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Suggestion for Merc PVP


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One of the few good things that Arsenal spec compared to Pyro/Healer for pvp is the larger/lower cooldown knock back from Jet Boost and Rocket Punch KB. However, a 31 point pyro/healer has no way to get these knock backs. Because Jet boost is also one of our only utilities as a merc, I feel like it is unfair to limit our best utility to Arsenal. I request that Custom Environmental Suit (Endr & Healing %++; Tier 2 skill) be switched with Afterburners (Increases the knock back range for Jet Boost and Rocket Punch; Tier 3). This would allow for Arsenal to still have the 5 sec cooldown advantage on Jet Boost, but also allow Pyros/healers to have the decision/option if they want to get Tier 2 extra knock back utility. This would also make Pyro Kiting more viable in PVP and put them more on par with PT Pyro.
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...Because Jet boost is also one of our only utilities as a merc... I request that Custom Environmental Suit be switched with Afterburners... This would allow for Arsenal to still have the 5 sec cooldown advantage on Jet Boost, but also allow Pyros/healers to have the decision/option if they want to get Tier 2 extra knock back utility. This would also make Pyro Kiting more viable in PVP and put them more on par with PT Pyro.


AGREED... In fact, I've suggested that before.


It is not so powerful that it overcomes our weakness against tanks because RP doesn't push them vary far or even knock them down. They just jump back on us or quickly move back to melee on us. It also doesn't give us any additional utility or power at range so it doesn't make us OP or unbalanced.


I would rather has this than the interrupt people keep yelling about. It isn't as strong as an interrupt but still useful.

It would be better if they made it a class level trainable, but probably more realistic for people to choose whether to spec into it.


Although, I like CES and would prefer to loose the option of Stabilizers.

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