and got my "reward" and i made Vette watch me. I just could stop laugh and nearly fell out of my chair from laughter:D

personally for me dark side has some good humor and ive have a great time and im im only level 26:cool:

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